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Everything posted by moonshine

  1. I get where your coming from the changes in soy wax have me questioning why I'm even doing this - I mean in all reality I help my husband with his business and there seems so little time to find my motivation to continue mine I have been circling myself all night trying to do something - was going to clean out tester jars and tins and then I find a hundred other fail half burned candles and I trip on all these crap waxes I bought and look at all my oils and think that was a bora bora vacation sitting here! And then I see a couple years worth of old receipts stacked up in boxes in the office where I keep my finished candles that need to be gone through and burned - I mean who needs to look back at a gas bills from 2009? Really πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ I LOVE candles and creating, I really really do but I'm in a funk as well I am going to put all my Christmas stuff away tomorrow - box up a ton of tester candles I made that will do me no good because the wax is crap now and save them for emergency candles - re-organize my stuff and get busy on my new wax and look into changing up my labels some....this IS going to be the year I push my "side" business/hobby further and put it out there more if you love what you do just step back for awhile and then return to it and see how you feel- sometimes a long hiatus is needed to see what and where we really want to do with this craft
  2. Wow Candy - I would of never guessed the worst time of a women's life can cause vertigo.....I am in the "pre" stages and I get not what I would say dizzy but more floaty and off balance- have been to a ENT thinking it was my ears or sinus or something but nobody can explain it and keep handing me anti-vitals thinking I have a virus 😳 Chiropractic has helped a lot but the hot flashes are getting insane and I'm having 2-3 cycles a month ....if this goes on for years I am doomed I have actually passed out a few times it's so bad - especially in the heat I will be trying the ginkgo to see if it helps....in answe to the OP as far as EO to balance hormones- I haven't tried any but be very cautious and do your research, you could make it worse
  3. Agreed....I would definitely ask because like I said with a few phone calls to my wax supplier they denied any complaints or changes in 415 and I called several weeks after I had already called and several others saying they called or emailed as well and they still said they hadn't had any complaints and acted shocked I'm not convinced they will all be advertising it
  4. That was very good they posted this...first supplier I have heard address it Changes in the soy wax most were in denial even though many of us on the board complained and asked so it won't surprise me if they ignore and deny this as well
  5. Downpour junioer aloe rocky Mountain Christmas are good ones from elements as well
  6. Does that candle have dye in it? I am kind of thinking it looks like Trapp suggested that the wick slumped over into the melt pool and not getting trimmed at all with a constant re-light the bubbles in the wax....what type are you using and what series of wick is that Cd wicks are curling over into soy 415 now with the changes in how hot it's burning but wicking down depletes hot throw- wondering if this is your problem if your using soy ....you could be experiencing the nightmare most soy users are now, if your using paraffin I haven't a clue
  7. What is all that black stuff in there? Is that the RRD or eco
  8. This is a subject that comes up over and over throughout the years - it confuses the crap out of me πŸ˜‚ Somewhere in here is a really good thread on the methods and for me when I first started out I just went with adding my percent of FO to my total wax because it was easy and I despise math I always make a pound batch minimum - sometimes a half because my jars it works out that way- 1 pound fills 2 smaller jars or 1 larger one so Using soy I went with 1.5 ounces per pound of wax so I have a total of 17.5 in my pot when I'm done - 16 ounces of wax - 1.5 ounces of FO the conversion calculator that I have used that people posted on here to figure out what percent of FO that is comes to 8.57% FO Here is the link - I put in 1.5 is what percent of 17.5 http://www.onlineconversion.com/percentcalc.htm now I have been told that is right by some and that it's wrong by others so in a nutshell πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ But it works for me.....it's consistent and I think that is what matters Not being a soap maker and dealing with many conversions and having almost failed math this is a tough one for me seriously @Candybee.....if I did it your way by backing out 1.5 from 16 and used 14.5 ounces of wax and added 1.5 ounces of FO to make 16 total -that would make it more like 9.3 percent correct? Or am I still not wrapping my brain around this correctly? Been at this for 10 years and it's sad I get confused on this part!! 🀣🀣
  9. Ditto first 3 of candybee's daffodil apple bossom hot Cocoa
  10. Buy some more clamshells - they are so cheap and will look a heck of a lot better than trying to recycle plastic molds if you were doing this for your own self tests different story but giving them to anyone I wouldn't do it
  11. It does blow believe me but maybe take this new lot of wax and start from ground zero - maybe do a cake pan test with a few different series of wicks and naked wax test at 1 hour intervals and move it around room to room see if it shows any signs of the sweating all by itself ....then once you finish the test take the best wick from that test and do it again In your jars naked and then do it again with fragrance You will know when your ready....you had doubt that were ready all on your own with your post, so you will know when you feel confident in the wax....chin up you came this far you can do this It very well could be a fluke or bad batch but this way you will know testing the new stuff from the ground up
  12. Your welcome and if you want more feedback you could send out a few to some very experienced chandlers in here for feedback- I do this often also if your concerned about looking back on your website you can just tell them the new regulations in soy wax has caused a bump in the road and you will be delayed I lost most of my season over this crap and people understand ...I am almost depleted of old stock but need to be sure the wax I put out there next is going to perform as expected and it's been since summer and I'm still not quite there but getting closer and I have been doing this part time over 10 years
  13. I think what is kindly trying to be said here is you started in August- that's not long to be launching a grand opening you haven't been making and testing your product long enough to know what it's going to do over great lengths of time - wax burns so diffferent from 1 day to 1 week to 1 month to 6 months to a year 464 is notorious for bloom- growing to the point of burying the wick - do you know if yours are going to do this? Your issue with sweating....you don't know this wax well enough to be able to explain what is happening and a temperature issue would have likely shown up sooner soy wax can sweat if sitting in hot weather but it shouldn't with only a 5-8 degree temperature change like you said there is nothing wrong with wanting to start a business and be excited about it but you have to take a step back sometimes when issues arise - your sending a flammable product out to people's homes - it would be a different story if this was wickless I would test your new wax and just change your date on your opening until your 100% confident
  14. Do you have insurance in place just in case this is more than a sweating issue
  15. I love palm! Finally got the nerve up to try it and am no where near ready to actually sell it but I'm enjoying my testing candybee gave me excellent advice and tips and after 1 disaster of flipping I think I finally have that part down πŸ˜‚ Still working on correct type jars for this wax and wicks you should make some votives with your pillar palm...it is a very cool wax and burns and throws fabulous
  16. The coconut beads I'm kinda liking also...too early to tell but the little ceramic I did with a wood wick is throwing through the whole house I have a tray test with no scent and 4 series of wicks to begin testing with this wax and go from there testing some more with Scent added 444 I am liking a lot...it's burning and throwing very very well so far - being a 415 user for years this is the next best I have tried so far 🀞Crossed
  17. Lavender I'm pretty sure is ok with cats but I wouldn't bathe them in it and don't quote me on that either - it's been years since I have studied them or use them Like Candy said cats are very sensitive to smell and you will know if it's bothered by them with horses in the past I found if they don't like it they move away and if they like it they actually breathe deep and stick around - but horses are more tolerable than cats and metabolize differently at horse shows years ago I carried a diluted bottle of geranium oil and it was amazing how some horses would just bend their head and smell and completely relax before going into their class but my daughters speed horse would have nothing to do with any of them....he just wanted to let it rip when he got in the ring πŸ˜‚
  18. Yes there are concerns as a maker I did this for so many years in my kitchen then in my basement with no windows open and my family and pets in the house and never thought anything of it because there was no information hitting me in the face saying I should be concerned most msds sheets say no respirator needed and nothing is widely talked about handling fragrance and even wax, the new quantum waxes are now saying in their sheets not to breathe the vapors from the wax I came across a thread in here a few years back that made the bells go off....I can't undo all those years of how I was making but going forward I did buy and now wear a respirator, I was finding my face got itchy and my eyes just hurt pouring and sometimes a headache and cough after I had a exhaust system installed in my storage room where the furnace and water heater are and a system on the furnace that is supposed to zap all chemicals and dust- I forget what it's called but it's a blue light inside the ducts I only make in that room now and leave the exhaust running for hours after and it's helped tremendously, you can still smell a little in the main basement but not anything like it was before so do take precaution and I commend you for even thinking about it before getting started because like I said....the possible dangers are not talked about enough- suppliers do not label handle with caution, wear a respirator, etc etc
  19. @MoonstarIn the classes I took many moons ago I just remember learning cats and EO do not mix ...their liver and kidneys can't metabolize them causing a toxic build up from what I understood and this is in relation to direct contact using them directly on them but breathing them they can become sensitive as well as they are very sensitive to smell in general I think it's candybee that has a cat that is very sensitive to FO
  20. Wow that looks really bad you need to light one preferably outside and see if it catches fire something is very very off and I recommend you not sell these at all What did you heat the wax to- what temp did you add FO and how often and much did you stir what companies are the FO and you measured by weight 1 ounce of FO and poured it into 16 ounces of wax? thats not looking like a temp issue to me - did you add stearic by chance?
  21. Take some of those that you have left and burn them- take notes and see if anything has changed in the burn quality from your prior tests eco 10 might be too much wick now for that wax and jar, you may need a 8- most soy is burning too hot now with the changes with the exception of C3 as far as what's been reported by users of these waxes - I use 415 and have to go down 1-2 sizes of wick now your FO load should be fine and it sounds like a temperature change to me that caused the sweating BUT you still should burn a few start to finish and power burn a few to be sure your okay in your wicking...last thing you want is a too hot candle out there when people don't extinguish and trim when they are supposed to if they are too hot you can join the rest of us soy users retesting and using our candles and testers we made before we noticed the changes for personal use πŸ˜‚ Sorry it's not really funny but it kinda is....I have to laugh to not lose my mind over this, I feel real bad for the ecosoya users who are basically starting from ground zero with a completely reformulated wax that sounds impossible to work with
  22. EO can be more dangerous than FO if your not educated on its use if your even thinking about going down this road please research it thoroughly- plus cats are very sensitive to many EO's to get a good throw using EO it's not cost effective imo and then you could be at the usage rates that are not recommended for safety Guidelines an oil diffuser would be better if your wanting to disperse Eo In the air but again be careful and yes what they mean is don't dump a whole bottle of FO down the drain, dispose of it properly when they say may cause cancer I am thinking they refer to the oils that contain phthalates which they think could be linked to cancer - there are many FO that do not contain these wearing a respirator when making candles is important as your handling the oils in their strongest state - in a finished product the amount released is minute but there are people that are very conscientious about this....so in a nut shell it's your choice FO vs EO but just do your research to make sure your using safe dilution rates of EO- natural isn't always better for you if not used correctly, I have extreme sensitivity to EO now after over exposing myself before I knew what I was doing with them, and I have since dropped using them except on occasion adding a touch to enhance a an FO there is a lot of good threads in here on EO and safetey you may want to read and again this is just my opinion but YL is not a good source of info...any company that tells you it's okay to ingest EO makes me shiver but to each his own πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
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