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Everything posted by moonshine

  1. Have you tested this new batch of wax prior to making sale candles? knowing all the soy issues going on it's very important to know how this "new" soy is going to behave 464-415 and C3 are not anything like it was .... if you haven't tested your new lots you need to and make adjustments to ensure a safe candle going out there 464 is reported to need wicking down so that could be contributing to the sweating if it's softer in general or were the candles really cool before setting them out to where the small amount of heat caused a big temperature change?
  2. I still need to order my sample from wooden wick but apparently lonestar wooden wicks do not perform like your all saying - the flames have been tame in my testing - in Palm different story air quality - good question but I wouldn't think it would be any near worse than real fireplaces in Homes
  3. Because they are different than the norm, sound comforting and throw fragrance really really well not being as finicky as a typical wick when you nail the correct size/type
  4. If it bothers you that bad then soy is not for you....to answer your question, no there is not a soy wax that doesn't have a flaky or pitted look after burning aside from maybe the new quantum waxes which I do not and will not use -you would have to test those or ask people that have used them to see
  5. WSP has a nice angel and so does sweetcakes CS is my favorite but it will not burn for nothing for me in soy- maybe in paraffin it would work I didnpiur it in parasoy and its struggling a touch but working - a wick up may solve the issue and I'm not having to use as big of wick in the parasoy
  6. Have you only used wood wicks with this wax? what container are you using? my suggestion is to stick with it until you know the wax inside and out - jumping around before you successfully make a candle is just going to give you more frustration and cost a ton more money I have used 415 for years which is similar to 444 difference being 444 has additives to increase melt point with the soy issues this year I have been testing other blends and 444 is one of them - this appears to be a nice wax, I made 1 candle with it and had great success but you have to remember I have been doing this for many years with a very similar wax have you tested this wax straight with no FO or dye? If not I think you should do a testing this way with a few different series of wicks to learn how it behaves and burns without anything in it....this is a very important step in the process IMO to educate yourself better on what your working with when you get a great burn your happy with take that and repeat with fragrance- you may need to go up or down in size of wick but this is a start to see how the fragrance affects the burn 10% FO is on the higher side - try 1.25 ounces per pound of wax which is roughly 8% or 1.5 ounces per pound which is roughly 8.5%
  7. Well I decided with my 100 jars and tins that needing scrapping from unsuccessful new blends to make fire starters for the first time ever....how fun!! I found these cute cupcake liners at the grocery store today that go perfect with my brand here is a pic - bad lighting but I was in my cave all night doing these Pinecones came from my trees and the white pine branches from a tree we cut down...I hope they burn are not too green, never tried this before so I did 2 wicks also just in case 😂
  8. Same in my part of town way more men buy and gush over them then women I thought it was because we have a landscape supply business and well most of our landscapers are men but the small events I have done the men outnumber the women by far we had a new landscaper come in last week and he saw the drawers of melts and the one labeled angle type _ I couldn't believe how he went on and on about how he wears the men's Angel cologne and can spot a woman wearing it a mile away 😂 He bought several clamshells of it and then his buddies on his crew came in and wiped me out
  9. Dye free in soy here also since I started years ago- I hate the way dye mixes with my wax (I tried it a few times) and I like the clean look of natural wax for my square masons - 415 is pretty rustic looking especially after burns so I think it fits so much better dye free parasoy I am playing with colors...it's such a smoother wax I like the colors with it
  10. Pipe smoke mixed with some woodsmoke and pine and cherry would be a nice holiday scent 😉 Just saying 😂 Fresh cut grass is a wonderful blender- try it with Apple and hayride and you be surprised or with daffodil
  11. BEEEEEUATIFUL! love the name and the colors
  12. Hahaha 🤣 every day....I'm such a sucker when I buy supplies and "collect" more oils - it's not just you
  13. http://www.scentersquare.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=81&zenid=90708f54df936ba4cd2b63af6aa0983c Here is her website - click on co-ops and browse the fragrances she has listed her pink sugar is AMAZING_ the best I found and used was JS and I could never go back now it's "that" good!
  14. TT is exactly right in every aspect In the past I never tested naked wax- I went all in with FO and that was a huge costly mistake, you need to know how your wax behaves without anything added to it to quickly be able to determine an issue if one arises of course your wax is going to burn and behave different alone - then when you add FO and dye or additives it all changes take notes on what it does alone take notes on any additives you use take notes on any fragrances you use take notes on any dye you use if a problem arises you go back to naked wax test and see if it's the wax itself and if it's normal according to your notes then maybe something changed in the FO, dye or additive - your better able to pinpoint what is going on
  15. Really....😂 🤣 Just goes to show all sniffers are not made alike...I couldn't tell them apart
  16. Candy elements sensuous black rose is identical to moonworks gypsy rose I could not tell a difference at all between the 2 and her pinion pine was identical to CS mistletoe
  17. Maybe try adding vanilla to it my lavender vanilla form CS is sweet and I use the lavender Sage from FB that was a dupe to moonworks and it is very herbal so maybe the vanilla will tone the herb and sweeten it up
  18. Or do it chunk style like pumas tutorial right before it set too hard use a knife and try and cut irregular blocks that look like coal
  19. Amazon has coal molds for soap for 20.00 that would be easiest imo
  20. ASO has a Midwest soy- it's their 100% soy I have been testing it and its a pretty nice wax, some FO's are hit and miss so far and it seems to need a long cure- like 2 weeks millineum is okay I still need to make more and see how I really feel which ones from ASO did you use and what wicks were you using? C3....I used it years ago but not for long I didn't like the bubbles and didn't give a long enough chance but many people use it and if the changes affected where you are the biggest issue being discussed is having to wick up and some loss of throw as well Talltayl uses it and has many good threads if you search C3 If you can pick this up it would be worth trying out for sure if your wanting to use a soy / veggie wax rather than a parasoy or paraffin The soy candle you reference to trying to replicate was it a store bought brand?
  21. The cosmetic industry has to label their ingredients in their products- shampoos, conditioners have to label what's in their products -we could go on all day on what is required and sugar free and caffeine free....it's listed in the ingredients for the buyer to read exactly what's in there - high and mighty? I think your taking my comment a little to personal - I never implied that You do this I was stating in general if wax types are not listed I won't buy I want to know what type of wax I'm burning when I buy a candle - it's as simple as that and if makers cant be forward as to what type of wax is in their product I won't buy from them - crazy? maybe but I do find it shady if a "soy blend" or even a soy candle doesn't list other ingredients if there are any like palm or bees or paraffin - it's not like they are giving away their recipe some people are very sensitive to paraffin- my brother in law has asthma attacks when paraffin is burning - others have a sensitivity to palm- etc etc etc - prettt sure I have a sensitivity to paraffin even though I make parasoy - my face feels on fire and my eyes itch and yes if your using 100% soy wax like 415 IS / "soy candle" would fit the bill because it is - "fragranced with" is a give in that it has synthetic ingredients but the wax used is 100% soy and I never said they were bad people I said I won't buy from them and that's my opinion and preference I do not use the words "100% soy" I use hand poured soy because I do use 100% soy, if I used 95 percent soy and say 5 percent palm I would label it soy blended with palm my parasoy will be labeled just that parasoy - a blend of paraffin and soy
  22. I started with soy over 10 years ago and switched around until I found what I felt was the perfect soy candle- 415 throw is killer and zero soot seen even though it does, all candles do, and a nice clean burn with no trimming needed I then started playing with a parasoy so I could add a colored line - I never could get 415 to color without the dreaded ugly frosting and to me it was so much easier, all the way around other than finding that perfect wick that doesn't show the soot throw....back when 415 was 415 and consistent I didn't really think there was much difference, soy threw just as good granted I never to this day made an all paraffin candle but I have bought them and I can for sure say Mccalls blows my soy out of the water in throw 😂 But it puffs black soot and I do not like that at all changes in soy have affected the throw I'm getting now which bothers me, I can wick down and it will work but I haven't put any out there for sale like that as of yet....trying to find an alternative and playing with 444 now - it doesn't seem to be affected like 415 but I am only into 1 test what type of soy is available to you Gary? it could be done and I'm convinced it still can be done, just have to work around these changes I do not and will not use the new quantum waxes so I can't help you there but golden brands I may be able to help pinpoint some of the problems your having I also am a firm believer in being honest about your product - I wouldn't call a soy candle a soy candle unless it's 100 percent soy soy blend is fine because that's what it is if your adding paraffin, palm or bees but the people that call a blend a soy candle because it has over a Certain percentage of soy are not people I want to buy from
  23. CDN work very well in soy if your looking to find them southwest candle supply carries the most sizes and are very consistent in having them available
  24. Non seasonal I would just do something basic then like apple spice apple pie apple crisp spicey Apple apples and spice cinnamon apples that oil is the one with the spices in it right? If not I guess disregard
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