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Everything posted by Moonstar

  1. YUP !!! From when I last looked they carry most not all but that could have changed since then. There might be more FO added since then
  2. Just to clarify it's not the Vanilla Delicious that has a low FP it's BC Spiced Cranberry. Anyone wanna trade ? Otherwise I'll put the Vanilla Delicious in the classifieds with a few other FO 's I have Another one being Aztec Blueberry Cobbler.
  3. Not to me . It just smells like a sweet vanilla to my nose . nothing like VBN
  4. I ordered a pound of Vanilla Delicious and I just don't care for it. Ive only used about an ounce + 1/2 . The oil must be heavy because the bottle was nowhere near full when I received it. Ive only had it for about 3 months Im thinking , not very long. Anyhow, Im wanting BC Spiced Cranberry but it has a low FP so shipping would be expensive. If anyone has it and would like to trade please let me know. You'd have to be a state near MI so it could ship ground USPS .
  5. Candy would you mind sharing the recipes for the detergent and softener . My family also gets skin rashes I'd love to try these . Happy thanksgiving 🍁
  6. What FO 's do you find have worked best with that base ?
  7. Who's Love Spell do you use ? Ive only tried/used the one from CS.
  8. Yes please Share away - this sounds awesome !
  9. Is this recipe on BB ? You described my hair to the T.... It would be for personal use + family. Thanks for sharing this. After years of color/highlights my hair has lost its natural luster + is fuzzy unless I flat iron Can EO be added without it irritating the eyes ?
  10. I had the Sugar Cookie Royale from FB. I just thought it was ok. I got a plastic -y smell. I like the one from Peak, have you tried that one. One of these days I'll try Flamings.
  11. Just noticed its down too. Hope thats all it is, I know I recently received an email from Fillmore about updates so maybe your right
  12. I have the one from WSP. Personally, I don't find it terribly strong so I add more Orange from American Organic Soy and I have a bottle of Red Clove from Peak that lasts quite a long time because its very strong + a little goes a long way. I didn't have success with wicks, I think because of the clove maybe ???? so I just use it in wax melts and use a small sliver of a orange peel + a few cloves on top of the wax melts. Looks so pretty + festive . I just went on Fillmore and the page is down Wonder whats going on, unless they're doing inventory ? Bulk Apothecary has an Orange Clove. BTW the one I use from WSP is Orang Cinnamon Clove.
  13. If your looking for a christmas pine that is not a sharp pine, Fillmore Christmas Tree is awesome. CS Frasier fir is great as is their mistletoe. If your looking for a cranberry that is on the sweeter side CS Cranberry marmalade, to my nose its very similar to Peaks Cranapple marmalade. I prefer BC Spiced Cranberry . I think Orange Clove is also a nice scent for over the holidays IMHO and Gingerbread Latte from Backwoods is also yummy. If you haven't tried Iced Lemon Biscotti from Fillmore get yourself some, Im obsessed with it - so, so good.
  14. Not sure what contact solution is ? room air freshener ???? Your right the ingredients do seem concerning to me, especially since I would think very young children is the target market ??? Yes, it does look cool but Im be kinda worried about buying this stuff and a child getting a terrible skin reaction or not washing hands throughly and then touching their eyes or mouth.
  15. I just went on Instagram to check it out. Interesting. So how exactly is this made . I noticed on a YouTube video that showed ingredients like glue - borax ? The way many young kiddos like to put things in their mouth would worry me . Amazing to me how some of the oddest things sell so well 😂😂
  16. That's one I've never used from Peak. How would you describe it
  17. Wow the colors are stunning! like Trappeur said, your very talented 🙌🏻
  18. What is slime + what do you do with it ? Sorry Im out of the loop lol !
  19. Ive ordered several times from New Directions. Ive ordered EO - FO and other supplies. Ive been very happy + loved the quality of the EO. The Peppermint Supreme EO is outstanding, very nice ! They have outstanding prices on clays too if you make soap or facial scrubs
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