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Everything posted by Moonstar

  1. Adorable pictures ! Sarah's right the pic with her arms crossed is priceless lol ! Gorgeous candles as always !
  2. Thanks for inspiring me with your photos 😊 Where do you get the large spa cups ?
  3. I think any filler could be used. Whole coffee beans for coffee scents. Mini pinecones - small pebbles etc. I have a oblong shaped wooden bowl that Ive used everything from white rice to dry beans .
  4. How would you say it compares to CS Candy Apple ? Assuming that you've tried it Does Aztec's have a sweet candy scent + hows the throw in your wax ?
  5. Oh please like you need to ask use away Glad you like the name 😊
  6. Christmas Candied Apple - Sugared Apple - Jolly Apple
  7. How is it described on the site. I don't wanna go on there - thats when trouble starts lol !
  8. No, your right. Volcano is the scent. I bought one awhile back ago at Anthropology .
  9. I third Zazzle ... I personally haven't used them but Trappeurs labels are gorgeous + look super professional !
  10. I use FB (Fragrance Buddy ) and Flaming also has one. Forgot to add I use 464 wax @ 8 - 9 % and CD wicks
  11. Maine Christmas Merry Christmas From Maine i think you like Tinsel (NG) maybe call it Vintage Tinsel ??? love the labels . So adorable!
  12. I don't use the wax but i recall reading from the website that they recommend 10% maybe even 12 ????
  13. I saw this YouTube video with a gal that makes mostly soaps & it seems as if her channel is quite popular . She once said her favorite vanilla is vanilla satin from the Lonestar so next time I place an order I think I'll try some . She's from Royalty Soaps
  14. As Trappeur and Moonshine said there's no shame in making someone's day. I'm very much like you myself. It also brings me joy to see someone happy. Without opening a can of worms here and suggesting maybe as women we're conditioned this way idk ? I can only speak for myself. My mom is this way too, always putting me & my siblings needs before hers. Don't try to change who you are, afterall that's what makes you , you & special.
  15. Im glad to hear between you + @Trappeur calling to speak to Pam at Keystone What I still can't understand is why on earth would Alan go on record to say he still owns the codes + Keystone just bought his old stock. I just don't get it.Can someone truly be that deceitful & cunning ? Maybe Im just naive and think because I would never do something like that others wouldn't either IDK ??? Sorry to bring this up again. It really is dumb + childish on Peaks part.
  16. Did you see my post above about the Apple jack n peel ?
  17. If your selling them I think the easiest route would be a room / body spray base. The one I've always read good reviews on is from The Candle Makers Store theres already a preservative in there from what I remember . FO amount will vary from FO - FO itll list the % that is safe. If your using as body / room sprays the FO needs to be skin safe.
  18. is TCS The Candle Source ? Which blend is it ?
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