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Everything posted by franu61

  1. NG-BS nag champa, fav absinthe CS BS egyptian amber, fav lime cooler BB- BS Lemon Verbena, fav sparkling fig (discontinued) ASO- American Soy Organics-BS and fav Lemon cheesecake Aztec- S and fav-Forever red
  2. I am a great one for making lists. I like to write out what I am doing each day of the week . On the bottom of the list I write things that need to get done but don't have a specific due date. Sure feels good to cross things off the list For further in advance, I pencil notes on a pocket calendar. Also a dry erase calendar on the fridge, which is more to let the family know what's going on. I guess I am just so techno-challenged, it feels like it would take me way longer to put the info into the planner program?? than good ole pencil and paper.
  3. I bought a 4 oz bottle of sparkling fig to try from BB when it was on closeout. Of course! I am in love with it...hoarding that LITTLE bottle.
  4. code: THANKS1 i just used it today, not sure how long it is good.
  5. I think you've come to the wrong place for help with that particular problem.
  6. What another sale?...ugh. I haven't purchased directly from lonestar before, but I got some pumpkin pie spice from another chandler and I really like it.
  7. I have never melted my soy with the lid on either. I do put the lid back on when the remaining wax has hardened, to deep the dust out
  8. Well, I went about it a little differently....bought an already established business. Purchase price was $3500. That included recipes, wholesale accounts, equipment and supplies (no premade product) I did not ever think about it, but it sounds like I got a bargain, lol. Course I did and still do lay out more money on new product testing and equipment upgrades, and insurance is a major, ongoing expense.
  9. Absinthe, Nag Champa, Orange Clove, Cracklin birch, all good in wax and M&P soap.
  10. I haven't tried re's lemon verbena but Brambleberry's is very good!
  11. lol, I have one of those pieces of garbage I agree! Don't have any recs, tho
  12. I recently did a blend of peppermint and green tea. All of the others above sound great too.
  13. @Trappeur i am gonna try pouring at 149, cuz I want beautiful candles like you make!
  14. I know what you mean @ShelleyF. I've seen those FB groups too. Funny they call them" de-stash" groups, but more like "make a profit groups", lol. I would never buy used for more than original price, but I noticed the shipping is usually less than you'd pay from the original, so maybe people figure it's worth it for 1 or 2 bottles?
  15. Yeah, that's what I'm running into with all the plum scents...a lot more going on than just plum. I bet they smell delicious, but my customer wants just plum. thanks for the info.
  16. I don't know about the HI scent, but have to say: WOW! 2 months and 4 days?? What is your secret? Seriously, there are a bunch of us FO addicts that wanna know how you did that. Does the plum tart REALLY smell like plums? I have been looking for a true plum scent.
  17. Are the spots through out the candle or just on the bottom? It looks like dirt or debris particles or flecks of un- dissolved dye chip? What color was the dye? The streaks hmm, almost looks like the glue from the sticker smeared? Sounds like you did everything right except I do pour 464 a little bit cooler. I shoot for 120 or so, but if that is undissolved dye pouring temp would not have made any difference.
  18. There is a facebook group called melt & pour soapmakers. They have some very talented crafters. Tons of pictures and info. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1460683120854552/
  19. Also used the gardenia cybilla. Super strong, great thrower in 464. 1 oz p.p.
  20. kinda spendy tho https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071S6B3M5/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B071S6B3M5&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=a54d13fc-b8a1-4ce8-b285-d77489a09cf6&pf_rd_r=5GX0T6ZV4929DBC2HSNR&p
  21. I do melt & pour, but I'm not an expert . I think @Candybee is the go to girl if you have questions. There's a great thread on here about M & P recipes. I learned most 'everthin' I know from there.
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