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Everything posted by pcbrook

  1. If someone is going to do a coop I might be interested in a pound of the patchouli and maybe try a few other!
  2. The Red Ginger Saffron sounds interesting to me but I will wait until I have to order more. I do not get much from them but the few things I do get are some of my bestsellers too so I keep going back for them.
  3. That is what I paid for mine. I will let you know how long this one lasts!
  4. I am on a couple! Candle Making by Candle Makers and Candle Materials for Sale.
  5. I tested out the one I have last night. You have to charge it up before you can use it and it works with both the chips and the strips. When I ran my card through it.......nothing! What! I did an update for Square and it had to update the reader also and "poof" worked like a charm!
  6. It was my understanding that the new readers work with both the chips and the strips. I have a show coming up and I think I better test it to make sure everything is in working order!
  7. I have had a hard time finding a good strong maple too. WYW from BCN has a pretty good Maple Ginger that is strong but it is not a straight maple.
  8. I started out with an Etsy store but moved to my own site. When I sent everyone to the Etsy store I felt like I was sending them to other sellers too!
  9. They already sent the new chip reader to me and I will be using it at my next show. What gets me is that the banks are really not all that quick about switching. I just had two new debits cards sent to me but they are still the swipe kind.
  10. Yep! Do it all the time! I just use a different wax though!
  11. It has been years since I used soy but when I did I was told that it can be inconsistent from crop to crop or one year from the next. But hopefully you can get a better answer than that one!
  12. For me it gets mixed up a lot just because I work full time. When I get home from work I light them up and burn for 3 to 4 hours and then they are out until I get home the next night. But on the weekends I do a couple power burns because I am home. I light them up in the morning for about 6 hours and then let them sit for about 3 hours and then light them up again until I go to bed. I am not sure if that is the right way or if there is even a right way. But I think it would be close to how a customer would burn them.
  13. I use a preblended paraffin/soy that I have found to work pretty darn good and saves me the headache of blending my own.
  14. I have a few of the tubes that came with the sample pack but I never tried them.
  15. It is stamped on. You send them the picture and then they set it up. I first sent them a PDF file but they could not get it to work so good and they went the extra mile to figure out another file to use so that the lids would look good. Their prices are very competitive. I found nothing wrong with the wood wicks. Just decided to not go that way. I personally am not too keen on the wood wicks so I guess that is why!
  16. I have ordered from them. I ordered wood wicks just to try them out and decided I did not want to go in that direction. I also order the wood lids from them and have them customized and their customer support is superb! Very helpful. I recommend them!
  17. I would still cure it for at least two weeks.
  18. I don't use soy but that FO did really good in palm wax! I don't have it in my line though because I already have a few of that type of FO.
  19. pcbrook

    Portion cups

    I have been using BCN's EZ Parasoy too and it works pretty good!
  20. Yeah, that is what I hated the most about having a merchant account was that three year contract. I was stuck in one them one time and never again!!!!
  21. It depends on what type of wax you use. I use some of her oils but I have found in palm wax I always need to up the percentage from Lyschel's recommendation. So I am not really saving any money but I love some of her FOs so much that I don't care!
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