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Everything posted by pcbrook

  1. I use palm wax and it would have to be LS Autumn Lodge, Peaks Amish Harvest, BCN Sage & Citrus and CS Caribbean Teakwood. Sorry that was 4!
  2. I use those jars and I did have one person complain about that happening. I use palm wax and I think it is because the jar is too short for the heat to melt it all the way down. I told her that is normal for those jars but because she is a good friend I gave her a replacement. The pint jars do work better and burn all the way down. That was the size this particular customer always buys so she was used to how those burn all the way down.
  3. Yes but in a bigger size! Aztec has them. They are called maxi tealights.
  4. Yes the whole cup goes in the warmer but there is no wick in them. I thought about buying a couple to try them out to see how they work. I do like how there would be no clean up between fragrances. This is of course unless you are spilling it all over while you are changing it!
  5. This is interesting! I wonder how hard it would be to find the lids for them!
  6. I have the same prices for the 12 oz. That is the only size I make. $15 retail and $7.50 wholesale!
  7. I don't use wood wicks but I have tried them in the past. From what I understand they are the only supplier that "has partnered with Wood Wick Technologies, Inc., the licensed distributor of Lumetique Inc.’s internationally patented wooden wick technology. " This was in an email I received from them. This was discussed on here before in this thread http://www.craftserver.com/topic/107838-bcn-no-longer-carrying-wood-wicks/?hl=%2Bwood+%2Bwicks HTH
  8. IMHO Bitter Creek is still alive and there! They just decided to merge. The board is more quiet these days but that does not mean they are going out of business. At least I hope not!
  9. I just went to your "Ordinary Women" page and gave you a like!
  10. https://www.facebook.com/Pine-Grove-Candle-Company-146610875380405
  11. It depends on the jar. The jars I use I can just eyeball them and they are pretty close to the right weight. I think some jars you might have to weigh them until you get the hang of how much to pour in.
  12. In Wisconsin it is only $130 to register an LLC and $25 per year to keep it. I don't think that is too bad at all. I do not know what other states charge. It helps protect you but as stated above, nothing is a guarantee.
  13. Yes, I had to chuckle a little bit when I read that too!
  14. For my presto pots I use an everyday candy thermometer but for my turkey fryer I have one of those really long metal ones. I am not sure what it is called but it is not digital. I had to do a google search to find one like that. It is over a foot long!
  15. I got that email too and read the article. I like reading how other people have built their businesses and love to hear their advice.
  16. I bookmarked that link because when I went into my PayPal account I could not find such a creature anywhere! Thank you for the link!
  17. Is the Paypal shipping only available if the products are paid with Paypal?
  18. Thank you for this information! This came just in time! I just received a small order from my website and the USPS site was not letting me print the label for first class. I figured I would have to make a special trip to the post office. Now I don't have to!
  19. Oh no! Every FO needs to be tested. And as it was said earlier.....every supplier has good ones and not so good ones depending on your wax or whatever you are using it in.
  20. For paraffin I think a week would be good enough. For soy I know the standard is 2 weeks. I think sometimes it also depends on the FO. Some take longer than others! I use palm for my candles and I like to let them cure 2 weeks if possible. For my melts I use 4786 and I try to give them a 1 week cure time!
  21. I use Print Master or the Maestro program from Online Labels but my labels are pretty plain without much to them. I think if I wanted to go with more graphics I would use Print Master or Print Shop!
  22. Oh I can so relate to that! I have done the same thing! I try to wait until I actually need other things to help justify the shipping costs but sometimes that doesn't work so good.
  23. What was the wholesale company you ordered from before?
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