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Everything posted by pcbrook

  1. Have tried this supplier? http://www.woodcandlewick.com/ I don't use wood wicks but I have tried them out. I got them from here and they have great customer service.
  2. Yeah, I am not sure how the spout would work on those rectangle ones! I always wondered that myself because eventually we won't be able to find the Masterbuilt ones anymore!
  3. Turkey fryers are the best. Especially if you do large batches. When I used the small prestos I was always waiting for them to keep up with the pouring. The drain valve works awesome! Long story short.....if you are making a lot of candles do yourself a favor and get the turkey fryer!!
  4. My husband had a crimping tool that he let me use for that reason but I never really felt comfortable with the way the wicks ended up. They did not feel like they would hold up enough with wax in them. so I never really went that way with the left overs. I save all the left over wick ends and use them for testing new jars and new fragrances. But they are starting to pile up on me so I might have to revisit that whole crimping tool thang!
  5. Yes, I agree with Chris on this one. By the time you get the wicking right you might just be out of that wax! Ask you husband if he would rather do melts!
  6. I am doing about the same as last year! It seems I am selling more wax melts than candles but the Christmas candles are moving pretty good!
  7. That would be awesome!! I would love to get in on that coop! I have yet to find a patchouli that does well in wax.
  8. I agree with Old Glory, as long as you keep them cool in the bag they should last a long time.
  9. I have been playing around with apothecaries this week too just for grins and well I can honestly say I hate them. They seem to be impossible to wick so I am just moving on. I give you credit for sticking with it!
  10. Nice Job! #1 seems a little easier to read but I like them both!
  11. I use 6% also. It is a great FO! I get so many compliments on that one!
  12. Depending on what size and color you want I think the Webstaurant has them. I could not find the 2 ounce black ones there but I did find them here: http://www.lollicupstore.com/
  13. I did a show this weekend that I did last year. The attendance was not as good as last year and I did better last year. I won't be doing this one again. I think I am going to stay with the juried shows. This was not juried and there is a lot of mass produced stuff. They even had an Avon lady there!!!! It seems that a lot of women in this area are sure going crazy for those scarfy things that hang around the neck!
  14. I got the Aqua Digi Scale from BCN and I Love It! Gotta have a good scale.
  15. I don't use your wax but I think the standard for soy is at least 2 weeks.
  16. Nice video! I had a bad experience like that last year at the beginning of October. We had to set up in a couple inches of snow and the weather did not get much better throughout the day. Needless to say I will not be doing outside shows this time of year up in this neck of the woods anymore. I did not go back to that same show this year. I went to a different one where I had the option to be inside for a little more money. It turned out to be a great show and next year I will be more prepared and have more stuff made up. It was a 2 day show and I was almost sold out of stuff by the morning of the first day.
  17. I have been using the stickums for 7 years and never had any customer contact me that the wick came loose at the bottom. There might be different quality stickums out there. I always use BCN's and never had a problem. You do have to make sure that the bottom of the jar is free of any oils or anything else.
  18. I use the stickums too! I have thought about trying the silicone but I can see me making a big mess with that plus if I am testing I need to get the wick out of the jar so I can clean it and reuse it.
  19. I have a counter top oven that I keep on low to keep my pour pots warm. I use palm wax so the wax needs to be poured at a higher temp so it needs to stay warm. I also use it to make my aroma bead ornies in so I don't have to worry about messing up my kitchen oven with fragrance smells. It makes the family happy! When I used the oven to make the ornies they always thought the food tasted like FO. I am not sure if it is true but at least I don't hear that anymore!
  20. Update! So I took a whiff of the Black Ice and then the Midsummer Night and they are different.
  21. I bought one of the Black Ice air fresheners and received my sample from Aztec. They are very, very close if not exact! BUT these both remind me of Peaks Midsummer Night which I already use as an fragrance for my air fresheners. I am soaking some beads right now and will test it my car to see how it does. But my guess is I will just stick with the Peaks oil for the air fresheners.
  22. I just ordered it to see what it is like BUT to be honest I don't know what the real version smells like! I am going shopping today and maybe I will just have to see if I can find one to compare.
  23. I use it for melts and I am happy with it. I have not put it in any containers though!
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