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Everything posted by pcbrook

  1. This might help you out! http://candles.org/membersonly/downloads/Candle%20Labeling%20Laws%20&%20Stds.pdf
  2. pcbrook


    Ditto what Belinda said!
  3. Yes, please let us know how the Premiers work with the paraffin. I would be interested in your results! What wax are you testing?
  4. That is so weird how everybody gets different results! I used to use RRDs in my palm wax candles and tried Premier and they are now my wick of choice for palm wax.
  5. I will have to try to remember to start doing that! Thanks for the tip! Makes sense but I don't think of it beforehand!
  6. LOL! Glad to hear that I am not the only one who gets annoyed by this! I guess it is to be expected but still............
  7. I use Peaks too but in palm wax. It is the only one I have found so far that is good and pretty strong!
  8. I really hate it when I pour wax in a candle and when I go to put the wick in the centering tool the wick pulls out of the wick tab at the bottom of the jar! It does not happen a lot but when it does......!!! This just happened to me tonight and I wondered how many other people really get peeved about this!
  9. I have received the a duplicate every once in a while but not every time! I would also try sending a note next time I ordered to let them know you would like to sniff something else!
  10. When I used those jars I bought the ones that did not have the imprinting on the side of the jar so I could put a label on them. Fillmore has them for a pretty decent price.
  11. Yep! That is what I was looking for! Thanks!
  12. I am thinking I am not too crazy about the search function on this new board. Maybe I am missing something. You used to be able to narrow down which section of the board you wanted to search in. Can you still do that here?
  13. I have always wondered if I was doing it right too! I subtract it out and it just works for me.
  14. My websites don't get too many organic searches. It is mostly customers who have bought from me at craft shows and want to reorder. The bulk of my sales come from the shows and having my products in shops. Not so much online for me.
  15. Oh I hate that when that happens! It has happened to me a couple times!
  16. I have always printed them myself and I buy my labels from Online Labels. But I do not print a large amount of labels of one scent. I think if I was a huge company it would make sense to have them printed for me. Not yet!
  17. I also just weigh the FO in the pouring pot but I weigh out the wax first and the add the FO.
  18. Oh yes, it will last for the whole day but if there is a long period of time between shows it just dies out on its own. At least it seems that way to me. So I have to remember to charge it up before each show.
  19. This is the one I have! It does not stay charged up too long but when it is charged it works great!
  20. I lost a sale at one of my November shows because the battery went dead on it and I did not figure it out until the lady finally said forget it and left. Good thing I had my old one with as a back up. Now I will make sure it is charged up good before every show.
  21. I meant to say "Liquid" dyes! Sheesh! IT must be Monday!
  22. I prefer the dyes myself. A little goes a long way. And yes, the smell is not noticeable at all once it gets in the wax.
  23. I got a sample of the whiskey and put it in a melt just to see if I would like it using 4786. It was not really all that strong but none the less I did not really care for it so I am going to pass on it. I have not tried the leather.
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