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Everything posted by kandlekrazy

  1. I like the original and #1 about the same. Could you do the original with a small black border? That might tie in the black lid nicely without compromising the beauty of the original label.
  2. Chalk based paints stick very well to glass, but I've only painted the outside and I haven't done candle glass yet, only mason jar centerpieces for a wedding.
  3. Why wouldn't you paint the outside so there are no issues?
  4. Can you get both at a supplier that is close to your home? I've used both, both are finicky. All soy has some issue but I'm embracing it! I settled on C3 after testing many, mostly due to a local supplier that carries it but honestly I've come to know and love the wax. I use USA in both candles and melts and it improves the C3's issues. Make a good candle with a centered wick that both burns and smells good and they will sell. Most customers do not even notice what we do in our candles.
  5. Got some similar here, maybe you can get unprinted? http://www.advantageletterpress.com/pricing/candle-dust-cover-printing-prices/
  6. I'm thinking she has put the wax pot into hot water and the hole let the water into the wax. They are probably not the safest of candles as they could spatter and spit while burning.
  7. I can't answer the scent problem but yes on the discolor. I find especially if they are under flourescent lights they really turn bright yellow unless I use a UV inhibitor in the wax. Maybe sunlight is doing the same thing.
  8. I'm taking a chance on Candlemakers Store for the 4.5# I had in my cart at NG. Shipping from TCS was under $20.00, now how does that figure when they are both in Ohio?
  9. Think it was shipping from NG, I put 4.5# in my cart and shipping was $51.00...can't do it!
  10. And why did I stop ordering fo from NG when I stopped B&B???? They have such a great selection and good prices!
  11. thanks! Have you used their Dragon's Blood?
  12. I need a new supplier who has a good one. Seems every time I find a supplier that carries this they discontinue it...ugh! I will not buy from Bittercreek so if anyone knows of anyone else who has a good one. Thanks!!
  13. And this is great info! My son's name is Chris and I struggle every time with that dang apostrophe
  14. Love it! And I think everyone will have a clue!
  15. I'd say if 3 people are smelling something, it's probably there. We get fo nose and it's hard for us to really detect scents when we are in it working. If I use my respirator mask while working, I smell better as things cure. You could also just smell things differently, you may like a scent that others do not. I've not smelled Black Amber Musk so I can't really help but the name indicates to me a very earthy smell.
  16. Love them all & I'm sure those owners will be blown away with the gift. I always love the way your crystal candles look and then you show the top with the embeds and they are over the top. Great job once again!
  17. Try General Wax's site for candlemaking: http://www.candlemakingsupplies.net/glass--gift-boxes--jars--lids/pvc---metal-lids-for-glass-candles/cate_105/p___P0913162.html These are what I use on a 7 oz, but they are 79cm
  18. I use them, many moons ago a nice member here told me to put them inside the lid. That's what I've done ever since and never turned back. They don't get oil stained and they don't come off. My labels are white so you don't see them. I use the Avery 5293 round for the caution, takes a few seconds to put each on a clamshell right before I seal. You could pre-label all the clams as well.
  19. I bought an Ultra ship 55 years ago for candles and it's still very accurate, but I do use the plug not the batteries. It has different settings for ounces/pounds & grams which I use for jewelry. I liked it so much I purchased a 2nd one to use for shipping. I've always kept a silicone pad on the top of the scale so that any wax/fo drips on that and not on my scale itself. I want to say the ebay seller is GreatScales. There are many that are really good but most were way more expensive.
  20. I've never bought from them, but that would throw me over the edge. I don't mind a screw up or two if they are nice and fix the problem. I'd never buy from them again. Hopefully you can find almost exact dups for most of the fo's you use from them. Sorry this happened and good luck!
  21. Really depends on the type of business. We are trying to sell our store and it's more like 2x the net plus inventory in our industry. It doesn't cost you anything to call or sit down with a business broker in your area who is familiar with your type of business. We did exactly that, actually spoke to 4 before we came to a price and so far we haven't used any of the brokers...that may change in the Spring.
  22. Try it!! Lavender really does mix well with many scents. I'd go light on the leather and heavier on the lavender as leather could overpower it completely. Do a q-tip test first. Candle Science does have a really good lavender, I switched only because I buy so little from them now and shipping kills me on buying just 1-2 scents so I have to wait for my slower sellers to run out.
  23. Some wicks do soot more than others, but as Candy stated it's near impossible to get absolutely no soot. The slightest air movement will cause the wick to flicker and leave a bit of soot on the side. You might start with making sure that you don't use over the recommended fo in the candle and try different wicks. Some jars are also subject to more soot. You didn't say which wax, wick, jar and how much fo you are using.
  24. I love and sell alot of the True Lavender from The Candle Source. Flaming Candle has some really good fo's, I've never tried their lavender but have been really happy with all the scents I've purchased from them.
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