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Everything posted by kandlekrazy

  1. If you are using EO, Eucalyptus is one of the most common mixers, but I've seen it mixed with Lavender for the soothing effect as well. Tea Tree can be drying, hence a great acne soap. I've never smelled Tea Tree FO, is it really close to the EO? I can tolerate it way more than Patch, gag, gag!
  2. You will need to burn the votive to really tell. C3 will pop right out of molds if it's cold enough. All of the naturewax is flake so the pic doesn't really help. C3 is softer than V1. I bet both boxes are same wax. Can't you contact the person who gave them to you? Also my DH who remembers almost nothing, swears my C3 used to come in black bags, but most likely all the Naturewax did.
  3. Even my C3 comes in a blue bag now, I don't remember black but could have been years ago...my memory is not the greatest! Is it flake and feels soft to the touch, almost like it will melt in your hand? Sounds like it could be C1 or C3.
  4. As long as I either press it down hard using the hollow pen or use a wick setter, the stickums have never come loose on me. I've used them for over 9 years now. For my testers, I clean the jar as good as possible to get wax out and then I put the jar in the dishwasher and take it out as soon as the dishwasher stops, the stickum will come right off for reuse in testing. You can also heat the bottom of the jar and it will give with some pressure.
  5. soap looks great and dog is way cute!
  6. I think it happens when the mfg boxes them too soon after production. I'm guessing here but worked in a plastic mfg plant and plastic would stink if it was put away before it had a chance to air out, it was not the same type of plastic that's why I'm guessing. If they stink when you open the box, take them out and let the air get at them for a few days before using.
  7. I've never had that happen, I pour between 105-115. I buy mine from Impact and once they were skunky smelling when I got them but I opened the box and set them all out in stacks for a few days and it went away.
  8. I don't know if it's the same but I think any Christmas scent without pine would be good in the blue, even Vanilla Bean Noel.
  9. Do you use 2 oz fo pp in the comfort blend? I looked into that wax some time ago and remember the mfg said 12% pp.
  10. For blue I would go with something like the candle source's Christmas Splendor or any blend without overbearing pine. Purple makes me think plum pudding, which I don't even know if it exists but a bakery scent might be nice or even a cranberry blend.
  11. If you don't have a lot of the wax, I'd be sure it's still available before too much testing. IGI seems to have changed a bunch of waxes and discontinued some over the past sev years. I see a lot of posts here for their 6006 wax which is a paraffin/vege blend so if you need to change you might look into that. I use C3 so can't help.
  12. I don't know how you found it! I thought it looked familiar, I've purchased their spice tin candle before. They have some very unique containers, probably all custom made for them.
  13. I've only seen the actual lids in plastic. They carry those almost at all suppliers now. Maybe someone will know where to get them. I did purchase cardboard ones that lay right on top of the candle and have a tiny tab to lift it, I got them for a special wedding order and they were imprinted for me. I got those on Etsy, you may be able to find plain cardboard on there.
  14. Belinda, Could you share the info from WSP, if I recall from before they didn't cover candles just b&b and if they cover candles I'm interested in saving some $$. I don't see anything on their website
  15. They are really cute, especially with her display
  16. There is a doll house museum in a nearby town here and all adults who I'm sure would love something like that. Many, many adult women shop for doll house furniture/parts/etc in our store. Might be a real pain to make them!
  17. Is it criss cross glass or silver? The image is small and when I blew it up it was difficult to tell.
  18. Has anyone heard anything about Levine? I just went on their website and they have almost nothing left in electric burners. I don't mean it shows out of stock, I mean they are no longer listed. I'm sad, it's the only place close enough to save a bunch on shipping charges. I love CTW's mason jar warmers but the shipping is almost as much as the products I buy from them so I can't make any $ on them.
  19. Wow, it looks beautiful. Lots of hard work there lady!
  20. I use glass 4 cup and 8 cup measuring. I heat it in the microwave just prior to adding fo, so both the pot and the fo are warm to the touch, then I add my wax that has been heated to approx 200 and stir. I know I lose 10-20 degrees of heat just pouring the wax from the presto to my pour pot.
  21. I've ordered b&b items and essential oils, just about everything but fragrance oil! I do love everything I've gotten from them so was thinking of trying their all natural fragrance oils but wasn't sure how they would do in candles.
  22. oh yeah, rust looks great with beachy, so does shabby tho.
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