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Everything posted by kandlekrazy

  1. I personally love the palm wax and your candle looks great. For some reason it never caught on here and they don't sell very well, but it's what I've used for almost every event I've done. I even made palm wax melts in shapes and bagged them and they didn't sell. Good ole clamshells fly off the shelf....go figure? Maybe they don't want to melt pretty shapes??
  2. I sell them all the time, I personally don't like them because the bowl is small but some people like the idea of it not taking up surface space. I get them at Levine and typically sell them for $19.00.
  3. I'd love to find out as well. GW discontinued the black tumbler I was using and CS has black. These are just slightly larger diameter than the ones GW carries or I could use the silver lids I have...bummer.
  4. wickit.net had a guide for all the different wicks and what sizes to start with based on jar diameter.
  5. I don't do shows anymore but just wanted to comment. Last week was a horrible sales week in our stores and I have to wonder if spending is down on the whole due to what is happening in this world of ours. It seems to be continuing into this week, so time will tell.
  6. Good Luck! You twist the flat wicks so they don't burn to one side of the jar more than the other.
  7. CD, HTP and Cotton wicks have worked best for me in C3 and I've tried them all. If you use the HTP's be sure to twist them before setting in your jars. Some scents you may get some mushrooming and with cotton wicks you will have to trim (I end up trimming almost all wicks).
  8. ok, checked my notes because Aztec didn't seem right...sure enough it was Wellington that I bought it from. I didn't even remember using it but she swears it was not a typical Ylang Ylang but very floral. I may have to revisit a straight fo since I like the earthy scent.
  9. Yes, the missing descriptions is one of the reasons I stayed away so long. Not that the description tells the whole story but it sure helps when the name isn't descriptive of the scent. I'll put them in wax but so far not impressed.
  10. You might try Aztec. My sis reminded me that I put it in M&P way back in the day and it was very floral.
  11. I can't help with an fo because I've only purchased lavender ylang ylang in fo. I do have the essential oil straight ylang ylang and it's very earthy smelling with very little floral notes in it so I'm guessing that the one you don't like is probably closer to the true ylang ylang.
  12. There are always a few jerks out there, sorry it happened to you. I think you took the right steps already, it's sad that something so stupid could cost you.
  13. Welcome back to candle making & the forum! My candle bus was in AZ for a while and there were a couple of good local suppliers there. Look for the suppliers by state and start making calls!
  14. I only heat if the jars are really cold. Heating seems to help some with wet spots but doesn't get rid of them completely.
  15. I got my order and it's my first fo order from them, I usually only buy USA. Haven't put them in wax but here's what I ordered and what I think. They were all Grade A oils. Saved me a bunch on shipping but if the oils turn out to be weak it's a waste. OOB Twigs & Berries - smells identical to others I've had but doesn't seem to be as strong as others I've used. Toasted Marshmallow - seems to be missing the toasted or maybe again not as strong as Candle Source's. Dragon's Blood - This one is a disappointment OOB, it doesn't even have the deep notes that AH/RE's has, hope it's good in wax. Leather - seems to be equal to other leather's I've smelled. I use C-3 and when I get it in wax I'll update. Anyone else use their oils and which are really good in soy wax?
  16. If you are making candles, I wouldn't waste the essential oil. In b&b it's different because the essential oil has skin benefits.
  17. I've made them in the past and quit due to cost, 1 oz pp is what I used. I do have a lady in our store that blends essential oils and does maybe 5 total scents, they smell good cold but I've burned one and could barely smell it so my guess is she is not using much. Her small 7-8 oz candles are $15 and her larger (guessing 20 oz) are $28. She sells quite a few of the small candles but honestly haven't noticed repeat customers like I have with fo candles & melts. I have had a few people ask me if my candles are made with essential oils and when I tell them no 99% still buy them.
  18. Thanks Belinda! I may try the cherry as I wanted to keep away from vanilla this time. I'm really thinking this will be one of my special scents that I name after my town, Cayucos Cowgirl. I do also love the pistols & petticoats name! I bought my leather from the Candlemakers Store as I wanted to try some of their scents, oob I really like it.
  19. I tried to search for this with no luck. Anyone tried blending Leather with something more feminine like Lavender or even a fruit? Q-tip smells ok to me but I know getting it into soy wax could change that. I'm looking for something that screams Cowgirl, lol.
  20. Holiday Cider? I suck at this as well!
  21. Ditto Peaks Warm Apple Pie and I use C3. I am in process of testing a few that don't have the bakery in them, just apple cinnamon.
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