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Everything posted by Shari

  1. You do such an awesome job. Great as usual!
  2. That' really beautiful! I love the jar. So pretty.
  3. Love the little raccoon! So cute!
  4. I'm in the same position. I get tired of making the same thing again and again. I have 7 I need to make as restocks then maybe have some fun. I'm in the same challenge but don't think I'm going to make it. This month ended up be way more crazy than usual. I have another weekend show in two weeks plus a big order to deliver at the same time. And having a 60th wedding anniversary party for my parents next weekend. I want to have some fun for a change. Black and purple dancing swirl would be cool looking and I like the patchouli orange suggestion. Bet that would smell nice. As for pumpkin scents, I can't sell those for anything here. At least not in soap or B&B. I've tried. I have 12 of 16 bars left from last year and they will be going in my misfit bucket at my next show.
  5. They were going through an ugly divorce so they shut down. Then he opened back up. I won't give him my business anymore. He flaked really badly an left a lot of people flapping in the wind. I believe Maplestreet purchased their remaining stock. I had stocked up on the last sale PEAK had before suddenly closing. Will find another option when the time comes to reorder. Fortunately I only used 3 or 4 of their fragrances.
  6. Unfortunately, having a list may or may not be accurate. What one may consider a hit/miss will vary for another. May also depend on the product it's being used in. I have some fragrances that are good in on product but not in another. Mind you, I don't make candles but soap and other B&B. Some of the fragrances I purchase will be great in say a scrub, perfume or bath bomb but not so much in soap. But, it may also help of there is a review by product perhaps?
  7. Which other companies version did you try? I agree that it's not pleasant at all. I will say I've been surprised a time or two with something I didn't like OOB but it ended up being pretty darn good. Don't have this expectation with this one though. So, no rush to try it.
  8. I got some Gee Your Hair from Oregon Trail and not sure I like it. Doesn't bring back any memories anyway and not very strong to my nose. Might try it in some soap or bath bombs to check it out in the near future.
  9. I agree with the above. The cost alone would be prohibitive. Then there's no guarantee the EO/FO's would even work in my products. I find as long as I'm purchasing from reputable suppliers there are great products or duds from each and every one of them.
  10. Very cool looking. I have some mermaid tail molds just haven't taken the time to play with them. There they sit on a shelf. Can't wait to see the cut.
  11. I don't make candles but B&B and I'm loving Raspberry Lemonade (WSP) and Vanilla Champagne (NG). I dislike anything floral. Though I do like Dragon's Blood too.
  12. Hello and welcome to the forum! I don't do candles but Soap and other B&B. This is a great forum. Lots of talented people here and they are extremely helpful. Great group / no drama.
  13. I think you handled the situation very well. I feel so bad for you. I too believe in Karma and it will come back to them twofold. Too bad their facebook doesn't allow comments....I'd so call them out....
  14. I say go with your gut and trust it. It's generally right. I think they did many things very uncouth like and would be seriously concerned.
  15. I too use Cream of Tartar with a bit of Kaolin makes a really hard bomb for sure and sturdy.
  16. I too love the red. I like the gold/yellow print too. Very lovely!
  17. I too make lists but I've also gotten to where I don't stress. I forgot one of my display shelves at my last weekend fair and made it work. I remembered it when I was 2 hours into my 3 hour drive. I've been doing it so long that it's not worth stressing over. Though I do dread the take down after a 2 or 3 day show. I'm so done by then.
  18. So pretty, bet it smells delicious!
  19. They have a lovely Lemon Verbena. I don't make candles though. I make Soap, B&B.
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