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Everything posted by Faerywren

  1. Fig Tree is so lovely.It doesn't have any of the fake fruity notes that are sometimes added. It smells very "high end" to me. I also use Mediterranean Fig and like it, It has a unique fragrance and does well for me in CP soap.
  2. I used to use Candlemaker's Store a lot, but can't handle the shipping costs to me anymore. I have a few of their oils that are staples in my line, but I've had an equal amount of misses/disappointments. Community Candle is a supplier that is only an hour and a half drive from me, so I'm starting to use them more. I love Peak, Candle Science and Nature's Garden oils.
  3. I do mine in the microwave now, but have considered a small presto. I had the Life of the Party soap kettle (which is just a rice cooker with a different logo sticker on the side) and wasn't really impressed. The soap seemed to cool off too quickly for my liking.
  4. Only instances I've had with leaking was a case of roll on bottles I bought from a classy (can't remember if it was here or SoapSaver) the bottles had a wider mouth with a large roller ball and cute purple lids. Every bottle I've made has leaked. Luckily, they were ones I made for myself.
  5. Faerywren


    I use a 50/50 blend of container soy and pillar paraffin. I'm guessing the 20% paraffin in your blend isn't enough to counteract the soy frosting.
  6. My #1 seller right now is NG's Island Fresh Gain. I love their Cracklin' Birch, Lavender Vanilla, Berry Bewitching Brew, 7 Up Poundcake and Absinthe.
  7. where do you get the plastic circles? do you cut them yourself? What thickness of plastic and what kind?
  8. I do, OG. I just made some snowmen and christmas trees for a gift basket. I don't do shapes all the time. Like you, I don't like the tedium of pouring into the molds and waiting when I can just assembly line cups or clamshells. My company name is Willow and Fern and I have some super cute silicone molds in the shape of a willow tree and fern leaves that I got from Van Yulay. I've made tarts with them before and they were so adorable, but so much work.
  9. I've always added 6%, as well. Hmm, learn something new every day.
  10. The general rule is to blend container wax with a pillar or votive wax for tarts. So you could use another soy based pillar wax or try a paraffin pillar wax. My tarts are soy 415 and paraffin 4625 in a 50/50 ratio.
  11. Kelly Bloom who owned Southern Soapers, and now owns Soapalooza, is getting a lot of her old oils back in. Maybe just send an email and ask if she has any plans to start carrying that one again?
  12. When I test, I don't let the first burn go longer than the diameter of the candle. So, a 3 inch diameter jar wouldn't go longer than 3 hours. I usually achieve full mp on my second burn. If I've wicked up for a particularly "heavy" oil, I may have full mp by the end of the first test burn.
  13. This is great! Another bit of info for my arsenal. Thanks!
  14. Good luck! Tell us how it works! I don't use your wax, but I do a parasoy blend, so maybe you'll have good results.
  15. I honestly think some chandlers, and soap makers for that matter, don't truly know what they're talking about. They don't know the correct definition of an essential oil, so assume an FO and and EO are the same. Some of it is lies and blatant misinformation in an attempt to win customers, but in some cases I think folks are just ignorant. I had a candle maker tell me I could make any candle safe oil skin safe just by adding sweet almond oil to it to dilute it! She was totally clueless.
  16. What's the diameter of the status? About 3 inches? My wax combo would probably burn great with a CD 8, but if the oil was heavy on spice notes, I may go up to a 10. I'm not familiar with this particular FO you're using, so I can't comment on that.
  17. Georgia, I believe it's probably the same supplier with the bubble gum and cotton candy essential oil.
  18. I think I'll be bookmarking that page @ candlesetcetera. Very well explained.
  19. I've used numerous things as a soaping wand. Skewers, a bent piece of clothes hanger, the handle end of my stirring spoon. I have seen some of the new fangled wands and molds out there that make doing mantra swirls and such easier, but don't really do all that, so haven't given them much thought. I like your idea of the tube wand that can impart color. Now that would be cool.
  20. Their buttercream is to die for. It is one of 3 oils I use in my custom vanilla blend. A must have for me.
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