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Everything posted by Faerywren

  1. I love your display, Jackbenimble! Especially the chalkboard fragrance placards. Very nice!
  2. Woot! Congrats! That's a great reason to be busy! Love the labels, too.
  3. BBW is re-introducing 21 "classic" scents, including Cucumber Melon. This one will no doubt get popular again.
  4. It's a custom blend of 60% 464 soy and 40% IGI 4630 paraffin.
  5. For my 8 oz jelly jars with my parasoy blend, I use CD 8s. Heavier, spicier fragrances get a CD 10. Like Moonshine mentioned, make sure the candle isn't sitting near a draft or under a ceiling fan.
  6. I apparently said "copyright" when i should have said "trademark". Regardless, the point of the matter is the same. Don't use other company's intellectual property, names, images or otherwise. A lot of people will say, "Oh, I'm so small time they will never come after me." Unfortunately, that isn't the case. I've heard many horror stories from lawyers at soap and candle conferences about this issue and in some cases it has cost people substantially.
  7. The two most blatant ones were Twilight Woods and Dark Kiss. Not even close. I'm not near my shop to check the others, but I have been disappointed by so many of the dupe samples I've received, I'm not even going to try any more That being said, they have other oils that I positively love..
  8. Celestial Sea is more of an Irish Spring fragrance rather than briny. Beach Breezes from Brambleberry is nice. I used to use it in my salt bars.
  9. Contrary to popular belief, putting "type" after a fragrance name doesn't make you immune to copyright infringement issues. You can however, rename your fragrance and put "compare to Yankee Candles Pink Sands" or "our version of Yankee Candles Midsummer's Night". I don't carry many dupes, but always rename them just to set myself apart from anyone else.
  10. Like any supplier, they have some great ones, but some equally not so great ones. Their dupes, in my experience, have all been waaaaay off, with the exception of Midnight Pomegranate which is a huge seller for me. They have no descriptions of their scents which is kind of a pain, but I have gotten used to it and don't order anything with a crazy unobvious name, anymore. One of my all time fave FOs is their Blackberry Amber.
  11. That supplier is in my state, so I have used them on occasion. I haven't had any issues with them, luckily, but primarily used them for heavy items like wax etc that I could go pick up. I haven't ordered from the new owners yet, either. Those Cranberry Spice oils are obviously different. The colors are not the same at all. I loved this company when it was Alabaster.
  12. I have a lemon from NG that throws like a beast in my parasoy candles. I think it's Lemon Sugar. So, so good!
  13. I changed the name to Spun Sugar to avoid copyright infringement. It did well for me in body sprays and perfume roll ons. I've never made it into a candle, though.
  14. I will only use Buttercream FO from Tennessee! It is the best. Dried Apple Wreath is another fave! You made great choices.
  15. My salt bars are 85-90% coconut oil with the other 10-15% being shea butter and olive oil. I really like them after a long cure, also
  16. I don't try to market it alone anymore. It is a component in my "Frankly, Scarlet" fragrance, where it's blended with magnolia and that one does well.
  17. I loved Brambleberry's Melon Tea (which they later renamed Tomato Leaf), it does smell exactly like tomato leaf, but I found people weren't thrilled to try a soap or candle with that name.
  18. It is a naturally perfumed gardenia coconut oil. It is pricey and I'd only buy it from a reputable seller.
  19. Soapalooza (Kelly Bloom's company that sells many of her old Southern Scents FOs) has a $5.95 deal. I got eight 1 oz samples and a 4 oz bottle for $5.95 shipping. So, how can one company do it, but not another?
  20. Where did you get the mold and why don't you like it?
  21. Speechless! Very cool. I love how big your soaps are. What is the finished weight on say, the soap bar with the duck?
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