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Everything posted by Flicker

  1. Zinc is actually far cooler than a CD. The CD wicks are non directional cotton braid. In terms of how hot wicks burn, at the coolest are Hemp, then zinc, then cotton then paper which is the hottest. The zinc are not recommended in soy because of the cool burning properties. Tin (no longer available in the US) were hotter than cotton.
  2. oops scented or unscented candle just the same. But a wick isn't going to be a one size fits all. Not all wicks work well in all waxes.
  3. Even that wouldn't matter because it's still not going to be for all waxes. It's sort of silly either way you look at it. A wick that is properly sized will work great in a HIGHLY
  4. So A&P is selling it? Unreal. They are one of the major wick mfgrs! My honest quarter after nearly 20 years of candle making is this. Find a wick that burns your wax the best. If your melt pool is complete and after 4 hours burn time the depth of the melt pool is close to but not exceeding 1/2" in depth, you will have great throw. If you're not getting it, then I'd test other waxes because the wick isn't the problem, the scent and or wax is.
  5. I almost find the definition alone hilarious. Scent comes from melted wax and melted wax alone. Saying a wick is for a highly scented candle is sort of like saying everything is better with bacon. Every wax type works best with a different type of wick. Soy is more viscous thus needs a wick that is hotter than say a paraffin which in contrast isn't. Scent is the least of my worries when choosing a wick. I want a wick that burns correctly for the type of wax I am using. Who is selling such a thing?
  6. Any wax can crack and it's usually a result of improper cooling techniques. I know the eco Advance and Eco Excel can both do it if they cool too rapidly. Just follow the mfgr's instructions with regards to heating and proper pour and cooling temps and you should have no problems.
  7. Do you by chance have AC running while burning it and vents in the bathroom? I had so many problems when I first started and realized it was my heating/cooling system. The cold air returns would literally suck the scent right out of my house. I didn't realize this until I moved into a new house and the heating/cooling changed from window ac units and hot water radiators to forced air/ac. Just food for thought. I always tried test buring with the AC and heat off for that reason.
  8. That is a pretty small candle, what size area are you burning it in? Smaller diameter = smaller throw = best to burn in small areas. That diameter would do well in a bathroom, closed up. It isnt going to scent a large space and the scent will become lost in one.
  9. Regardless of the wax, it's the scent that needs to cure after the initial 24-48 hours. Some scents just don't do well in some waxes and some scents can take up to 2 full weeks to cure in any wax, 4786 included. Remember small jars = smaller scent (diameter) And that scent comes from melted wax, so if it's not achieving a complete melt or it's not deep enough (it should be 1/4" but no more than 1/2" against the glass) it will not be optimal.
  10. Although I wish this were true, it's not. The 1274 does not use 1343 as a base. I don't personally find the 1274 throws as well with as many scents but sometimes the 1343 does not mottle so it's a necessary evil.
  11. I work for another supplier and we sell PB and don't recommend it for melts. If you are using it in a standrd warmer like a Scentsy it's usually fine but the smaller plug in ones it would not melt it. For that reason we felt it best to use something with a bit lower melt point. Not that it won't work in some warmers but if it won't work in ALL warmers I personally wouldn't use it.
  12. I see absolutely no reason to double wick that diameter jar at all. In fact double wicking a jar that narrow can create more problems than it's worth. In the Eco 135 I'd asy to try about a HTP 126 single wicked.
  13. Those are based on ASTM safety standards. Do "I" feel that is acceptable in 4 hours? Absolutley not! LOL I am comfy with about an inch and a half MAX at that point. Even that to me is out of control a bit. What wax are you using and what jar? Maybe I can help you find a wick that works better for you.
  14. I have included a blog post I wrote a while back for you. This method is based on ASTM safety standards criteria. It should help you out http://bittercreekcandle.blogspot.com/2013/12/test-burning-jar-candles.html
  15. "most" container waxes have a similar melt point, between 122-128*. In that range there is very little difference in how something will ship in the heat. The best answer honestly is that NO candles ship well when it is hot outside. I near exclusively wholesale my product and when it is SUPER hot on both ends avoid it like the plague! UPS/FED EX/USPS traliers WILL get to well over 150* thus will melt any candle. My best answer, ship only on Monday, only when it's below 90-95* and the fastest method possible in the hot months.
  16. And RRD and Square braid cotton I find the best to wick palm. No point in adding steric, you;re already working with it essentially. In a .3" wide pillar made in their granite or feather I'd say a 1/0 square braid cotton. A 45 ply is WAY too hot for a 3" diameter in that wax.
  17. The pattern will be through the entire candle with palm. There is no way to have a smooth top and not a textured candle itself. It's just not psossible. If you want a smooth candle I'd suggest paraffin wax. If you want a pretty candle, the palm will have texture throoughout. No way around that.
  18. I am in Minnesota but most of my business is in the Eastern part of the US and Canada. But around I sell a lot of Apple Scents, Citrus and Baked Scents...cinnamon buns etc. I also sell a TON of Lavender and Lavender Vanilla and Clean Cotton. People are strange. I personally love baked scents and apple pie is always one of my go-to scents.
  19. I sell candles, soap, room spray, lotions, clamshell melts, etc. So YES! The more you sell the more appealing you are as long as you don't over do it! Remember that even with scents, too much choice is overwhelming to a customer!
  20. Well then since you are getting them from my employer, I KNOW how safe they are. What wick size and what jar diameter and wax are you testing? I'm interested in testing this out for myself! You can PM or or email me at techsupport@candlesupply.com! Thanks! LOVE the way they look done that way!
  21. They are as safe as a standard wick....as long as they are sized correctly. The company I work for sells them and we sell a good amount of them (the wicks, not the finished candles) but we did extensive testing before deciding which ones to carry and finally carrying them. The ones we sell which look like the ones Old Glory is using are perfectly safed as long as the candle is made AND burned properly. Let's face it, all candles are fire and well fire is.....
  22. They are absolutely different UNLESS the companies are both buying from the same company that tabs them. The tabbing machines (This is from Bruce with Wicks Unlimited btw) will put varying tension on the wicks causing them to burn differently. So if you are always using wicks from Company A who buys their tabbed wicks from XYZ supplier and buy from company B who also buys from XYZ supplier you'd be fine BUT If you buy from Company C who buys their tabbed wicks from Z supplier, chances are they will burn differently. The wax coating really has no effect at all on how the candles burn long term as it only serves as fuel when the candle is first lit and they melt off during the process of making the candle but that tabbing tension absolutely makes the difference
  23. That Scented is part of the reason it would be hard for me too. I am quite a ways away from BCN. I am in Minnesota. It's too far to drive very often and truth be told, I am rarely, very rarely in the office since my business hours for support are their office hours and my cell phone does not work there. I'd rather it be hosted in Duluth, MN vs. Minneapolis. Duluth has an airport that has multiple flights a day some direct to major hubs like Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit etc. If we could do it here where I live, I'd really give it more consideration but I have pretty severe Psoriatic Arthritis that limits my mobility a lot. It sucks. LOL
  24. If we do one again Scented, it will land squarely on my shoulders since Doneen is no longer a part of BC. Want to help?
  25. BCN hasn't had one in a few years now. The economy bit into peoples pockets too heavy there for a few years and the cost became too much to bear for too many. I am not sure if we will have one again but I can say for sure this year BC will not be. As for the NCA theirs is only for members and an NCA membership is quite expensive. Not really geared to the crafter level but the IGCA used to have one every year. I never went to that but a lot of my candle friends have and had a great time with it. I'd say to anyone looking check that one out!
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