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Everything posted by Flicker

  1. My ex husband made all my wood soap molds. I use wax paper to line them because I dislike silicone liners. Mine were all made from left over wood and screws and cost me nothing. I love upcycling things! I just gave away about 200# of random candle wax to a few scout groups this week. They can use it for fire starters. Better than sitting in my way!
  2. Awww thanks Stella! I am online all day so between customers I surf the boards when possible. I learn a lot on the boards too. Being totally honest, I do almost 100% wholesale so my season is pretty well done. I have about twenty orders to scoot out the door this coming week and the rest of this week and I am done until January! I need it! LOL Hope everyone has had awesome sales this year and have time to relax soon! I don't miss retail this time of year AT ALL!
  3. Yes, and I have that job because of the candles and it revolves around candles. Which is part of that. So yes, 100% of my income is based around candles.
  4. I am sure many will disagree with this but I have for years avoided "most" small time suppliers for this very reason. I sell for a living, basing my income solely on my candle gig and if I suddenly can not get my top selling scents, frankly I am up a creek! I put almost all my eggs in one basket but from time to time I do buy something from someone smaller because I just can't avoid it. One of those baskets recently closed (KY) and although they sold to another supplier I spent several months not being able to get my number one selling soap scent. It was frustrating to say the least.
  5. I've tried emailing Rustic Essentuals to see when this will be in, a month ago now. I got a we don't know answer. Ugh! I need this fo terribly! I will buy it off someone or if someone knows of a drop in replacement that soaps well I am all ears! Thanks!
  6. I have actually worked for Bitter Creek for 11 years. I do all their Tech Support. But I have been making candles and bath products for closer to 20 years. I own and operate my own candle and bath company as well. It's kinda fun because literally every bit of my income comes from doing just what I love!
  7. Nope can't do it BUT...I also have VERY oily skin. To the point that I have never actually NEEDED lotion. Putting lotion on is a acne wish for me! I find that most CP soaps work excellent on my skin. You can't judge anything without using them for weeks straight. My skin is better since I made the switch years back. I was on RetinA and antibiotics through my teens and twenties and gave up. Acne came back. Started using CP in my mid 20's and voila, clear skin! My CP is very basic...I did all the exotic oils and butters and have come back to this time and again! 24 Oz Olive 12 oz Coconut 12 oz Palm That's it. Good lather, good moisture without being too much or too little of anything. Tea tree oil and various clays also help with acne prone skin. For what it's worth, I think you should give making a batch a try. Add some tea tree and see what happens. I think you'll hook yourself.
  8. Confessions of a soapaholic! My boyfriend, whom I love dearly....WILL NOT use CP Soap! He thinks it's girly or something. I made him some in Ed Hardy...nope, wouldn't have it! So, I keep "my" soap at his house and he keeps "his" soap at my house. I don't know how I will ever handle BUYING Dial soap if we move in together. I try to believe it's just a phase for him. I doubt however that at 51 he is likely to change his ways. Men...can't live with them, can't live without them!
  9. What strawberry did you use? I tried Strawberry Jam once and it discolored on me. I love strawberry smellies!
  10. Peppermint and Apple are awesome blended for morning. The fresh apple with the crisp cool of the mint! Wowsa! Night time showers...sandalwood vanilla. What a perfect wind down! Isn't it funny how other people can be happy with Dial? LOL
  11. It is really pretty! I find poppy seeds to be super scratchy though I personally would probably market this as a kitchen soap for that reason. Plus lemon is awesome in the kitchen! mmmmm I love lemon in the shower in the morning too. Such an eye opener!
  12. Absolutely! I just did a blog post with instructions yesterday for our blog at work. You are welcome to check them out: http://bittercreekcandle.blogspot.com/2011/09/holiday-swirl-candles.html If you have any questions, just let me know. I did another one last night in the Spiced Cranberry that I let get a little cooler. It is more two toned with some swirl. Kinda fun. You probably didn't cool the wax quite enough if they migrated. I used 6006 for this one and waited until it was starting to look a little hazy to pour. It was at the beginning stage of congealing.
  13. Give it a try! I did a vanilla that normally turns chocolate brown and that bad boy held at white with bright blue, purple and black swirls for as long as I had it around and I didn't sell any for 5 months. LOL I really wanted to be sure! It worked for me in Pink Sugar too!
  14. There is a video with sound of this burning on Facebook...it's on Bitter Creek's page. If you want, friend them and check it out. It sounds great! Burns wonderful too! I am super thrilled with the wood wicks in 6006! I did find that I had to follow my own path in determining wicking though since it doesn't burn like a single pour paraffin or a soy. LOL It's all good though and burns great!
  15. Anything spicy...with cinnamon. Cinnamon Buns, Cinnamon Sticks, Spice, Carmel Bomb....yum yum yum!
  16. I like the logo itself BUT I find it a bit hard to read. I am sure it won't be much different size on the product than what I am seeing on my screen. Maybe make the font size larger or bolder? That one is just a bit hard on my eyes.
  17. Stella, at least someone is watching out for me! My kids would tell you that I NEED it! LOL
  18. It is a candle safe glitter. I've been doing this for almost 20 years. If it wasn't someone may have to beat me with a stick. heehee
  19. For sure! I am hoping that the VS prevents it! I made this almost a week ago now and it's holding well. Normally I start to see it tanning on me in two days and it's pretty browned up in a week. So far so good. I am keeping my fingers crossed!
  20. This is made with IGI 6006, a Wood Wick, liquid dyes and Mistletoe FO from BCN. Still have to test the wick! Will post pictures burning too! These are other views of the candle as well. Thanks for looking!
  21. Ditto, super easy. I open the app in my phone and either manually enter the dollar amount I am charging, then the cc#, exp, cvv and their billing zip code and voila! It sends a email to you telling you the amount they will be sending you and another when they deposit the funds to your bank. To use a card that is present just swipe, enter some minor info and there you are! It is actually much easier than using my old CC machine and batching out etc daily. Plus the lack of gateway fees and statement fees also makes this a better deal. I cut my costs down a little with it.
  22. You can request for them to raise your weekly limit to avoid this. I use Square and my weekly charge limit is $6000. That is the highest volume I have done in a week during my busy season so I wanted to be sure. They did need to verify some things but they will raise your limits to over $1000 if requested and they do not see complications.
  23. Remember...it's Yankee we're talking about. They DO use a low fo load already.
  24. That is absolutely some of the coolest soap, ever! That and Acid Trip that Grumpy made years ago top my list! LOVE IT!
  25. How do you do that kind of swirl? It's super cool looking. I do my BRV in similar colors. A raspberry (blue oxide and red #33) Black Oxide and TD. Very cool! I like that a lot!
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