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Everything posted by Lizzy

  1. I recently switched to ECWID and love it! Big Cartel is another I am liking a whole lot. I am building my other website on it now. Both have excellent support!!
  2. I agree....Eco or CD's. PB600 is a lovely wax.
  3. pay close attention to your pour temp....those marks look like jump lines which usually happen when the wax has cooled down too much. Also try buffing the candle with a pantyhose...sounds weird but it works.
  4. DPG is a solvent that cuts the FO so it doesn't smoke when burned. Like wax is a medium for candles and tarts, DPG is a medium for incense and simmering oils. FO on it's own smokes something fierce from my experience. I just ordered myself a Incense Kit to see if it's something I like making. I usually buy mine ready to get lit. LOL
  5. Ohhhh that does sound yummily! I was like that with BH&G's Winter Wonderland. Now I can't stand it.
  6. Nature's Garden also has a plain Cheesecake FO that's pretty good. ICS has a Cream Cheese Frosting.
  7. I noticed shipping went waaaaay up now that it's been bought out.
  8. The Iced Lemon Biscotti and Citrus Balsam were on my list....can't even remember the other 3. LOL I ordered from NYScent instead and like what I got
  9. You don't have to do that I'm sure I can find them elsewhere. Thanks though ❤️
  10. They really should implement something though. 24$ shipping for 5 FO samples is insane! Oh well...guess my business will go elsewhere until they do add different shipping options.
  11. I was looking to buy Fragrance Oil Samples. I won't buy 16 oz bottles right off the bat with a new supplier. Learned my lesson with that a long time ago. LOL
  12. I did away with a few suppliers and figured I'd try a new (to me) supplier...in this case...Fillmore. I was just grabbing a handful of 1 ozers for testing, go to check out, hit calculate shipping....and it showed a whopping 24$ to ship 5 - 1 oz bottles from PA to CT!!! What in the .... ???? Are suppliers losing their minds lately? Wax went up. FO's went up. And shipping is absolutely ridiculous!!!
  13. My german isn't what it used to be being I left Germany almost 28 years ago but I hope it makes sense and helps her
  14. Ich versuch's mal...mein Deutsch ist leider nicht mehr das was es mal war. Bin schon lange aus D weg. Also bei 9 cm wuerde ich mit 2 Eco 4 anfangen. Und wenn die nicht klappen dann auf 2 Eco 6 steigen. Kommt drauf an was fuer eine FO load du hast und ob du Farbstoff benutzt. Ich mag die Eco's nicht. Fuer 464 benutze ich CD Dochte. Guck mal bei YouTube...das gibt es Anleitungen zum "double wicking" Viel Glueck
  15. There's a video on YT using this method with dribbled wax and mica...gives you an idea
  16. TBH...they all have the same notes basically. It's a masculine, woodsy, cologne type scent. I found Cierra's to be way too watered down. CW's is wonderful. OOB it doesn't smell super strong but it does well in my applications. I also just got CS' in for comparison and OOB it smells just like CW's but stronger. I plan on getting it into wax this weekend to see how it performs
  17. Palo Santo (the actual wood) is used for smudging. The resin and oil have been used in medicinal purposes for hundreds of years. Some prefer it over Sage for smudging (me included) as Sage smudging can be overpowering and staaaanks! LOL While BBW and others made it "candle famous"...it's definitely not a new thing in certain areas. Cierra's Palo Santo is identical to BBW's version. I didn't have much luck with it in my applications. TFC's version has added Patchouli. Candlewic's version is nice and it's my fav in a candle. None of them are true Palo Santo though.
  18. The original WSP was purchased by some company who is now buying up all the others under the WSP name. They must be making good offers for these companies to sell.
  19. I remember when I soaped my first batch. The soap got so hot in the wooden mold as it started to gel...that I ran to get a fire extinguisher out of the garage. I can still see the look on my husband's face as I ran past him with it in my arms. Don't let the lye scare you. Once you get your first batch done you will see that it isn't so bad. Just be careful and make sure you have everything you need near by. I've gotten a few droplets of it on my arms before and rinsed it right away and it didn't leave any burns or marks. It just itched for a while after.
  20. I have since moved on. Wasn't worth it for me. Looks great poured but didn't meet my expectations. My advice or suggestion...try the 494.
  21. Yes, I have tried quite a few over the years. I had him dupe BCN's Woodland Orange Spice when they discontinued it a few years ago and while it's not exactly like the one from BCN ...it's good. I also like his Pumpkin Orange Bread, Sweet Cream, Grapevine & Oak, Pumpkin Hollow, Dreamy Summer Nights, Ocean Star, Fall Lakeside Breeze and Pink Peony. That's just off the top of my head.
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