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Everything posted by kandlekrazy

  1. Don't keep it on the heat when you add the fo it will burn some off. I do mine differently so I can tell you what I do but it may not help. I heat my wax in a presto pot. When it reaches between 180-190 (I use C3 wax) I heat my glass pour pot in the microwave till its nice and warm. I set the pour pot on the scale (I always have a silicon mat on my scale) and tare, add my fo and tare again, then I add my wax and weigh as I go...you get to the point where you come really close each time with wax weight. I stir until all the fo is mixed in and then just stir occasionally until wax is cloudy.
  2. That is great to know, I've always wondered but most customers never let you know. I have wrapped candles in flannel rag pieces to ship to Oregon to my friend but I'm not sure now that it really made a difference..maybe kept the glass a little more protected.
  3. Not much on floral either but it does remind us of Spring and lots of customers love them. I can tolerate: Candle Source's True Lavender and also the Sweet Pea. I also like any herbal scents for Spring, Peak's Tuscan Nights is nice.
  4. I think most of us have been through the ups and downs of candle making...lots of downs at first. Hang in there, you have been given some great advice. The only thing I can add is if possible choose a wax supplier that is close by so shipping doesn't kill you. I decided from the beginning that I loved flake wax and never turned back, just worked with many scents till I came upon 40 that worked. Now and I add scents each year (as suppliers close up and I can no longer get my originals) and again everyone here is a HUGE help with that as well. I think most of us have days when we feel 40 yrs older than we are...I have weeks, lol! It's all good, we still get out of bed every day!
  5. Turned out great, mp is very hard to swirl...I can smell it here!
  6. You know you're on to something when everyone here wants a sniff! We need sniff-a-vision here. Great job!
  7. wow, busy lady! They are all beautiful
  8. It's perfect, love the look! That would be a great look for omh scent as well.
  9. It's more than alright...it looks real! Great job
  10. Wow! and Wow! Your candles are always amazing
  11. Sabrina, those are simply stunning! I love the colors on every one.
  12. They came out really nice, great job! You will get to the point where you don't see those wet spots as a bad thing! They truly do not deter people from buying.
  13. No I haven't tried any of Fillmore's scents. I'm really trying not to add new suppliers due to shipping costs, so settling for scents from my current suppliers.
  14. I settled on the Oregon Pine Needle from The Candle Source. I like it even though it's not as strong as Bert's, nor did it last as long. It's been selling pretty steady in the last month and no complaints as of yet!
  15. Thank goodness this is only a couple of months...would hate to have this scent year round. I'm settling and customers haven't complained yet...guess they are used to pine-sol scent.
  16. plain name badge labels fit nicely as well but I bought a boatload of the 4 x 2 before I knew that and cut the 4" sides down.
  17. Tigger, I found a bottle of the Vicks from the candle source in my stash and I don't use it. If you send me your address I'll send it to you. Don't think you can send thru here so my email is: kandlekrazy1@yahoo.com
  18. The candle source has Vicks Vapor Rub
  19. I believe the name is Venus Candle that I've bought from, pretty good fo and fast shipment. No name on bottles to check for sure.
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