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Everything posted by kandlekrazy

  1. If you are fairly new at this and don't have a ton of 464 then I'd say try whatever you can get close to home. If you have a lot, I'd be looking for posts where users are blending the 464 to improve the throw.
  2. I get mine at Papermart as well, they are quality for the price. The 4 x 4 x 4 fit most of the jar candles I make so it works out great.
  3. Wow, I'm intrigued even at the crazy price. Anxious to hear how it burns. I'm sure you'll get some issues like discoloration just because it's the nature of soy.
  4. Really cute, I'd have to paint on it!! Ornaments, lights, glitter. I know maybe too much but it's Christmas.
  5. It's just something you deal with. I stopped really overfilling mine. I still go over the cavities but just over now and I have way less mess when they open them up to sniff. Most people don't even open just see if they can smell through the clam, I know because it just happens that one of our security cameras points in the direction of my melts and I watch people!!
  6. I think the C3 has stabilized over the past year which makes me think soy has in general but that doesn't explain the 464 still having issues batch to batch. I've tried and didn't like the C1 for containers, it might make a great wax for tins, it's a harder wax for sure. I guess I didn't want to take the time to make C1 work for me. General Wax at one time considered discontinuing C1 because they said they weren't getting repeat sales, but that's been years ago and I still saw it recently on their candle supply site. I'm convinced it's just a preference thing because some have great luck with 464 and I didn't like any of those GB waxes at all.
  7. I really like it. Simple, but professional and love the logic behind the name. You might add that story to your about me or about us page, I'm the nerd who always reads those pages before I buy.
  8. I'm surprised about the Cuban Tobacco, it smells really good in soy, not quite as strong as I'd like but I did have to cure it for a month to get a good throw. I use it as a mixer now since I don't usually have time for a 30 day+ cure. And I agree OOB is incredible. I need to get back to work, it's been 4 months+ since I've been able to make anything.
  9. Wow, I'm surprised. Not sure why because I believe you've pretty much made everything you've set your mind to based on your posts. I guess I just never expected wool spinning equipment and then actually spinning wool! Kudos.
  10. Welcome, tons to browse through here for just about any wax you choose.
  11. I use shoe box size plastic for the small and larger for the big, all with lids. I don't want an overwhelming scent in my workshop so I close it all up as much as possible!
  12. I bought mine from Cal Candle Supply this year and it was a pure white slab of very soft wax.
  13. I use soy so I'm not for sure, but here are the scenarios where I got tunneling. When I pour too hot (my wax has to be almost to that slushy stage so really cloudy. If I pour too fast, I have to still remember to take my time (I pour down the wick as well in stubborn containers) If my jars are cold, I don't always have to heat them if they are in a warm room but sometimes they are coming from the garage cabinet and then yes they are way too cold year round.
  14. I think we've all pulled a brain lapse! Coconut oil at least you can sub out something or get locally. I hate it when I prepare to pour wax and the 1 fo I really need has less than 1 oz so I get almost nothing if I pour it. I make lists but guess everything needs to go into my phone reminders. My lists get buried and forgotten until I clear my desk (which is once a month)
  15. I've used low heat oven and also my husband gave me a tiny torch like thing that works great on small candles but I think it's more work than a heat gun. I probably use the heat gun for 30 seconds and I'm done, I love it.
  16. Wow, pretty but yeah over my budget. Love those glass ones that are $16+ for 4! I'd have to be gifting and then I usually buy a vintage crystal jar.
  17. I think you will find that not everyone uses the same wick in each wax type. My local supplier recommends HTP in C3, I didn't like them as they didn't have enough sizes for my jars and were either under or over wicked. They worked well in the round tins. I use cotton core wicks in C3, I've had better luck with smaller flames and sooting. That being said you can't overwick any type or it will soot and some fo's are just prone to soot (one is high vanilla content).
  18. They banned plastic bags in most counties in Calif many years back but haven't banned any other plastics. I don't see how they can really by 2025 it just seems impossible when you look at everything wrapped or packaged in plastic, walk down any grocery aisle and take note how much plastic is there. It's crazy! We have to either use our own bags here or we buy a paper or plastic bag (think it's .10 for paper and .20 for plastic, yes they are only banned for free! The $ pays to recycle the plastic supposedly. Here's the real clincher, my store, because we are small and employ under 20 people and maintain less than a certain sq ft can offer free plastic bags to our customers.
  19. This is my thing, they are so easy to hang and I use slatwall with hooks in my store so every scent is visible.
  20. I can always smell paraffin, but then I also smell soy so? Once the fragrance is in do you still smell it? A little off track but anyone familiar with #9 soy wax or B9 soy wax? Can't find much info think maybe same co as the 83????
  21. Just curious if anyone is hearing from customers that they don't like the use of plastic clamshells. Mine still sell as always but I'm seeing signs at markets where candle makers are advertising that they are plastic free and they are selling melts in muslin or burlap sacks. Ecologically it all makes sense but the shapes are way more work and time consuming in comparison.
  22. Yes. it was when the company was sold, we had lots of bubbles in the first lots after the changes. It has been bubble free for several years and the past 2 purchases I've made have been stable where I've not had to change fo load or wicks. I do buy a 6 month supply at a time.
  23. I don't use your wax but it might be helpful to list the diam of that glass. Someone may use your wax but not that exact container and may be able to help out.
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