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Everything posted by Sponiebr

  1. And then there's the locus of it all... Loads of FUN! Everything from salvaging sweaty crayons from kids to use as colorants to using used glass mayonnaise jars with metal lids that have had holes poked in the top with a nail for mixing, storing, and pouring hot lye solutions... THAT's the book that started my whole Bad Ideas movement, 'cause if I survived that, the WORLD is my oyster! It's a neat book though.
  2. um... Well, if you can release Ozone, or sulfur dioxide, or chlorine into the air via a candle then that might be true.... I'm talking about truly deodorizing here... I don't know but I'm pretty suire t\he hunters stuff just block thier sense of smell... HTH
  3. Due to a plethora of inconvenient events, like getting called in to cover some poor soul's overtime shift because (hack) they didn't feel "well". ("well" specifically meaning it's frigg'n Superbowl Sunday dude and I've developed an acute case of rectal glaucoma.) Anyway, that's life ?, and I'm just now getting the chance to post these. So this entire High temperature Fluid HP 4 lbs batch was supposed to be: 1. a Cosmic swirl 2. 100% dedicated to making embeds for the year. It turned out to be a Comically non fluid, and non cosmic swirl, but rather more of a VERY long string of choice words and quick reactionary plop-cuss-mash-poke-cuss-bang-trowel events. This cacophony was deftly staccatoed with "F bombs" every other syllable for a particularity resplendent assault of the English language. It is possibly ONE of the reasons I work alone in a dark swamp in the middle of nowhere... I had NO molds sized to do this, but I was very please with an improvement I made to my really large adjustable hinged sided loaf mold. The sides of that mold fold out and the inside blocks are free-floating, so I just lined the middle trough with freezer paper and "permanently" wrapped the end blocks in heavy plastic so they just have to be slid out or in to make on-the-fly size adjustments. But! The SOAP!!! Oh, for a total screw up it turned out pretty darn nice for my first mistake of the year! Black Raspberry Vanilla Blending the colors... Attack of the EMBEDS!!!! The batch was the result of trying to save a failing batch of soap, (it was extreme). You can't imagine how wet this soap is! There is close to 48% liquid in there with nearly all of the water liquid being aloe juice. The soap is just amazing though with beautiful creamy lather with medium bubbles and leaves you squeaky clean but not drying at all and it has this beautiful silky feel to the soap and rinse. Remember, nothing germane ever happened by accident! Sponiebr: Head of applied Bad Ideas and other thinking that shouldn't be thunked much less do'ed...
  4. Brush making...? (SHUDDERS) Scary stuff there! (No? Don't believe me? ooookay :)( ) I prefer silver tipped badger. No... Sable will NOT work... Badger dammit!!! Silver TIPPED badger!!! "Buh-ring me a badgery." http://www.theartofshaving.com/shaving-brushes-silvertip/shaving-brushes-silvertip,default,sc.html ^ I'd call that SCARY. I may have something about casting these puck soaps soon... One COULD say I've been puck'ing around in the shop and I intend to publish my exploits soon. 0.O
  5. Oh... Try spilling 1 ounce and then smearing it around with bare hands and a paper towel in a closed up room with no fresh air... I'm STILL hack'n up plooo'meria 2 months later... @KrazeKelly y'know... I MAY have a spot opening up here really soon for a replacement muse... I'm just say'n... As far as TD spots. This is a problem with oxides in general. I have had it suggested to use a small coin sized ziplock plastic baggie and to put my oxide and oil in there and then knead and squish the mix until thoroughly blended. Then to just snip off a corner and pipe out what I needed. I'll be doing this in my next batch.
  6. Um... On another note... Please tell me that the reflection on the jar is you?
  7. HEAR YE HEAR YE!!!! THE CRIER DOTH DECREE!!!! MAKE YE WAY FOR THE SPONIE OF THE REALMS OF BAD... TAKE YE DO NOTICE AND WATCH YERSELV'S 'Cause this ought'a be interest'n... o.O Hi TAH! Upon reflecting about this... You can't beat some naphtha and that's really the right way to go, but for the LOVE of everything BEAUTIFUL DON'T buy solvents from an art supply! (shudders) 1 gal of Naphtha (Kleenstrip) would run about $13-15 in Florida. Hardware stores will have this stuff, hell Walmart even carries it. You can get Distilled Turpentine from Kleenstrip too and Walmart has that as well. But... THAT wasn't YOUR interest in THIS thread, was it? So oil paints are colored varnish (basically). Lye is a VERY effective varnish stripper. Were it me... I would make a slightly caustic soap (free lye left over, think of it like % of hypo fat instead of superfat with the added benefit of eating your flesh away), and what with it being CAUSTIC I would make sure it looked and smelled as flat out evil as you could get. (Octagon soap springs to mind) But, that caustic soap is ONLY good for your handles and NOT for the natural fiber bristles of the brush. Hair relaxer is basically a lye solution with some polysorb, mineral oil, and petrolatum and it can eat the HELL outta hair. IMPORTANT!!!! NOTE!!!! If the ferrules on your brushes are aluminum (which is VERY common) a lye heavy soap is going to eat the hell out of the aluminum. I'd also agree with TT and stay away from the abrasives unless you really want to transform your brushes into pom-poms. Honestly, solvents are really the right way to go. They'll be cheaper, and yield better results. Personally if I have to clean a brush with suds, I use a detergent. Soap just leaves too much baggage behind. HTH, Sponie: King of if-it-can-be-melted-I've-got-THAT-solvent and other hallucinogenic fuming services. (Oh chloroform, oh Chloroform, how lovely are your ethanes! You clean the oils off th... (thud....) )
  8. Well, I'm not a chandler by any means but I was fooling around with some homemade wood wicks a few weeks ago. They were fussy. What I mean is: the wick really had to be trimmed to it's ideal burn height, the wick had to be kept at it's ideal burn height they performed poorly at first until a good MP had developed. Hot. Depending on the wood and porosity of the wood AND direction of grain wax burn rates were different. I needed a MUCH larger wick than I was expecting, except in bamboo, and the bamboo needed to be a fraction of the size the flat wicks needed to be. Gotta make sure you kill them with oxygen starvation. or they WILL smolder, (but not as long as I thought they would smolder) They HAVE to be sized with some sort of penetrating wax like substance or they won't wick or light worth a damn. (I used 100% or a 90/10 blend of pure stearic acid to "boil" my wicks in before trying them out. Other than that, they were really pretty and had wonderful throw. Pretty easy to light and didn't need to be constantly trimmed. They kinda self regulated. Personally, I liked them. They have a nice oil lamp like quality to the flame that I find to be nice. HTH, P.S.: Even though I am generally a smart ass, I'm being serious about this... Please don't hold my opinion about this as anything but anecdotal. Listen to the chandlers over me. Like I said, I'm NOT a chandler.
  9. Of COURSE string'm up by the neck! wait... No... That's right... Proceed. On another issue... The tall ones give me pause because they're narrow, small, and low volume. I'm thinking you're gonna have a really HOT candle with that... The little short ones are awesome. If you still want the little 2 oz mason jars like the Dollar Tree ones they have'm on Amazon. And your picture looks great!
  10. I LOVE!! Nay... ADORE Quarter Horses! BTW: Pretty much all horse people are bad ass. I'm sorry I forgot about the sport riders... I fergit... Which brand do sport riders prefer? I know most barrel racers run on Copenhagen... One of these days I might recount "The 4 finger Sweetie" incident. ---- (wehoaaa bubba! )
  11. Wait... I just found and posted those, what yesterday(?) in another thread. I think @moonshine was after them? Yep, pretty sure it was her. https://www.partyfavorsource.com/Vintage-Inspired-Raised-Script-Love-Mini-Mason-Jars-ER-9769.html So what are you looking for TT, 2 oz'ers in square?
  12. I KNEW IT! Barrel racing gals have such a unique outlook on life. I mean after all they don't say giddyup they say giddyf&*&&*&*&.... Life in 18 seconds or less Sand tests... I wasn't going to post about that but, since you opened the gate sister... Anyway, this was actually a cow, and I was fish'n for a hardware magnet. My first impressions were: 100+ degrees outside + cow operating temperature= bullshit must come from hell... And damn! This is a lot of work! Now imagine I'm up my bicep into that mess and I get a fart. Well it's normal... and everyone gets a chuckle cause the kid got farted on. (BTW: protective equipment included the following: A glove (used and sweaty). I was informed later that the glove wasn't for MY protection.) So the chute was a pretty tight fit and they told me that it had been given a shot and everything should be all nice and easy and controlled and if I found the magnet to stop and tell them. These are Florida Crackers, and I knew damned well they had to be BS'n me on "the shot", but still I was expected to do my job and get that magnet OUT of the BS. Well, as I remember it that fart was a rather unpleasant affair what with it being the slamming shut around my arm but that wasn't the fun part. The FUN part was something spooked the cow while I was up past my bicep in there, a snake or something upset the cow and it clamped the hell up and started trying to back out all bellowing and crap. I just remember going OH, SIHT!!!! and my arm starting to go numb. The vet helped me out, as it were. Yay 4-H. I might not be a better person for having the experience, but I sure as hell know about being neck deep in siht and extreme pucker factor. Horse sand tests were a whole lot easier not only because there was no way in hell that ANYONE but the vet was doing ANYTHING to ANY of the horses I took care of, but because all I was expected to do was stir the pot. (well miracle whip jar, but any jar full of crap becomes a pot.) I don't miss a damned thing about cattle, I do miss the horses though. WAY WAY WAY TMI... I know.
  13. I HAVE been around horses I've um... DONE sand tests before... It's Florida, there's nothing BUT sand down here so sand colic is an issue. (Lots of bran and mineral oil.) Say now... Any barrel racers here? If so, I'd say this thread IS about to get interesting...
  14. @Candybee Getting Skank huh? Well... that's off topic but I'm game. Where DOES one hunt skank? Does one hunt skank, or is it something you catch? Questions, questions...
  15. Hmmm.... @Trappeur ya bought'm all online didn't ya? Oh, well... here's another similar product... https://www.amazon.com/Mason-Jar-Ounce-Glasses-Leak-Proof/dp/B01M6BZHHI/ref=sr_1_19?ie=UTF8&qid=1485763191&sr=8-19-spons&keywords=mini+mason+jar+shot+glasses&psc=1 And here... https://www.partyfavorsource.com/Vintage-Inspired-Raised-Script-Love-Mini-Mason-Jars-ER-9769.html As far as the little squat mason jars apparently they are 8 oz's and I saw them at Target. This is the cheapest I can find them at right now... https://www.luckyvitamin.com/p-673023-ball-wide-mouth-8-oz-half-pint-mason-jars-elite-collection-design-series-4-count?utm_source=google&utm_medium=PLA&sc_intid=141780&scid=scplp8213642&gclid=CILqis276dECFUaHswodsroMnw They don't have MASON in script... But the DO have BALL in script, MASON is in print. I hate to say it, (no I don't... not at all, I do this all the time) it's cheaper to buy the crappy little candles in the mason jars you want from Dollar Tree and melt out the wax and clean them out with some naptha or something and use the jars for YOUR purposes... (Shrugs... Like I said... I do that crap all the time) :D
  16. @moonshine These might be it... I dunno I'll have to poke around an little more. I just remember seeing 2oz jars available somewhere. They might have been jelly jars though. Mom used to can my fox grape jelly in those little squat dinky fat mason jars to differential it from what "people" ate. (I was the only one that liked or ate Florida wild fox grape jelly.) https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mainstays-Half-Pint-Glass-Canning-Jar-Set-12pk/43184792?action=product_interest&action_type=title&beacon_version=1.0.2&bucket_id=irsbucketdefault&client_guid=5d1066fe-72a3-4669-8a4e-4e53db685332&config_id=2&customer_id_enc&findingMethod=p13n&guid=5d1066fe-72a3-4669-8a4e-4e53db685332&item_id=43184792&parent_anchor_item_id=16661824&parent_item_id=16661824&placement_id=irs-2-m2&reporter=recommendations&source=new_site&strategy=PWVUB&visitor_id=U_qrlR3EfBY9MKBJMhQaFE#about-item
  17. (ahem... It might interest you to know that "I" am the Dollar Tree scout... As duly appointed by random nomination and agreement above) You talk'n 'bout this? https://www.dollartree.com/Cooking-Concepts-1-5-oz-Dessert-Shot-Glasses-3-ct-Packs/p340620/index.pro BTW @moonshine those are the 2 ounce mason jars. I've seen them available before recently. (I can't remember where, but I think it was at Walmart) I found some interesting stuff there at DT today one of those things being https://www.dollartree.com/Plastic-Compartmented-Storage-Cases/p352679/index.pro And a thing called a Turkey Lifter... basically a stripped down bare bones version of this but with more fundamental packaging... (yes it is possible, and I'm not kidding.) https://www.amazon.com/Turkey-Lifter-pack-Cooking-Concepts/dp/B005R4VI0U I think I can cut a notch at the ends and drill a hole to put some screws so I can make a "cheese" lyre... A pair of them no less... I also got some vinyl place mats that I want to try to make loaf mold liners out of... They also had some small silicone cake loaf "pans" there... They didn't look all that bad. I gotta get down to the barn and do some lathe work on another project real quick before I get stupider tired than I already am. Ciao! Sponiebr (Mission Impossible Theme plays) Dollar Tree Scout & Executor of Bad Ideas and other duties as assigned.
  18. Sounds like a PHENOMINALLY BAD idea! I'm IN! Speaking of DTs (Dollar Tree Scouting... o.O ) I saw those cool little mason jar mugs with lids that didn't have shaker holes in the top... Kinda neat and at 2x3x3 pretty good sized too. https://www.dollartree.com/Glass-Shaker-Jars-with-Handles-and-Metal-Lids/p360257/index.pro
  19. YEEEEEE HAW!!!! Kelly done got her crazy back on! 40 lbs. o'soap in a day! Oh, it's GOOD to have you back Kelly! What are you using as a liner up in that top batch there with the black and purple? Sponiebr: The (we know... WE KNOW...)
  20. I need some help get'n my Stank on... Who's up for help'n me out? (Oh boy... He's at it again!) Ok, yeah, so I "make" my own deodorant. And by "make" I mean I take some Milk of Magnesia from the Dollar Tree and mix in a little rubbing alcohol and 6 drops of Old Spice or some other Cologne. This all goes nicely into a 60 ml repurposed e-cig juice plastic squeeze dropper bottle. The deodorant works great a nickle sized amount keeps me fresh as a horses ass all day. (Now you know where my talent comes from...) I would like a better application method. Have/do any of you use MoM for deodorant and if so, how are YOU dispensing it? Would a roll-on bottle work? Thorts? Considerations? Consternations? Any help is appreciated. Danke! Sponiebr: The Executive of Bad Ideas and Sundry Services. P.S.: I'm not really a horse's ass... I'm just a regular smart ass...
  21. You can get it to go over at g increments IF you put another weight (e.g.: a calibration weight on the scale that is over 10 g.) AND you don't tare the weight. But yeah, it's no damn good at small increments from tare. The starting weight is >2 g before it registers and i've had iffy success with that starting from 0. I have no idea if it's any "good" or not but this is the one that I was planning on buying. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LYN505K/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A9QOA0JSJ7JFJ As far as spills of EO and FO's... Don't. Get yourself some transfer pipettes like this https://www.amazon.com/SEOH-Dropping-Pipette-Pipet-250mm/dp/B00KI25US2/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1485580596&sr=8-7&keywords=glass+pipette. I just use one of those "flavor injector" syringes with the needle filed off flat to pull and transfer my FO's and EO's. They're a buck from the Dollar Tree, I have 3 or 4 of them and they're great for eyeballing stuff. No more spills, no more lingering stank in the box from drip covered bottles... Just a thort. Sponiebr the Executor and recipient of Bad Ideas, and things that should not be thought of, much less said or done... <----- (Strong clue there that I've had a bad day.)
  22. Awesome! I mean, yanno, you creatively stirring the pot again... (Maybe I should start this over...) (DO OVER!!!) THAT SUCKS!!!! I'm not conveying my well-meaning, well, today... Srsly, welcome back and nice swirling! Slainte, Sponiebr <------------ the real reason psychological evaluations were standardized.
  23. Wait... HOLD ON ONE SECOND!!! You can BUY lye already mixed into water? o.O
  24. Hot FLAME'N Cookie SHEETS! Lookit'm GO!!!! I see you had a wood wick in there... Did I convince you to start smash'n popsicle sticks @TallTayl?
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