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Tester Issues - Lost and Hurt - Long Post

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I don't know if I should scream and throw things or just sit down and have a good cry. Just when you think you know people, they turn around and kill you because of one reason or another. It's getting to the point where if someone would ask me to move to the mountains with no contact other than internet, I'd probably say yes and when do you want me there while I'm shoving cats in cat carriers.

Since I started getting serious with the wax playing, I pulled four people from everyone I know, people I thought I could trust and asked them to be testers for me. They loved the idea, said it was about time I sold them, blah blah blah. I have two votive testers, one container and tart tester and one 'I don't burn candles right, I just burn them' pillar tester (my best friend. You'd like her Top, pyromaniac like you). Things have been going fabulous for the last year, they were slinging back the kind of critiques I needed, what scents they didn't like, which ones they loved, gave me mountains of ideas, it couldn't have been a better batch of testers. They held no punches back, something I told them they would have to do if I was going to make good quality SAFE candles. Three of my testers are girls at work, I think my first mistake.

Since my down time due to the pneumonia, I had kind of held back on telling anyone when I would start selling/taking orders, I just didn't know (and still don't) how long I would be out of the candle making. I wanted my strength back 100%. But I was still getting bugged, so I quietly started telling a few of the girls that I would take small orders and they were excited. So last night, I took my order forms into work with me, sat down with the two that were there that I agreed to take an early order from and gave them both a sample bag of Love Spell, one votive and a couple of mini-tarts. We kept it quiet and discreet, I even drop kicked my big boss out of his office for a little bit so we could have some peace (gotta love the bosses that actually enjoy getting drop kicked by employees, they're so much fun).

When we were done, I had another gal come to me and ask about a candle party. Hadn't even considered that avenue yet and told her that it wouldn't be until sometime in January, only because of the sickness, the Christmas season and I was not in a position to do them yet. She didn't care, was even excited that I agreed to it and we made it a point to get together later in the evening to discuss a good time and how many people, blah blah.

I was happy, really happy for about two hours. I had a couple of orders under my belt, was thinking about the party, ideas floating in my head, I felt good. Until the candle party gal came back to me and said she changed her mind and that she was hurt. Okay, stop, time out, CUT and I asked what the hell happened in the two hours since we last talked. Two of my testers were there at work and when she told them that I was going to do a candle party, they IMMEDIATELY started downtalking me, told her that I was basically producing "poo" (best way I could think to save sensitive ears, we all know what that really means) candles and the only reason they agreed to even test for me was because it meant free candles. One of them even went so far as to say that one of my votives exploded in her kitchen.


I would have lost my job had I followed through with my original thought. A good hard backhand with a closed fist would have changed their tune pretty quick, not to mention possibly a broken jaw considering how much red I was seeing I was so mad. I didn't say anything the rest of the night to either of the testers, also didn't say much to the party gal and wouldn't you know it, the two gals I took the small orders from hit me before they left their shift, returning the Love Spell back to me.

I do NOT even know how to begin to fix this situation, most of my sales WOULD have come from work. I even had guys on the ramp come to me and ask about anniversary and Christmas gifts and I had the Regional Director ask me if I could produce a 'company candle', which I whole-heartedly said 'hell yeah!' and THEN some. I DID fire the two testers before they left for the night, and I DID get some satisfaction from seeing the look on their faces when they realized they were busted big and not getting anymore exploding free candles from me.

When I got home this morning, I went downstairs for a bit and just stood in my workspace looking at everything and wondering what the hell I did to those two to cause this sudden about-face on me. I even caught myself a couple of times even doubting myself on the whole candle making venture. I'm still fighting that one to be honest.

Anybody have any ideas at all? I'm so damned lost at the attacks, not to mention this hurt me deep because I thought I could trust those two. What's even worse is that because of my schedule, I'm off today and tomorrow (work two, off two), which means this is going to get a chance to spread like wildfire before I can even get back to work and put it out.

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Wow, what jerks your testers were! I think you know exactly what to do, you just needed to vent! Hold your head up high--& endure. That's really all you can do. Continue making the best candles that you possibly can, burn tarts at work, if that's possible. Decide right now what you will or won't do as far as sales with coworkers. They'll be back, you might even get an apology from the jerks, maybe not. I don't have testers--if I don't like it, I don't sell it. Even fragrances that aren't my favs, I still know whether or not they make the cut. So, jump back in there, ignore the snots, & make candles.

Pam R

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Wow...I don't know what to say. I know personally how it feels to be shunned by a coworker who you thought was one of your best friends, so I can relate to that, but to have them trash you to other coworkers is just unbelievable. If you made an exploding candle, why didn't they tell YOU that first? I wonder, do you think one or both of them are trying to steal your ideas? I mean, do you think maybe THEY are trying to start making candles now and want to steal business from you? don't know...just ideas. I'm so sorry this has happened to you...I know what its like. But no matter what keep telling yourself that you are good at what you do and keep chugging along. Trust me, you will find other customers. Just keep trying!!!

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An exploding votive huh? Sounds like someone is full of sh--. I have to assume that you did your own testing before handing them out to other testers so you know how well they burn etc. and I bet none of them exploded on you ( I have NEVER heard of of a freaking votive exploding!! ) Could these co-workers be jealous? Also keep in mind that some people just plain can't stand to see someone do well. Keep your head up and continue to make your products. Ask the idiot to please explain what happened with the votive so that you can contact the supplier that sold you the ingredients to make sure the wicks weren't firecrackers in disguise.:yay: I'm sure she will sound like the moron that she is. Call one of your friends that you trust and work with that can help spread the word as to what a joke it is,( because it is!!) If you are pleased with how your candles burn then pass out a few freebies to peeps that will spread the word as to how good they are and include a sheet on how to properly burn candles. ( I put one in each and every basket I sell) I have always used family and friends for testers and the only problem I have had is with my sis. She had a blow out on a pillar and when I asked how long it had burned she said " well I lit it this morning around 8:00 am and it just happened ( at 9:30 PM !!) talk about a power burn:shocked2: Sorry this is long but I'm pissed off for you:mad:

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It sounds like your coworkers are jealous. Your extra income from your new side business would likely be viewed as a 'promotion' to them. Backstabbing is a common thing in office politics and a lot of people would even say untrue things about you to get ahead. I hope you will be able to get your reputation back. At least now you know who your true friends are.

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One thing to do is to assign paperwork that tester sheets that MUST be filled out with every candle that is tested. The more work involved in testing, the less likely someone is to just do it for free candles.

Make sure the testers don't know each other. That way they can't compare notes. They truely have to evaluate a candle but it's merits

File all the paper work and keep it. Have them sign each tester sheet with an honesty clause at the bottom and the date.

The testers were probably planning on making candles themselves to compete against you.

I know it's a let down but sit back and watch, you'll be seeing you're old testers start coming to work with their own candles sometime and you will have your answer.

This didn'thappen to me in the same way it did to you but something similar happened and the end results were the same.

I am sorry it happened but so many people feel they can do a better job so they stab the compition (you in the back) making way for their own candles to come in.

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I can't rely on anyone else to do my testing for me. I know exactly what I want in a candle and I need to see it and smell it for myself. When I first started, I gave lots of candles to friends and family and they all raved about them. Years later, I find out that they did not want to hurt my feelings.

I am far more particular than laypeople when it comes to my candles, and I need to ensure that my products meet my expectations. As far as your co-workers, they are a bunch of jerks.

I agree with passing out some freebies to show that your products rock and your ex-testers are full of crap.


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Candle Kitty,

I'm really sorry for your experience with those so called "friends". But everything happens for a reason, and perhaps these testers were not being as honest as they should've been and that would not help you anyway.....

I wouldn't worry about what what will be said when you are away. If others have experience with your candles they will be able to sort the truth from the crap. I would go back to work with a happy disposition, and make it widely known that you're looking for two honest people to test for you, as the last two were just on the take, and wouldn't know a good candle, even if it kicked them in the butt .......

I agree with the freebies idea - let people make up their own minds!

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That really does suck! It's hard to solve a problem without know why it happened to begin with. Thinking on this, I've been trying to figure WHY they made those comments to the others. Two possibilities I can see. Either your candles really are crap (if you've tested them thoroughly, you know whether this is true or not) and they didn't want the gal to have a disaster party OR possibly they figure if you are ready to start selling, then you wont need to test anymore (little do they know!), therefore no more freebies from them. Either way, they deserved to be fired. Either for lying to you or being greedy.

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Hi CandleKitty,,I am so sorry to hear about what they said,,you know I was thinking,,,why couldn't we (people here on candletech we know) get together and send testers to each other?? This way we get HONEST answers,,,we could be critiques to each other???? you all think about it and let me know,,,I know it would go well...

Please dont let those people get to you..keep doing what you love,,,and I agree if you can melt your tarts @ work do it!!,,,

We all love ya!!!!:highfive:

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Hi CandleKitty,,I am so sorry to hear about what they said,,you know I was thinking,,,why couldn't we (people here on candletech we know) get together and send testers to each other?? This way we get HONEST answers,,,we could be critiques to each other???? you all think about it and let me know,,,I know it would go well...

Please dont let those people get to you..keep doing what you love,,,and I agree if you can melt your tarts @ work do it!!,,,

We all love ya!!!!:highfive:

I believe that Vicki, Barefoot has a program set up for that. She pairs people buy state and there was requirements to be the person testing someones products. Check with her and see if she is still doing it.

Another suggestion get it on the swaps. That is what they are for too.

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I believe that Vicki, Barefoot has a program set up for that. She pairs people buy state and there was requirements to be the person testing someones products. Check with her and see if she is still doing it.

Im sorry,,I didnt know that someone else was doing this,,,,,:embarasse

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I don't know if she still is. The last that I knew she was. But it is a great idea and I agree with you. There should be something like that for people to turn to and have fun doing it.

I hosted a B&B/soap swap and I had a blast doing it. I learned alot from every body elses stuff. I would definitly do it again.


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Vicki isn't doing the tester program anymore. That's one reason I got in on the last 2 votive swaps. Looking for honest feedback from folks who know what characteristic a good candle should have.

Sorry about your lousy experience Candle Kitty. That really sucks but sure sounds like jealousy to me. You don't need testers like that. Take deep calming breathes and hold you head high when you go back to work. Burn on of you candles or tarts if you are allowed. The customer will follow their noses to you. Good Luck

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I just fired their lousy butts from being my testers. I can't touch either one of them as far as actual firing. I think that's a good thing, if I had the opportunity to, I probably would have last night.

I've got a way to retaliate, and they won't like it when I get done with it either, but it's obvious there's no love loss between us because of this issue anyway. I just got back a few minutes ago, I had made some 3 x 3 pillars for them as thank you gifts (did that for all my testers) and I gave theirs to the big boss that loves the Jamaica Me Crazy and the supervisor on duty right now (happens to be my little sister, they've got her seething, feel sorry for them when they go into work tonight....wait, no I don't) to burn. Both were scented Fruit Slices and when I left, big boss already had his burning in his office and I could smell the FO as I was walking down the hallway. Little sis had hers burning as well and I left them both a few business cards.

I don't know what I'm more shocked about. I know for a fact that my candles are good, the other two testers are constantly foaming at the mouth for a new test candle and one of the fired testers had taken one of my pillars home and her mom snatched it from her and then called me later to comment how well it burned and how good it smelled.

Some of the candles I would take into work, just sitting on the desk were getting rave reviews for how well they looked and how good they smelled even before I lit the wick. If they want to play that stupid game, they'll lose in the end. And if by some chance they're thinking of starting their own business, they've got another thing coming, we all know that. But it scares me in the same sense if they are. One year of test burning candles is way different than actually making them.

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I feel so bad for you.....what a horrible thing for them to do to you! Have you considered confronting them in front of everyone with the fact that they were "happy" with free candles (and kept taking them), and it wasn't until you were moving on that they trash talked you? I don't know how many people you have at work, but this might be the ice breaker bullies like this deserve......most can't handle confrontation, but would rather talk behind your back.

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Those girls are just jerks! Sounds like since you were ready to start selling, and they weren't going to be getting free candles anymore, they were putting you down so that you would feel you had to keep testing hence more free candles.

I would ask her exactly what she meant saying the votive exploded. I doubt that it exploded, maybe the ditz burned it in a container that wasn't made for votives, burned it too long and the glass got too hot and shattered. More than likely she is making it up, if I was testing a candle for someone and it exploded in my kitchen, they would certainly hear about it as soon as it happened. Makes me suspicious that she never told you. And if I tested candles for someone and they were sh.. I certainly wouldn't accept more.

As far as the girl who wanted to have the party, could you offer her some free candles to try...assuming you have tested them yourself and know they are good..that would be the best way to prove they are liars.

Hey, you can send me one of those exploding votives to try, I'll test it for you, I'd like to see an exploding votive I've never seen a votive explode. I'm sure I'd be dissapointed though, I'm sure that your candles are great and these two just have ulterior motives whatever they may be.

Don't get discouraged sooner or later everyone at work will realize they aren't telling the truth.

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I wouldn't get to upset I had a buisness partner go psycho on me though so I know how you feel. She ended up going belly up with out me, and yes that did make me feel a little better.

I think that mayby you could offer the lady that wanted to host a party a sample. That should solve the problem!! I think in the end your co-workers will look very foolish.

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I ran into a similar scenario at my last job. I had one gal tell me how much she liked my candles and how good they were and she bought many from me. Then one day she quit buying and telling everyone behind my back that she was going to start making candles because it was easy money. Since she had worked at the company longer than me she had more friends etc. Anyway the point being, she tried to make candles, didn't test, and sold them and then our coworkers found out who really had the talent.

Don't let these gals dampen your spirit of candle making. This shall pass and sucess will come to you.

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This is just so high school and so stupid. Whenever "girls" act like this, I have to assume that they didn't get to be prom queen and it stays with them their entire life. I too would like to see an exploding votive. I could sell a million of them for the 4th. I think they are jealous and I am very sorry that this spreading news could be bad for you......but by giving someone who wants to do a party some of your candles is the way to go. Eliminate those @@#48&57738937395^^^%%%$ people.....they must have very low self esteem. Knowing what I know about you I am sure that you have high quality candles. They aren't high quality people. I am sorry. Life is a bitch and then you die. I hope you are at least feeling better. This kind of thing isn't good for your well being......but you know that out of this will come a lesson.....grasshopper.....it will all work our....promoise. Auntie D

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First thing I'd do is to confront them, ask them "why?". See if they have enough balls to tell it to your face.

Second, I agree with e, I do my own testing, I can't put my name and reputation in the hands of someone else. I know what I want and how I want it and so I do the testing, I don't care if I have 10 candles going in 10 rooms, at least I can see how they are burning.

Sorry you got burned like that, very low blow.

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I like the idea of giving a sample to the candle party woman. And I couldn't agree more - success will be the worst defeat for them. Don't give up on work, I know that when you're in the thick of it, it seems like that door is closed because of their hurtful actions, but as an objective bystander, I can guarantee you that if your candles are good, nothing can keep them from selling except you.

Apart from all the "go get 'em, you're going to prevail" words, which are absolutely true if your products are good, I can offer you my sympathy. What they did was crappy. Really crappy, and I'm so sorry. The best thing you can do is figure out what you can do differently next time to lessen the chances of this happening again, and move on. Don't quit! :highfive:

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