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** What's in your pot this week/end? **

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I know, I know, a football :) Happy Superbowl Sunday!

But I'd like to get *something* done Saturday, I've been a slug all of January. Think I'll finally do my foot soak, see if I can get it the way I want. And I'm training my neighbor friend on how to set up her biz in Quickbooks.

What's up at your house?

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My auction box is arriving either today or tomorrow!!!! I won't leave this house until then.

I am cooking/hosting the Sunday dinner at the VFW for at least 65 people. Doing that whole souther fried chicken thing. When I finish that I will be too tired to do anything except choose something from the BOX to indulge in.

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Well I plan on being a soaping full- want to get at least 6-10 batches done. I will have to see how many orders I get in between then . I am hoping I don't sell anything over the weekend so I can just focus on soap soap and more soap! I am addicted. I hate making candles now unless I have to . LOL Is this normal???

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Won't be doing the *pot* thang this w/e!

I really made a commitment to buckle down and really get my supplies organzied and make room for some new stuff that I have coming.

Hopefully, next week, I'll be pitching in on what I will be doing..

Probably be tempting the new CP soap..

~*mad scientist look


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Counting my candles to see what I need to make, maybe organizing the work area a little. Game at a friend's on Sunday, but it's SO cold I don't want to leave the house! Scented, light yourself a cold relief candle and feel better soon!

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Quit procrastinating and cleaning my candle area which is a complete right off, can't even get in the room without tripping over something, I am the most disorganized person at home, at work I'm very organized and have to have everything neat and organized(this makes my Mom laugh, as she knows what I'm like at home). Then have 6 scented bears to finish for a order for next week.

:rolleyes2Pam F

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If I don't die from this cold/virus, I would like to get some stuff done too. Me thinks I may not be in the pots till next weekend though.

Julie...I am sorry you are under the weather......:sad2: My oldest son is coming for a 10 day visit so we are taking him up to Squaw to ski and meet some friends. Not much snow here but I hope he can find enough to have fun....then my youngest son comes next week with his wife.....looks like I will only have FOOD in my pots this weekend. They are big boys and love to eat. So....I am making some more chunks today....trying to get ahead. I have wax melted but am waiting for inspiration for a color and fragrance..... I did some periwinkle chunks yesterday.....hmmmmmm.....guess it will be periwinkle.....but then I need to choose a scent.......isn't life just full of problems (smile)......Get well.......and please don't fall into a pot of wax due to your weakened condition.... (smile)......Donita

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Testing a few new fragrances Saturday and pouring some samples for a store. Ordering more wax, lids, fo's (where did it all go?)......cleaning house cooking for Sunday and resting after pouring and selling a zillion Colts & Bears candles this week! I'm TIRED!

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