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WSP - Are they really that bad??


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So I placed my first order with WSP on 4/18 (still hasn't shipped out😐) and was looking over their Yelp reviews tonight and the majority of them are negative (1-2 stars.) The main trend seems to be extremely slow shipping (some reviewers were talking weeks) and awful customer service. Many say that if you reach out to them with an issue or concern, they are very rude and simply deactivate your account. Reviews elsewhere are just as bad.


However, I know many of you here order from them quite a bit. I already know that I like the oils I purchased, as I got samples from a friend first, so I'd like to continuing buying these particular oils from WSP. But now, I'm worried.😕

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Right now everyone is shipping slow due to the Covid19 virus.  I don't recall them being that bad in the past.  I do believe they have a 3-5 day processing time but if you don't hear in 5 days I would reach out by call or email.

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Seems pretty much all the reviews Written on yelp are complaints. Yelp does not appeal to the happy customers 🤣


anyway...  sometimes I get my WSP next day, others it takes a bit.  Sale times are always a bit slower - which I accept since the flood of orders slows things down.  Their quality usually more than makes up for any shipping lag. 

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I never had any issues with them. I always have to wait 3-5 days before my order even ships so it's nothing new to me and I take that time frame into consideration. I just placed an order on Wednesday and it stated up top on their website that their lead time is 8-10 days. I'm just grateful I can still order with everything that's going on right now. 

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I love them.
Their shipping is generally great for me. The only issue I have is the pricing—but honestly their stuff is so good I just suck it up and try to take advantage of sales when I can. 

IMO Brambleberry has the worst shipping I have yet to see (even without a pandemic).


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You guys are making me feel a little better. 🙂


3 hours ago, kandlekrazy said:

Right now everyone is shipping slow due to the Covid19 virus.  I don't recall them being that bad in the past.  I do believe they have a 3-5 day processing time but if you don't hear in 5 days I would reach out by call or email.


Not everyone, I've actually had great luck with shipping this whole month from various companies. I placed 4 other orders on the same day (4/18) that I placed my order with WSP and 3 more orders after (4/20 & 4/22).) I have already received 3 of those orders and the other 4 are currently in transit to me.


I just revisited their site and I do the see the 6-8 day lead time at the top of the page. Today marks 5 business days, so hopefully it'll go out soon.

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I hate ordering from them. Their business model of so called free shipping then adding a $5.00 handling fee is ridiculous.

on top of that they are slow at shipping I wonder how they actually stay in business. It takes one to two weeks sometimes, really?

Ship and handling fees and slowpoke service are a no go with me.

They are at the bottom of my list for suppliers too many great ones. Natures Garden is a good one. Super fact, excellent customer service, no baloney padding fees.

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I've ordered several of their oils, especially when they have a good sale and what I have I love, but quite honestly, I don't get the prices of some of their oils that other suppliers charge a lot less for. What I have from them might be good but I don't think their oils are any better than anyone else's that I've bought. All have great oils and all have duds. I will probably buy from them again when they have a sale but there's only a couple of their oils that I use and really love that I can't get anywhere else. 

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I feel like WSP always smells richer to my nose like maybe they don't cut it with so much crap? The consistency is quite different too. I can use WAY less and still get a great throw. 

I have other oils that I like and they perform well but few can outshine imo.



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I don’t love them.  I think big orders get priority and small orders just get shipped out whenever they feel like it.  Irks the hell out of me.  They do have some good stuff if you are willing to wait.  My orders always take about 2 weeks to arrive.

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At this point, I think I'm just going to have to accept the fact that if I want to purchase oils from WSP, it's a very good possibility that I'll have to wait a while for them. I'll need to reorder earlier than usual in hopes that I don't run out. Here's to hoping my recent order ships next week.


As for slow shipping in general, I simply don't understand how any company can deem that acceptable or believe that it should be tolerated. Your customers have paid you their hard earned money for a product you are selling. Once you receive their payment, that product is now THEIRS, so get it to them asap!

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Shipping is a little slow compared to some of the other places... It is still faster than Bramble Berry!


As far as customer service goes,  I once ordered 3 bottles of Palm oil and received 3 bottles coconut oil instead.  I called them and they were wonderful about the issue.  They had no problems re-shipping the correct items.


I've ordered everything soap related from them - from lye to mica to oils - and everything has arrived in good shape and without leaking!


The $6 shipping is great for heavy orders.  Their prices are a little high, but I stock up when things are on sale (and very competitive ).

Edited by Math ace
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I've been ordering from them for years without a single hitch. Like all suppliers and shipping venues getting your supplies processed and shipped to you is much slower these days due to Covid-19. So just plan ahead and figure your wait time in when you need to purchase. Also keep in mind that many items such as aloe, sanitizer suplies, alcohol, witch hazel, etc,  may have a limited supply, be out of stock, or you are only allowed a maximum of 1-2 per purchase.


During normal times my products always came on time and were properly packaged. Nothing has ever arrived damaged or missing from any of my orders.


Re their pricing, they ship many of their items free. Since we know shipping is not free I figure its included in the cost of the item. If you do comparison shopping with another supplier you may find that in the end WSP could save you money. For example if xyz supplier charges less for an item but with the shipping charges you could find that the item(s) purchased at WSP may save you money.


I always have a backup supplier whenever possible. One reason is not simply for OOS items but comparison shopping. If the same item costs me less at another supplier than WSP I will order from the other one instead. 


There are several items I shop for in bulk and I save money on them by buying them from WSP instead of elsewhere.


So my  advice is to comparison shop and pay attention to shipping and processing times. This will save you a lot of headaches and money.

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I very rarely use WSP.  I have a problem with their pricing and service fee.   Plus shipping can take forever and I'm only a state away when there's not a pandemic.  I will only order from them when they have a good sale.  I've pretty much eliminated most of their FO's from my line with the exception of two.  So, I purchase them when on sale.  I do get jars/lids from them on sale as well.  I've found I can get FO's even paying shipping from other companies for a better price. 

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On 4/24/2020 at 8:46 PM, sarahmarah said:

I feel like WSP always smells richer to my nose like maybe they don't cut it with so much crap? The consistency is quite different too. I can use WAY less and still get a great throw. 

I have other oils that I like and they perform well but few can outshine imo.



For cold process soap the WSP fragrances I rely on stay true and last an awful lot longer than most of the cheaper priced places of the same variety. For instance I have some going on two years that smell like they were just made. some of the cheaper places after three months it’s either morphed or faded completely. 

I wait for good sales of what I need and plan ahead. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brambleberry takes forever and I swear they pay their UPS drivers to go extra slow. WSP is average, usually ships out 5 days after I order— right now they are taking a lot longer. I made a $1k order with them 10 days ago and paid an extra $15 to “skip the line” and it still didn’t ship any faster and I ended up having to Email them to get it moving. 

when there isn’t a pandemic though I have never had a problem. 

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