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Everything posted by funkymonkey66

  1. I saw a ton of that going on when I did shows and mostly people taking them with the camera phones. The following year people had what they were taking pics of the previous year. It pissed off alot of the vendors. I think it takes some nerve to do that and it's just wrong, but what can you do? "The other people who irritate me are the ones who meet in front of my stand and reunite with old friends, relatives, etc. They block paying customers from my stand while they reminisce and catch up. " Ditto
  2. Have any of you had to just ban a customer for any reason? If so what was the reason and how did they take it?
  3. Which supplier did you get it from? I ask because I have found that I like the 223 from the east cost over the 50 but vice versa when in comes in from the west. It is not the same depending on where you get it. The only issue I had with the 50 was air pockets other than that there was not too great of a difference. Rather than take the risk, I would sooner swap out the wax before the order is due or just order more until you can get it resolved. It's better than running the risk of making candles that may not perform the way you intended. If people complain then you are going to have to eat the candles and remake them anyway. I am sorry that happend.
  4. You could also add vybar or UA to it and that will stop the weeping.
  5. My replacement bottle of sweettooth arrived today and this time it's the correct one , no flowers! I am surprised it got here so quick because it was not due here until Monday.
  6. I never gave her the chance after I emailed her about it so I couldn’t tell you. I ordered samples and loved it a while back, when I went back to order cases and saw the outrageous shipping difference I emailed her letting her know about it. She told me her shipping calculator was correct and she was live with FedEx current rates. She said if she had to go back and refund the difference on every order that was overcharged she would have to employee more people just to do that, which intern cause her to raise her prices to pay their salary. So basically she told me shipping is what it is and the amount in the cart says is what I would be billed. So with that being said I never ordered the cases of wax and never will. I still order fragrances and that is only a dollar or two more than list rate but I can live with it. I figure maybe she is covering the cost of the packaging material. But to charge that much more to slap a sticker on a box of wax is ridiculous.
  7. I didn't file with the BBB but I did file a charge back and won. Are you able to order from the suppliers you reported to the BBB or just choose not too? I am wondering if a supplier would refuse to do business after that which is why I think people don't do it as often as they should. I think people rely on them too much and would rather swallow a few bucks then retest. This is why it is so important to have the fragrance twins threads. The same stuff is out there we just have to know where to look.
  8. "Becky only charges you what FED EX charges her....no added fees." Really? Does she now refund the extra money her shopping cart charges after the order is processed or does she pay more than the list rate?
  9. I have used the 50/50 and really liked liked it alot and would switch in a heart beat. The only reason why I will not do it is because the shipping is about 12 bucks a case higher from the Fedex list rate. What comes up 20 she is charging 32 and change. I just can't do that. A dollar or two I can swallow but not 12. I went back and checked and she did come down on the Fedex rates alittle, now shipping is $24.70. Fedex list price at 52 lbs to a residence is $20.74 (my rate if I used my Fedex account would only be $17.01 but she will not do that.)
  10. I called them this morning and they are sending me out a replacement today poured right from the manufacture container. They don't know what happened but I know for sure what ever is in the bottle is some type of intense flower fragrance. I offered to send it back so they could try to figure out what they sent me instead. They said not to bother because they would just throw it away and I would just be wasting the shipping. I read some of the descriptions for the fragrances that were grouped with sweet tooth and wonder if maybe it was sweet seduction they bottled instead. There is no description next to SS but maybe that FO smells like flowers. That would make sense if they had their fo's in alphabetical order. That is how I keep mine. Oh well I am looking forward to getting the right one and I think it is great that they are fixing the situation.
  11. I just got my order in that I have been pacing back and forth for and the bottle marked as sweet tooth smells like an intense floral scent? It is actually revolting. I know this was sent to me by mistake because there is no way in the world this is a cut out cookie with sprinkles, frosting and cherries etc. It smells like bad fake Gardenia and really intense. It also has a small s marked on the bottom with a black marker which I have no clue what that means. Now of course they are closed and no one is answering the phone. I never had an issue with an oil from them but only carry a few so I only order 2 or 3 times a year. So we will see what happens, I am so frustrated right now because now I have to wait to get the correct one which will be another week. Has anyone else gotten a mislabeled oil from them in the past?
  12. I loved the oils too I used to buy from her, but not that much to put up with that kind of CS. There are just too many other places I can buy oils from that can spare a few cents worth of tape on a package to stay in the black. Don't you think you are asking a little too much for a ziplock bag? I didn't even get tape on the box much less some sort of packing material! Did you buy the insurance by the way- as if it would have done any good?
  13. Been there done that a few months back. I will never give her another dime! http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79174 Don't expect much I am still missing that bottle of VB that she didn't replace.
  14. I use daystars and people have told me that it is the best pink sugar and an exact dupe of the perfume. I have tested it in 415 and at a 24 cure time it had a great cold and super hot throw. I have heard that Millcreek is the same as DS but half the price and am waiting on a sample just to see.
  15. I love most of CS oils with exception to the new Buttercream. That was the only one ever that I just hated. OMG it was just awful. To me it smelled like plastic and crayons with a touch of floral to it. No butter, vanilla or cream at all. It was not even close to what buttercream smells like. I thought it was just my nose and it would change in wax so I poured it and my God it just intensified so I ended up throwing it out. It was only a one ounce sample so I didn't even bother calling and asking them what was up with it. Other than that everything else I got was great.
  16. Take your heat gun and slightly melt the wax, not enough to ruin the candle but just enough to get the wax tacky. Sprinkle the cinnamon on and your done. That is what I do when I make cinnamon sugar donut melts. News paper or an old cookie sheet comes in handy too so you don't get the cinnamon dust flying everywhere.
  17. http://www.scentit.com/products/ad1001.html Anyone try this yet? The concept is pretty neat.
  18. Anyone try these yet? Sea Salt Caramels Lemon Poppyseed Lemon Squares Mandarin Coconut Boston Tea Party and the new lavenders?
  19. I always got mine from flexible molds so what ever the yellow silicone was I really liked. My older ones are much softer then the newer ones from her and the softer ones are easier to work with. I just bought some urathane molds from the moldmakinghandyman and I have to say I like his mold material better then the silicone. It is clear yellow and everything slides out much better and it's cheaper.
  20. I just use a little extra vybar and it fixes the seeping issue. HTH
  21. I love her peach grove & citrus blossom and vanilla sugar. I would pick those up for sure.
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