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Everything posted by funkymonkey66

  1. I looked at their website last week when I got the email and I could have sworn under every oil it stated premium. What does distressed mean? Bad, no shelf life left or just a subpar oil in general? That is a heck of a long way from premium. I really wanted to try the powered sugar, what is the point though now. There are others that sell closeout oils but at least they tell you upfront. I agree with the rest, this going back and forth with policy and privileged info that contradicts their site is a big red flag.
  2. I had a cutomer request this scent and I have never smelled it so I am kind of flying blind. I seached and there are way too many to order samples from at once and with nothing to compare it to is pointless. Some supplier descriptions say cider, some say citrus and floral some make it seem like it's just another apple spice scent. Does anyone know who has the truest dupe for this scent? I ran a search on here and it seems that Peak and KY's are pretty good but do they smell like clair burke's original? And what about LS or Candlescience Apple Jack and Peel and feed back on those? Thanks Funky:smiley2:
  3. I got an email last week from this guy telling me he found my website, he knows he has products I would be interested in. He told me to check out his website & use some code at check out but never said what the code did? Just a basic spontaneous solicitation email. I thought that was weird that a supplier would just email someone at random because I have never ordered from them before, but I guess you have try to bring in new business somehow. I am fine with minimums as long as they are sending me FREE samples to test with first. Every oil manufacture that requires a minimum that I have ever dealt with sends you an ounce or two to test with. I am not dropping $150.00 just to test any new product, what if it doesn’t work in my applications? And @ 7.50 per pound? I can’t even get that price direct from IFT @ 35 lbs so I am a little unsure of the quality based on their price point.
  4. I like this idea a alot. I would do this in layers. Have a great scent on top and then half way down it would get nasty. If you are pulling a prank you have to get the one being pranked to burn it for the full effect. At sos I see soft pretzels and french fries? Those sound good to me.
  5. I don't know how the heck anyone can use a turkey fryer for wax. I bought one and tried it out and almost burnt my house down. The wax smoked to the point where I had to open every window in my house, turn on every fan and for week the whole place smelled like plastic. Once the wax touched the exposed heating element it was over. Smoke city! I don't know how it would do with soy but I'll never do it again. I read that you are supposed to melt wax first and cover the element? So what happens when the unused wax submerged under the element hardens and you turn it on again? Maybe I did something wrong but I don't think they are a good idea. If the element wasn't in the fryer and more like a presto pot I think it would be great.
  6. It goes by class, sugar cookie may or may not be taken in "wax candles etc" but the name sugar cookie may be trademarked as an actual food product or trademarked in a bath and body cosmetic class or fragrance/perfume class. There is like 500 different classes so it all depends on what you are selling. If it's not a trademarked candle then you can use it. You can't trademark the name candle because it is too common. When I did my trademark I had to sign an amendment that I was not making a claim to the word Candle in my business name. Yes if it is too similar or "product confusion" which I read a little on, that could be considered trademark infringement as well.
  7. When I did the hang tags I had them printed up with the logo on the front, instructions on the back and I had a star punch for the hole. It was super cute but really time consuming.
  8. I was adding stuff to my cart at CS today and wanted to give Very Vanilla another test. I saw a few people complained under the comments section that they changed the oil and it had no throw now. Did anyone notice a change or did they fix it? TIA Anyone try the Blackberry Marmalade yet?
  9. I don't think they smell alike at all and I prefer CS's version. I think CS's is stronger and has more spice. Peaks is good just less spice and a tad more apple. From what I smell anyway.
  10. The candlesource pumpkin carrot strudel is the most authentic and works for me in all applications. I had ST carrot cake and that was great too, just a little more spicy.
  11. I clicked that link and was laughing when I saw all the gmail addresses. What Co. uses a gmail or any other freebie email address? It should be info@yourcompany.com not yourcompany@gmail.com That would be the first tip off to me before I even opened the email. The person asking to charge X amount of dollars to pay a someone else is just a no brainer. Delete and empty the recycle bin.
  12. papermart has pretty good prices and the shipping is a little cheaper.
  13. Spoke too soon I just received the 13th email from her.
  14. Shhhh don't tell- it's is how I get them hooked. I think this woman is just plain crazy, I could have been selling twinkies or keychains and she would have reacted the same because she is a nut.
  15. Thanks Wildcrafter, Yeah I kept everything I am sure she is not letting it go anytime soon. The calls have stopped (for now anyway). My husband said the same thing about horror movies starting out that way You just never know who you are dealing with on the internet.
  16. I know! Maybe someone should tell her that because apparently she feels justified in demanding I answer her emails and sell to her or else.... I wish she would just go away! I was not even going to post about the 12 crazy emails because I can just delete them and it's no big deal. BUT to call my home is taking it waaaayyyyy too far.
  17. Update on my end.... The customer I refused service to has emailed me 12 times, some of the emails threatening me (if I don't sell to her she will spread the word and ruin my business) I never responded to any of them because it's nonsense and I thought eventually she will go away. Now this woman is calling my private unlisted HOME phone number. 7 phone calls yesterday in a 3 hour window! How the hell she got a hold of my home # is beyond me. If I had any second thoughts about banning this woman they are gone now! She is not a customer at this point she is some lunatic that is harassing me and it is out of control. Calling my home is crossing the line. I called the non emergency # for my police dept last night after coming home and listening to my answering machine. I explained the situation to the operator and they offered to send an officer out to file a report but opted not to file just yet. Who has to call the cops on customers, it's ridiculous?!?!? I am hoping if I just ignore her calls she will not call again but her stalker behavior shows me she is just not going to let it go. I saved all the emails, and the messages just incase. Any thoughts? Block the numbers, change my home phone # or involve the police? All this BS just because I will not sell to her!!! UNREAL the lady needs to leave me alone and move on already! Some people just can't handle rejection.
  18. Yep that should do it and if that doesn't work bring all the kids that you know and send them over to there booth and see how they like it. Tell them its a scavenger hunt and in one of those mia bella candles is a winning ticket for all the free candy they can eat.
  19. Southern.scents that is probably the direction it will go in with this lady and I wouldn’t put it past her. If people knew why I am banning her, it would blow their minds. It would be totally unethical of me to gossip to other customers what she has done to warrant it, but this woman has it coming so I may not be above it. Hopefully if she starts any nonsense about me refusing her business- I would hope rational people would know that a business would not refuse service to someone with a darn good reason. But you never know...I may be giving people way too much credit.
  20. You know when I did shows I just kept to my own area, I could give a crap who was selling what. I would take a break and get something to eat and wonder through the isles, but when I came across another candlemaker I was always very polite, say hi-sniff a few and walk away. I can't go into any store that sells candles and not sniff. BUT I would never have the nerve to give a sales pitch or tell people to "come with me" and pull sale away from someone else. Nor would I get in the way of the other vendor trying to sell his or her stuff. I am not that insecure my product or that competitive and never will be. Some people just have no class. Good for all that kept their cool and didn't jump over their tables and beat these people to death.
  21. Wow Tess that is nuts to give you an excuse like that! You had to be livid! Some people amaze me. I have banned a few over the years, ranging from fraudulent charge backs,bounced checks etc. Yes, some of these people had the nerve to try to place another order too. They are just not worth the hassle. Did anyone ever ban someone simply because they were huge PITA and that was the only reason? I am considering it, but I am wondering if that is a valid reason for refusal of service.
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