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Everything posted by funkymonkey66

  1. I have DS, NG and Tenn and I think Tenn is the best VBN in soy. Never tried JS's.
  2. I just got my order in today. I agree about the autumn wreath, totally fall in a bottle. It's got to be the closest I have found to the original. I did order the cornbread and it smells exactly like zucchini bread from the candlesource or ky. I emailed to see if maybe I got a mislabeld oil. It's really good but not even close to cornbread. If that is the oil she should rename it.I would order it again because it's even stronger than the zucchini bread I have in stock. Lots of crystals in it thou but I can strain them out. I got be thankful too, that is a really great one too. I have to say I am really impressed with her new duplications.
  3. Yes, Yankee came out with double wicked containers about a year and a half ago. Funny that the jars they chose to DW are not nearly as wide as the standard jar they have always used. That was the jar they should have DW imo. Yankee's double wicked containers look like a tall drinking glass with a flat silver lid. I think other vendors were calling them Madison style jars at one time. It all depends on the wax, fragrance and jar combo. To each his own on how many wicks they want to use. Double is just my preference and I test every combo that I sell. Some style jars are single wicked but I would not consider myself lazy because in a particular style jar I am happier with the results of using two. Customers rarely maintain candles the way we do. So if they are not following your burning instructions then they may not be getting the great results you are. That is another reason why I think double wicking is more user friendly. I do agree with the above posts. I didn't mean to use Yankee as the standard of quality more like the most well known candle on the market. If they are double wicking now then obviously there must be a demand for it.
  4. I love double wicks. I think they burn better and have a better scent throw. I avoid mainstream single wicked candles because I have yet to be impressed by one. Yankee is double wicking now.
  5. Anyone try these yet? I am about to place a FO order and these are calling my name : ) I didn't care for NG a/w but JS's version sounds pretty tempting. Wondering if the CB muffins will smell like plain bread or if there really is some corn in there. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Dreamstime.com I get a ton of images there and most are a dollar each.
  7. Go the the Christmas Tree store. They have everything. I have a sheer leopard curtain panel that you can have for free. And please DO NOT ask me what I was thinking when I bought it. I was going for a jungle themed room for the kids, kind of like rainforest cafe. I also have a long poster that has elephants, zebras lions,etc that is done in a sepia tone. Don't know if you could somehow incorporate that into anything. I think I still have the big box of stuff from their room, bunch of realistic stuffed animals and figurines. I bet you Big lots has a bunch of the tiki stuff on clearance now.
  8. That was one of the reasons I stopped buying from her. I ordered 2 pounds of snowtop oil and she didn't tape the box shut nevermind put even a shread of packing material in the box, so one fell out in transit. She told me "The box didn't say you had to tape it shut" and never replaced what I was missing. Took no responsibility what so ever and blamed it on me for choosing USPS. I filed a charge back for what I was missing, won and took my business else ware. I spent more money on replacements and retesting but it was the principal. Plus I ended up with allot of new great ones so I am much happier. And you are right some of the scents did change. Key Lime Pie for one, smells nothing like the original ST blend anymore. The Vanilla bliss is not the same either. It's apples and oranges so I got rid of it. I noticed the description changed from strong undertones maple to hazelnut once people started to complain. The description suites the new blend she is selling but it is not the original ST by any means.
  9. This one is coming from a supplier that I don't do business with anymore. I know they got my email requesting removal and I have unsubscribed 5 times. They must really want my business, but sadly it's never going to happen. I get emails all the time from the regular spammers. I wish there was a do not email list like the do not call list.
  10. I have one from Berts that you can have, it was not popular so I discontinued it. I think it's almost a pound.
  11. Can anyone tell me the proper channel other than the FTC to report people that REFUSE to remove you from their newsletter and mass email lists? I have unsubscribed from a particular newsletter 5 times already plus emailed the originator asking to be deleted. The unsubscribe link says I was successfully unsubscribed but they still send me nonsense emails. I just delete them but it is getting pretty annoying. Doesn't that fall under spamming?
  12. Well if she discontinues the ST Banana Nut Bread (which was my formula that I trustingly gave to Angie with a promise of a co op with me that she never did then decided to sell as her own a few years back) Yep, live and learn. You can get it right from Bell Aire as well as Candlewic. Same exact formulation. ; ) HTH
  13. This lady does not seem the type to take a check with deductions for postage and fees. If anything I am surprised she is not demanding money for pain, suffering and mental anguish on top of driving 1000 miles ...... You owe her nothing. Don't refund her a dime. Plus do you want her having your personal info on the check you would issue her?
  14. FedEx's investigation consists of the a quick conversation with the driver. If the driver said he delivered it then he did and it's over. You darn well know this woman got her stuff. Sounds like a whack job to me and you don't want her as a customer. Keep the money it is yours. I would not indulge her with I'm sorry and we want to provide you with great customer service nonsense with a follow up email. Why, so you can pay her to keep your stuff and make her feel important at the same time? You fulfilled your end of the transaction,it's FedEx's issue now. She can try to file a chargeback but with a delivery conformation she will lose, yes even with a credit card. Tell her to file a police report or that you will on her behalf. You'll never hear from her again. I pm'd you.
  15. You can use a turkey baster to suck out the water from the bottom of the pot.
  16. Tractor supply has it in the store and online. So does petsmart http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3055974
  17. Blacklisted? Why and how would someone do that? Wonder if this will get deleted too ; )
  18. That sounds weird but I have heard worse which is really sad LOL. People will do anything for a buck. Some people will pull that crap all day and who knows how many people fall for it. Glad the police actually did something about it and Philadelphia police too? Now being born and raised there I find that amazing. You would think they were too busy to be bothered with all the other crime going on now.
  19. Wholesale prices are for people who pay for allot of product outright. If anything you tell him how much you want per item and he tacks on 20- 30% above that price. It could be your retail plus 30% if you want. I don't do consignment, I personally think it is a waste of time and too much of a risk. I have had some product that didn't sell at the end of the season and you should have seen how it was returned to me! Dirt and dust in the jars and stuck to the wax, faded on one side. Finger nail digs. Who would want to buy that? This was a friend too so you know it goes without saying, never mix business etc. I think you would be better off giving him 10. See how they do and if he wants to set up a wholesale account then great.
  20. In 10 years I have yet to find a sugar cookie that does not end up smelling like a weak vanilla in a finished product. It's a conspiracy I tell you! It's like "hummm it's vanilla but it's light, we'll name it sugar cookie!" Every time I have such high hopes only to feel cheated after I burn the candle LOL. Out of every "sugar cookie" I have tried (at least 30 and even attempted to have one made and it still smelled like weak vanilla to me) I would say that Tennessee candles Vanilla Bean Noel is the best - just call it sugar cookie. If you don't like VBN then my second best would be Vanilla Sugar from Backwoods it smells just like a frosted vanilla cookie. Both worked excellent in paraffin, straight soy and veggie blends. At the end of the day it is all what you name it anyway. HTH I never did try peaks, at least I don't think I saw sugar cookie over there so now I am going to have to get a sample. It could be "thee" one. Fingers crossed again.
  21. You know this guy is reading this and is livid. :lipsrseal Regardless of the outrageous min. he set, I still will not buy "distressed" fragrance passed off as premium oils from his site. That ticks me off. How can you put a $22.00 + value on it as if I was getting some great deal @ 8.00 per pound. Just to find out he is reselling crap no one else probably wanted. He must have removed that misleading selling point because the fragrances don't say that anymore. It just says 7.50 per pound. What is the deal with recycled wax too? Where did that wax come from, over pours on counter tops, scraps, imported dollar store pillars,veggies? 40 some odd dollars per case is not much of a saving to me for an unknown recycled product. I guess if you were making firestartes maybe but I have enough scrap I create daily so I would not think of purchasing it. After reading these threads I just am not interested in buying anything from them.
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