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Everything posted by funkymonkey66

  1. You can also heat the wax in the presto pot undisturbed and when it's melted you see the big water droplets settle at the bottom, use a turkey baster to draw them out. I have done this in the past and it's much faster.
  2. I went to Syracuse label and had my labels done. After all is said and done it costs me a penny each and they look a thousand times better. The inital invenstment is pretty painful but worth it in the end. The plate fees are what hurts the most when you do 4 colors, but once you pay for them they are yours and you can take them anywhere. You have to buy between 10 and 20 thousand labels so make sure you can use that size on your jars, clamshells, bags and singles. It can't hurt to call and get a quote.
  3. I got mine at candlesoylutions. It was called papaya clafoutis. I think they are just calling it papaya now.
  4. These oils from Daystar just got way to expensive for candle applications. Does anyone know of replacements for Ginger Lime (Serendipities formulation) and Pink Sugar Kisses? TIA
  5. I haven't shopped EAC in 4 years since they screwed me on wax. Honestly I didn't even know they were still in business.
  6. What about scent shooters or scent shots?
  7. I second that honey graham cracker from GL or JBN. It is great! I have that already, but a blended a few scents with the candlesources version and I need something similar. It smells like graham cracker but not spicy like the HGC. The trouble I am finding is that most graham crackers I am trying lately smell like a diluted version of gingerbread. LS- gingerbread, NG was okay but still a gingerbread note.
  8. Does anyone know a good replacement for The Candle sources Graham Cracker? They seem to discontinue everything I buy from them, this was the most recent!!!
  9. Liability insurance if anything gives you the means to defend yourself. You have to be able to afford to go to court. It's not as simple as if someone says my product burned their house down, ta da- XYZ insurance cuts the idiot in question a check. So what holds water in court is really up to the person deciding who was negligent. The moron that left the candle lit unattended with her acrobat cat or the person that went out of their way to educate the potential dangers if not using common sense with their products. It's a no brainer but I guarantee it will take at least 5 grand minimum in court costs and legal fees to get there.
  10. I have liability insurance and I've had that similar statement on my site for about 7 years. People don't think, don't follow instructions and do stupid things, anyone can sue anyone for anything. So I say it can't hurt to let them know upfront to use common sense because if they burn their house down because a cat knocks over a lit candle while they were out all day shopping they ain't getting a dime out of me. True story, but not involving me personally. A woman came into my husbands store and was going on and on about how her best friends 2 million dollar house burned to the ground from a CANDLE. Well he asked how did a candle burn the house down. Her reply was " She was out shopping and left a candle burning on a table and the cat knocked it over" So the lady is suing the candle manufacture.
  11. Grandma's swinging egg nog from peaks is good.
  12. As long as it is not money out of your pocket then I wouldn't worry about it. They can look all they want at your products and pricing. No matter what measures you take people can find a way around getting the info they want anyway. gmail accounts, fake business names and tax id's etc. As long as you are not out samples or printed material let them have at it. I can't stand people like that but what can you do?
  13. I can't say enough great things about NG. I love so many of their oils. I will say their CS is outstanding, my order was suppose to arrive today but in transit UPS damaged the box so it was rerouted back to NG. I needed the oils quick and couldn't wait until Monday because I needed them for orders going out this weeek. Do you know they are sending my order next day air at no additional charge. It will be here tomorrow. Come on, who else would do that? Granted I spend a ton of money with them but still I am floored they would do that for me.
  14. I thought I was the only one that picked up on the funny smell... almost rancid right?
  15. I've used these in the past with single wicked candles, worked very well but decreased the scent throw. Burned very even and a great melt pool.
  16. I must be a weirdo because it smells like ribbion candy, clove and a minty public restroom air freshner to me. Everyone else loves it thou.
  17. Here ya go Candybuddy. I have it in my favorites. http://www.scentsationscandlesupplies.com/
  18. Wow babydoll that is almost exactly what Becky emailed to me. My cornbread has about one inch of crystals solid at the bottom now it's settled. It would not "melt" back into the oil so whatever, they don't even melt in the wax, they just sit there stuck to the pot. It's still a good bakery scent. Not even close to a cornbread by any means. It's not even a fresh baked bread smell but I like it. I'll just call it something else. I emailed her back but haven't heard anything yet. But the response to the first email was that 15 people tested it and all 15 including herself said it smelled exactly like sweet cornbread with butter. I probably got one of the last bottles poured so maybe that is why mine is so much different with all the sludge/crystals that will not reincorporate. No biggie.
  19. I almost ordered that cornbread last night from soy scentsations. It's brand new isn't it? How does it compare to KY's cornbread?
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