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Everything posted by funkymonkey66

  1. http://www.webstaurantstore.com/ They are big time postage profiteers though.
  2. The bow tie wick bars are great, you can get them at bittercreek and lonestar.
  3. The melt point of the 125 is very close to the melt point of the 444. Maybe we will get really really lucky and not have to change anything with wicking. Ahhh I wish, I know it will not be that easy cause it never is, but I am keeping my fingers crossed anyway.
  4. I get them almost daily and just delete them right away. I never fell for the scams or emailed anyone back, but I wonder if because some of us get so many if we should be more worried about potential viruses and trojans than them scamming us out of anything. A few of these do slip through my spam folder and a couple times after running my anti virus software it detects spyware. I have no way of telling where the spyware came from so it may be coincidence. That's kind of what stinks about Outlook, it partially opens the email so if something is in it then it could be too late. I just deleted Outlook off my computer for that very reason.
  5. I second that! It is beautifu! How does it burn with the chunks sticking out so far? Is it hard to get an even melt pool going at first? If you don't mind me asking what waxes did you use. You did a fantastic job nailing that red.
  6. I am glad you posted this because the sale Candlewic is having on those waxes is really tempting me. Not to mention that they will use my fedex account to ship and it is only $13.00 and change a case to ship from Pa to NY. Ordering the 444 from Candlescience is double for shipping. I want to test it really bad, but this time of the year I am way to busy. I may grab a sample of each and play with it while my business is closed for the holiday break. I will let you know.
  7. Thanks for your replys, I know that is what I was thinking or maybe just the change in air flow from running the heater more, but it was not because even moving it into a small room did nothing, the burn was great the second half just no smell. I played with the wicks just for the heck of it before I posted just trying to eliminate a few things that could have went wrong. Going down a size drowned out and going up a size the flame was too high and they sooted. Neither gave a better scent. I gave the candle to a friend and had him burn it at his house and he said the same thing. Just no smell the second half. So wicking and candle nose is not it. I am so stumped. What in the world would cause the fragrance to float to the top?
  8. What would cause a candle to only smell the first half it is burned and the second half smells like nothing. Basically why would the scent float to the top? I have heard of the scent sinking to the bottom if it was not mixed well or mixed in when the wax was too cool etc.. Anyone have any insight? It is a quality FO and performed well in other one pour waxes. The heating adding of the fo timing and pour temps were followed just as directed by the manufacture. What could it be? I should probably mention that it burned perfectly even though it had no scent the second half. The flames were the correct height, nice even melt pool not too shallow, not too deep, no sooting.
  9. CS wick guide is a ball park. It is really no differnet then what the wick manufactures and other suppliers recommend, CS is just easier to follow with the drop down menus. I have used 4630 and I would skip the HTp and use zinc. For the 2.5 dia. try a lx 14 or 16 and for the 3.25 try an LX 18 or 20. If you wanted to try zinc try a 44-24 and 51-32. I find that when you use zinc wicks with 4630 the size is pretty consistant with most Fo's.
  10. The world is full of people like that, just ignore them and move on. Some of the people I have dealt with along the way would make your head spin. Just smile and thank her for her imput and tell her you will take it under consideration. When she walks away never think of her or her stupid comment again. You can still tell someone to take a hike with a smile. Trust me.
  11. That Vanilla Lime cupcake was so strong it had me gagging this morning. My husband threw a tart in the tart burner before he went to work and I woke up with an istant headache. It is not a bad smell, in fact it is very good, just really strong and alittle too much at 6am.
  12. Yeah tell me about it, where is the little pulling out my hair emoticon when I need it.
  13. I don't use that soy, but I could not tell from your post if this is the first time trying this oil in the 464 or you have been using 464 with it but think the 464 has change. ?? If you have not used 464, I found that it did not throw oils as strong as my current soy and found the that the 444 threw stronger. Hi Holly, I have tested this oil in the wax before with good results about a year ago. I am wondering if it is the wax. I did one in the 444 as well and it is way better in just 3 days cure, that is why I am wondering if I need to cure longer or this stuff headed for the trash can. So many people swear the 464 hot throw is just the best on the planet, I was expecting to be wow-ed. I just don't get it.
  14. I got a batch of 464 from Candlescience recently, the box is dated 9/5/08. and I am getting no hot throw using DS Ultimate Vanilla @ 9%. For those that use UV you know it is a power house Fo. I am using a 3in dia. jar and an eco 12. I am getting a great burn just no hot throw what so ever. I let it cure for a week before I burned it. I moved it to a smaller room and the scent is so light you have to stand over it to smell it. Any imput as to why this is happening. Is this a bad batch or do I need to cure another week?
  15. The Candle source has a great new coconut but I don't know if it is skin safe. It is probably one of the best true coconuts I have tried. Also Daystar has a vanilla coconut which is pretty good.
  16. I have a case of pellets and some old slabs left, pm me and I will send you a little to try if you want.
  17. I hear you and no there is no way to stop it. I know from personal experience that the bank WILL NOT just do a reversal, the merchant that charged you card has all the power in this situation. It sucks I know. You can dispute the charges by going into the bank and filling out a form for each charge. But by the time you do that Millcreek will just refund your card because it seems like a simple error,so it is up to you to waste your time in the bank or not. Just a warning it can take up to 10 days to see your money back in your account. However if the multiple charges were with in 5 minutes or less of each other the bank does have discretion to remove the hold, not captured funds, just the holds because it is an obvious mistake. Only reason I know this is because a few months ago Crazy Mountain charged my card that was attached to my business checking account over $1000.00 for freakin tart warmers! My bill was a little over $300.00 and they ran the sale through 4 damn times accidentally due to new software! I just had to patiently wait for them to refund my money, and they claimed they did a reversal, took about a week with 3 separate refunds.
  18. Mineral oil will work too and it is cheaper then fo. If the stain is deep in your skin then bleach and water will take it right off. The hair I don't know, if it is really bad I think Sally's has a hair color remover. It is the stuff hairdressers use on your skin if they get hair dye off your forehead, neck and ears... you know maybe it will work on hair too?? If not then I think it would eventually wash out or you could just color or recolor your hair, like it never happened.
  19. Does anyone here make a daily face cream for senstive skin with an SPF (anything) and eye creams? If so please pm me. TIA
  20. I don't make it I just buy it from people here but as a consumer I like the 8oz boston round bottles with a pump and the 4oz flat squeeze bottles for my purse. HTH
  21. Amen to that. I have no idea how you would put a code in a pdf but they are pretty much usless unless the person have the full version of AR. I had someone do my printable order forms and I can't so much as change the price because I don't have the full version, I can just view and print.
  22. Well I have managed to stay afloat by #1 buying in bulk and #2 any oil that I use over 20 lbs a year I get duplicated and buy 35 lbs of at a time. Most oils I was paying $20.00 and over is now costing me $5.00 - $10.00 a pound. So that right there is a huge savings As far as sticking with 1 or 2 suppliers that would be a great idea but at some point someone is going to do something that you are not going to like, have a crappy batch of wax, or raise the prices or just be ignorant to you in general if you have a valid problem with one of their products and you really do want the option to shop elsewhere. Island girl has a good point. Wax is the main killer though,you are lucky you are in driving distance! I am seriously considering just biting the bullet and getting a truck load and renting a storage unit. But after the fees how much are you really saving? The only thing that annoys me is that not one supplier that I currently deal with will use my FedEx or UPS shipping account #'s to ship wax. I get better rates and I could be saving more money but I guess companies want to tack on something you know? I think everyone has the inflated shipping pet peeve but what can you do. I guess a co op would be the solution but a few thousand pounds may be difficult to move unless people were very serious about it. I for one am very curious of what it would actually cost. I think many suppliers are using the rising price of raw materials BS excuse way to liberally. I think it is greed plain and simple and everyone saw an opportunity to jump on the band wagon. The last time looked into buying soy wax direct and at 6 pallets it was only .42 cents a pound so do the math.
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