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Everything posted by Jcandleattic

  1. I shrink wrap mine with an opening around the wick so customers can smell them.
  2. A brewery that you can use their logo, cans, - that way ... not if you used their - then you'd be in the clear! I would be leery pouring in national brands like this however, because you could be looking at licensing issues. Personally, I wouldn't chance it.
  3. So pretty! I really want to use that wax for the consistency and it is cheaper per lb than anywhere else I can see, however, the shipping just makes it not worth it.
  4. You can but because you have to pour at such a low temperature, and the plastic makes the wax cool fast, you lose the crystalization of the palm.
  5. I have not used the candlewic palm, however I have used Feather Palm, and Starburst palm (equivelant to candlewic's crystal palm) and I personally like the look of the crystal (starburst) palm better, but in my tests have found that they perform the same. For my testing I liked the CD's the best, however I have heard a lot of people having luck with the RRD series. No, you won't need mold release. Palm has enough natural stearic as to act as it's own mold release - mine just literally slide out of the mold when they are ready. I've never used candlewick FO's so can't help you there, however, I've never had a scent NOT throw in palm. As always, there are light and strong scents, but everyone that I've put in palm has given a throw.
  6. Glass glow, although a container wax, makes amazing tarts and would release from the mold just fine. It's hard enough that it will hold it's shape, and palm releases from molds like a dream.
  7. For almost anything else, there would probably be an answer. For home made candles, soaps, and B&B items, there are no fast and hard rules as to how long something will last because there really are too many variables, including where you make your items (meaning geography of where you are in the country) If you live in a hot, humid climate, things may take longer to cure, but have a shorter shelf life, but if you live in a cool, dry climate, the shelf life might be longer because you are not combating that humidity. Everything plays a part, so we wouldn't even be able to generalize for you.
  8. These combos sound AMAZING and I LOVE them. And I am with everyone else - AWESOME Cosplay - you look GREAT as Wonder Woman. LOVE IT. I go to a lot of Comicon's and Star Trek conventions, but I never ever dress up. Most I did is for the 50th Anniversary Star Trek convention I put turquoise, red and yellow streaks n my hair to signify the 3 different divisions of the officers.
  9. I should have added though, how long an actual bar of M&P lasts is also going to depend on the variables in which it is made - humid, not humid, wrapped, not wrapped, just the same type of variables it would be for CP. Once you test, you will know how long M&P soap will last for you.
  10. I'm kind of like Shari, the only thing I use M&P for is embeds - and they are all still fine years later, however, I also don't scent them, just color them. Sometimes the color will leach out if I put it on top of a CP soap (which is what I do) and the color is not pH stable. That's rare as I usually always test the stability of my colorants by putting some drops of my master batch lye in one of those steel restaurant cups, with a bit of colorant. If it changes, I know it's not pH stable.
  11. It would also depend on the oils used. 100% Olive Oil soaps aren't even at their best until they are at least a year old. Same with 100% Coconut Oil salt bars, so with those I don't even wrap or put up for sale until they are a year old. This is why testing and knowing your product is so important. It's not a one-size fits all type of product because everyone does things so differently, from the oils used to the method of soaping, even down to the liquids used.
  12. If you mean perfect in the sense that the scent is still there, I would say anywhere from 2-3 years (depending on the scent of course). I've had a soap/scent that has lasted over 5 years, and am still reluctant to use it because it is so "perfect" meaning the looks and dry scent look as good as it did when it cured. That is rare though, most of mine - the dry scent will fade by year 3 if not sooner (even though in the shower or when they get wet the scent returns). I will put a soap out for sale for up to 3 years (If they don't sell out by then, and are still have a dry scent) but after that I sell them as seconds for a discount. Now if we are talking just how long soap lasts, whether the dry scent has faded or not, I've used soaps where the scent has long gone faded that are well over 7-8 years old, and TBH are some of the best soaps I've used.
  13. IMO, once they are put into wax, they should last for the life of that candle. I have candles that were made 8-10 years ago that I am finally getting around to burning and the hot throw is as good as it was at the time they were made. The cold throw has faded but when burning, it's awesome. OOB that's a different story. There are many factors that go into how long they last.
  14. If you don't mind a blend, Aztec's Pink Lilac and Willow is one of the bests I've ever smelled. Otherwise the only other one I like is from Peak which is now out of business, or maybe they are back, honestly IDK (nor care) what's going on with them. I do know you may be able to find their FO's at Keystone Candle Supply, so you may want to check there.
  15. I would sooo love to order from candlewic, but alas, their shipping is just too expensive for me. 😢 No matter what I put in my cart, the shipping is usually only a few cents less than the total of all the product I put in my cart. If I have $200 worth of items, shipping is $199, if I have $17 worth of items, shipping is $16.99 - I've tried testing this theory by putting several different amounts of product in my shopping cart, several different times, on several different days, and it always rings true. Every single time. But if that ever changes it's good to know they accept PP for email orders. I will sometimes not buy from a place that doesn't accept PP because I do almost all of my business shopping with PP. Depends on the company and how much I really want that item. LOL
  16. I don't do shows in the summer time. Nobody goes to indoor shows in the summer, and the weather here in the summer is just too unpredictable, so it's not worth it. And the weathermen here are no help because even though they are getting better, I would say they are still dead wrong probably at least 60-70% of the time. But yes, I would love to see other people's booths!
  17. Yeah, I rarely ever use my heat gun in my candle making. I shrink wrap all of my soaps though, so when I am on a packaging tangent, my heat gun gets used pretty much all day, or at least for several hours.
  18. LOL I know I've only been doing palm now for about a little over a year, however, most people I know love the look of palm, and never get freaked out over it. They just want to know why it's so much prettier than other wax/candles. (at least that's the only question I've gotten from anyone)
  19. The only problem with embossing guns is they are only meant for very short bursts of heat. I burned out 2 of them because I tried to use them as a heat gun on my candles, and they just couldn't handle that much use. Actual heat guns, although a bit bulky are very inexpensive and are meant for longer use and IMO will last much longer than an embossing gun will.
  20. I rarely ever go above 3-4% FO in my palm wax. I just don't see a need to go higher when I can get an amazing throw with that low percent. ...
  21. Depends, - I never did well in spring/summer time, so now only do 4 fall shows. There is one show that I do about 20-25x my booth fee, and it's the smallest show I do (granted my booth fee is low, but still) Good luck, and hopefully you do well!
  22. The soy wax manufacturers have done a brilliant job in making people believe that. But, it still has to go through processing to become wax. It doesn't just grow as wax, there is a whole industry in the processing, which may or may not be good for the environment. It still takes machines, oil, gas, emissions etc., to make that processing happen. So? You decide. To me, organic/natural are buzz words that get tossed around and used too often and IMO they are not synonomous with "GOOD" - case in point, hemlock, arsenic, poison ivy/oak, all organic, all natural --- however, good? Umm, not in my opinion...
  23. Isn't it so good! (and corny - but good!) And Colin Morgan is my favorite. He is so cute! HA
  24. Probably not. I mean, there may be that random 1 that might say something, but if you let them know it's just the character of the candle, you won't (or shouldn't) lose a sale over it. I view details like that in pillars the way I view wet spots in containers. It's just a part of the candle, and nobody really notices or cares.
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