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Everything posted by Jcandleattic

  1. I have enough sunflower oil to do 10 lbs of masterbatch is all, but that's better than nothing.
  2. That's exactly what I'm going to do. However, every oil is in limiting quantity. LOL I try to buy quantities that fit my recipe so I only have a little of a few oils left over once all my masterbatching throughout the year is done. I was going to put in another HUGE order (as I do about once or twice a year) on Friday. Might rethink and put the order in tomorrow. Not like I'll be able to do anything with them one way or another until after I get back from my quick trip to NOLA on the 13th - 16th..
  3. I thought I had at least 1 more 5gallon bucket of masterbatch so I just could continue on my merry way today with soaping - Umm, I opened what I thought was a full bucket of masterbatched oils to find it completely empty and sparking clean. LOL I have no idea how that happened. I guess if I kept better track of my inventory this wouldn't happen. I *think* I have enough oils to masterbatch a 25lb batch (1 5 gallon bucket worth) but will have to see. If not I guess my soapmaking for this week is over. *sigh*
  4. A mix of Egyptian Dragon, Dragons Blood and Golden Embargo.
  5. She only gets to help with the M&P - she's still a bit young to work much with the lye soaps, but she loves to be a part of it somehow. I made 1 case of container candles, and 5 loaves of soap today. Didn't take pics of 2 of them, and the other one, well those pics are still on my iPad that I left down in my lab and was too tired/lazy to go back down there to get it to post the pic. LOL
  6. Nope, I don't treat mine at all. I use my molds for functionality, not necessarily looks. That's not to say I am purposely sloppy, and/or don't clean them after every batch, but I'm not meticulous about it, and it's usually just a good wipe down with either a paper towel, or damp towel depending on how much soap debri I got on it. I honestly could not care less what they look like (even the very spendy ones I bought)
  7. First up, Bollywood - not exactly what I wanted, but I like it. Lime Envy - Man, I cannot wait to cut this one!! And my helper! She helped create a Christmas one I didn't take a pic of, but will when I cut. She picked Home for the Holiday's, Red, Green and white for the colors, and wanted Christmas Tree embeds. She's very happy with it. (she made and poured the M&P trees)
  8. 5 soap loaves down, 1 case of container candles down, and am going to be starting on Pillars in a few minutes... I'd say it's a pretty productive day.
  9. LOL Right? I posted my dragon's breath that I made in the soap gallery on this forum. I like it a lot.
  10. YES! I've blended so many things with DB that you wouldn't think would go. I've also done a DB with Peppermint (not spearmint like you, but still, close) and call it Dragons Breath. I went with Golden Embargo which has this scent description - " light amber fragrance with undertones of musk and sandalwood" I love it. And this blend of the 3 is amazing. I had to do a lot of prep work for this soap, so I'm taking a breather before I actually make it, but if it turns out like I envision, I am going LOVE IT. We'll see. Keep your fingers crossed and wish me luck. LOL
  11. I will be using these scents of TT's for a soap I am making, and sense my DB is so much different than hers I was thinking of using the 3rd scent as my DB, but if not, what should I use? I need 1 more ounce of ... something ... to mix with those 2...
  12. On my vacation I plan on getting caught up on my production for this fall so the rest of my weekends I can just continue to build without feeling behind. I know some of you do this much a DAY but not me, so these plans are super ambitious for me. I ant to make at least 5 cases of container candles, at least 20-25 pillars, at least 15-20 loaves of soap, and if I get all that done maybe make some lotions. We'll see. I already have 1 case of candles made and 2 loaves of soap this morning. I've been in such production mode, I forgot to take pictures. *sigh* maybe as I continue I'll remember. Whate is everyone else doing this 4th of July week/weekend?
  13. Okay, in that case I moved this topic to the EO fragrance section. Hopefully someone who actually uses Lavender will chime in. I know @Candybeeswitched when SMR went OOB, because she also used their lavender. However, I'm not sure if she switched to Camden Grey or somewhere else. I know she is super busy with her summer markets 4 days a week and then restocking when she can, so I'm not sure when she'll see this and reply.
  14. I got my presto before I made my second candle ever. The first one I tried literally ended up sailing across the room because I was so frustrated. There were no boards or forums like this when I stared out. I mean there were but they were very archaic, hard to follow because of the way they were set up, so almost everything I learned early on was either self taught, or from old outdated books (by today's standards they were outdated anyway)
  15. I have made several types. It's been a long time, but what specifically do you need help with? I will try to give input. I am by no means an expert.
  16. Those thieves gave you good credit! At least something good came out of it! LOL - (sorry, not funny, but you know what I mean)
  17. I remember her doing those. I did them as a kid but they never looked as good as hers! LOL
  18. EO or FO? Either way I'm not going to be much help. I don't make Lavender anything unless it is a dire request for a very dear loved one, OR if it is in a mix that will mask/overpower the scent because no matter, EO or FO, straight lavender induces migraines in me EVERY TIME I try to use that scent. But that info may help someone else suggest a good one for you.
  19. You should try them. There is a learning curve, but honestly they are not as intimidating as they look if you have the right tools.
  20. It's weird they are still having problems since they just upgraded their entire system including their payment software. I have been so lucky. I don't order from them frequently, but the few times I have, I have never had any problems. I have also not ordered since they upgraded their site last week.
  21. go WAY BACK in the archives of the candle making gallery board, and I think there are some there. My favorites of hers were this one, and she did a lot of botanicals in hurricane shells in the shape of chickens and roosters. They were STUNNING. Here's a good one - One more and then I'll stop, but you get the drift.
  22. Well, as you can see, in the blue one I think? (haven't watched in a while) I didn't stir the color in well enough, and you can see a blob of colorant at the bottom of my pour pot. Just goes to show that even those of us who have been doing this for years, are not perfect!! The former board owner asked me to put one together for her so I put that together at the spur of the moment, and was too busy worrying about the video than actually making the candles. LOL They still burned great, and my hairdresser (who I made them for in the first place, just filmed them for Vicky) loved them.
  23. A little crude and not really a tutorial, but this is how I use my Presto. When I'm doing more than 1-2 lbs, at a time, I melt more wax and pour in a bigger pour pot that is on a tared scale and weigh the wax as it's coming out of the presto.
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