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Everything posted by GoldieMN

  1. OMG, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! My salt/fo mixtures are throwing like crazy so I was going to package for my sale starting this Thursday. I have little bottles to package additional fo to go with the salts but didn't want to put something out there for sale that was going to be a problem for the customer. You have saved me so much time running around town to find DPG. ❤️ GoldieMN
  2. Do I need to add DPG to my salt+fragrance oil mixture that is to be used in a warmer? Or is your suggestion for those wanting to put FO in a warmer without salt. GoldieMN
  3. @Dha Well, after a straight 7 hours of burning today, I got a really strong throw in the last 2 hours from my Candlescience Mistletoe pint jar. This is the third-fourth day of testing it so the wax is in the bottom third of the jar which I know @TallTayl said happens. No hot jar, no hangups along the sides, good melt pool. So not sure what this tells me. I can't suggest to customers to burn the candles for a few days before they will smell it. lol GoldieMN
  4. @Dha I'm in the same boat as you with my four pine scents! I've been busy getting ready for a sale and left the pine scents to test for last since I've always had good success with them in the past. And just as you say, I don't want to sell something that will disappoint the customer. I heat to 183, add approx. 7.25% oil, stir for 3 minutes, wait two weeks to cure. I'm using Candlescience Mistletoe and Fraser Fir; Fillmore's Christmas Tree; RusticEscentual's Christmas Bliss. I plan on trying C3 as soon as possible after my sale. GoldieMN
  5. Premiers, CDs, Ecos I use 464 but plan on testing C3 in the future so these could change. GoldieMN
  6. Excuse my language, but welcome to soy 464 hell. Depending on the fragrance oil, I've had some success with Premier 770s, Eco 4s, and CD 10s in pint regular-mouth canning jars. I get nowhere near the hot throw I use to get two years ago. I have a big occasional sale coming up this week and had to have something to sell so tested for weeks to get to this point but will start testing C3 for future sales. I just hope the candles have enough hot throw that people will continue to purchase. With 464 varying so much from one lot to the next, you can't count on using the same wick the next box around. I've been ordering multiple boxes and asking for the same lot/date so I have some wax left after testing to actually make candles to sell! Good luck, GoldieMN
  7. I know @Trappeur had been using CD10s in her pint jars but was moving to CD8s for some fragrances that weren't throwing well with changes in 464. GoldieMN
  8. @katmeltswax No problem. I am using the Plasticpellets4fun with good results except for the box I got which were the problem beads. Didn't realize it until I had made about 90 ornaments. Slowly testing those bad boys in my car to see if they are salable but have a good inventory to sell of the "good" beads in the meantime. I just hate to throw them. Thanks, GoldieMN
  9. Oh, one more thing. Does C3 differ from lot to lot like 464? It wouldn't make any sense for me to order a small amount for testing if I have to retest when I order more to pour final product. GoldieMN
  10. Thanks! Looks like I will be doing some research here on C3. If I can get a good hot throw, I will be very happy. I'm so over 464 and looking forward to starting over. Crazy, I know. I've got plenty of higher-numbered wicks from when 464 behaved for me but may still order some of the others you suggested so I can do thorough tests. GoldieMN
  11. OMG, I SOOOOOOOOOOO agree with you! And yet, I still sometimes forget to write something down like wick used in testing which has to be one of the biggest candle-making sins I can commit! Then again, I was just thinking the other day about the TONS of notes from the past few years that I should just get rid of. GoldieMN
  12. Well, I may just do that with my next wax order. Does "harder to burn" mean it is a harder wax or harder to wick? LOL Can't imagine anything being harder to wick than this @$#%! 464! GoldieMN
  13. @Cheryl moody @Eli n Eli Sounds like we are in the same boat. I'm using 464 in pint canning jars and was able to get some kind of a hot throw with Eco 4s, some with Premier 767s with about six fragrances. Not so with pine fragrances. Not much of any hot throw and now two weeks away from my winter sale. My goal, as so many of you have said, is to get a soy candle with a hot throw you can detect when you walk into a room. Major retesting will begin with new boxes of wax in December with cottonwoods, Ecos, and Premiers. Up until now, I have stuck with 7% (tried 6% a few times) for fragrance load and tested Cds, Premiers, and now Ecos. Has anyone had hot-throw success with this year's batch of 464 using a higher fragrance load? That is one thing I haven't tried. Or, and this may sound crazy, but should I try mixing C3 with 464? No reason other than to try anything before throwing in the towel. GoldieMN
  14. Fillmore's Nutmeg Ginger is very nice! GoldieMN
  15. I would start with many samples of their chocolates to smell. . .then taste. . . lol GoldieMN
  16. @ScentedPleasurez responded to @Quentin, "I will not tell you my pour temp and shouldn't be asked, that's up to you to figure out on your own as I did." Wow. . . I've asked many, many questions on this forum and so glad no one responded to me like this. Most often, we are frustrated AFTER testing and need to find out what others have done to get on the right track. Thanks to suggestions from a number of you, I just poured five different batches of jar candles (464) and none of them have holes; all the tops are perfect! I heated my jars in the oven, lowered my pour temp to 140, and put an oscillating heater a few feet away from the jars as they cooled. That won't work for everyone, I realize, but here in Minnesota it did. GoldieMN
  17. I would send my first born to whomever figures this out. Then again, he is 47, married with two kiddos. I'd have to ask his wife. GoldieMN
  18. Someone else can address the possible problems with that high of a melt temp, but I'm constantly battling hot throw problems with 464 and only heat to 185. So thinking it is the wax not the 200 degrees. Some of us are having to wick down to get some kind of a hot throw. Lots and lots of wick testing and needing to repeat testing with each new lot of 464. By the way, I bought a thermometer with an alarm to warn me when my wax was getting to a certain temperature (you set the temp you want the alarm to go off at) since I would get busy with something else and find my wax too hot. GoldieMN
  19. Someone on the forum mentioned "Cinnamon and Spiced Apples" as a good fragrance from Northstar. Not sure what wax they were using. GoldieMN
  20. Oh I love all the photos! Labels/candles are great and will sell out in no time I'm sure. You are such a generous soul, helping those kittens. Glad you are on the mend. Messaged you awhile back. GoldieMN
  21. @TallTayl What should we be aiming for in size of melt pool? I thought smaller than 1/2" but see Candlescience says 1/2". And what should we aim for in flame size? 1"? GoldieMN
  22. Paul from PlasticPelletsforFun is trying to help me but says he has not had complaints regarding the fragrance not lasting from the problem beads. If you contacted him, did you mention the fragrance not lasting? GoldieMN
  23. Well, there are all kinds of holidays on October 22: https://www.checkiday.com/10/22/2018 So, you know, it could be any one of them that they all took off for. Heheheh GoldieMN
  24. How long did you and your relatives find the "wrong-bead" ornaments lasted? At least a month? GoldieMN
  25. They have 40 and 50% off sales on different products. I create my stickers and save them so they are ready when one of their sales come up. GoldieMN
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