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Everything posted by Belinda

  1. I've never smelled Berts CB but I LOVE Cajun's! It smells different than any of the others. Starrville also has a good one. They have more than one but from what I've read the one that says Mike's Brulee is the best. I have it here and it does smell good OOB, just haven't put it in wax. HTH
  2. I have Orange caramel cake and Orange chiffon cake both from ICS. I've only poured a few tarts with their OCC and from what I remember, I liked it but the orange caramel cake is a little stronger to me and richer. I just sniffed both OOB and they are very similar but to me the orange caramel cake is just a little better. Both are good though IMO. HTH
  3. Mulberry gives me such a headache and I'm not a fan either, but a lot of people here love it. The best one( imo) that I've found is from fragrance buddy. It reminds me of the mulberry potpourri that came out in the 80's. I haven't tried Cajun's or BC but I've smelled Peaks and a couple others and I still liked Fragrance Buddy's the best. Hope you find what you're looking for!
  4. I've ordered from Fillmore and love their clamshells! No plastic smell whatsoever and easy to open and close. I've never used the other company you mentioned though. HTH
  5. Thanks! I understand what you mean about not having enough time for all the fo's! LOL! I'm shaking my head and wondering if I'll ever get half of these in wax!
  6. I don't see much about them on here and there's an FO I would like to have but don't want to pay shipping on one bottle. Thanks!
  7. Thanks! I just got a bottle of theirs in!
  8. Yes. I didn't blend it with any other wax. It was last winter when I tried it and I'm terrible about keeping notes (if only I had!) but I don't remember not liking this wax. I just started about a year ago so at the time I had only tried KY's wax. I'm not sure why I didn't order more of it. I've been thinking of trying it again so if you do and like it, be sure to let us know! Sorry I'm not more help.
  9. I've only mailed a few things but what I did was get an account with USPS. It walks you through the process. You will have to weigh if you aren't going flat rate (I think that's right). It's pretty simple or at least the few that I've mailed have been. I worry about that too if/when I decide to start mailing tarts to people. HTH
  10. Those are all great ideas! I have donated several baskets to different organizations for auction to raise money for one young man that was murdered and the community started a scholarship fund and also his mom and dad needed help for funeral expenses. A couple of baskets went to our high school to help with a couple of organizations there. I guess my friends, family and co-workers will get wax as well! I'm curious too, how long do you think it would still be good to sell? I've had some tarts for a couple of years (not mine, ones from store) and they still smell fine. I don't think I would want to sell them if I've had them over a year though. Thanks again!
  11. A friend of mine and I are getting ready to do a craft show in October and I've been pouring tarts and clamshells so I won't be rushing around at the last minute (which is my usual way to do things) and I'm wondering what I will do if a lot of this doesn't sell. How long are they good to hold on to? Last Christmas, I pretty much sold everything I made with the exception of a few bags of tarts, but I was selling to co-workers, family and friends and didn't have near as much done as I do now. Just curious what everyone does and hoping I'm not pouring all of this only to have tons of tarts left over and running out of my ears! LOL! Thanks!
  12. Thanks y'all! I have candy corn with buttercream from JS but not plain candy corn. I haven't put it in wax yet so let me know how you like it if you do! I think I have a sample of JS plain candy corn though. I'll have to see if there's much difference in the two of them. They might smell really close to each other. Thanks again!
  13. The one I got from HCS doesn't really smell like candy corn to me. Thought about LS or BCS. Anyone use theirs or a different one? Thanks!
  14. Thanks for the information! I don't know if I could ever get one to look as pretty as yours but maybe one day I'll give it a try! Beautiful work!
  15. I'm with Ravens on the CBL 129. I wasn't going to say anything because I only had one person test it but it was a flop with her and I used a strong FO. But it could've been my methods too. You might get a great tart out of it!
  16. That is gorgeous! i've been wanting to try my hand at soap but I know I could never do something like that! Simply amazing! How did you learn to do that? I'm guessing somewhere there have to be tutorials? But I know some people just have natural talent and obviously you do!
  17. Thanks Ravens! But I've got it in a cart right now! LOL! Really appreciate the offer though )
  18. I'm not really a spiced orange fan either. Like you, I'm a bakery/apple kind of gal! LOL! But I did have a sample of spicy oranges from BCS that some people really liked. I think I'll have to give Christmas memories a try. It won't be for me but I guess I have to please others too. Not everyone likes bakery, which I find that SO hard to believe! )
  19. I have whipped pumpkin pie but haven't put it in wax yet. It smells good OOB though! I would be glad to send you a sample!
  20. I'm about to place an order with both companies and noticed they both have Christmas Memories listed. Are they similar or is one better than the other? Has anyone tried both? Thanks!
  21. I guess I'll have to find testers that don't mind being without air while they're testing. With menopause going on, I'm the one whining and moaning if it's too hot in here LOL! When my husband and I first got married, we could walk into our house and he would say "I'm burning up" and I'd respond "Not me, I'm freezing!" Now, it's the other way around! Don't know why we couldn't get our hormones to cooperate with each other! )
  22. Thanks! I completely understand now. Whew! What a relief! I can continue on with my obsession LOL!
  23. I'm sure the air was going. Mine was going when I was testing it too. How does that affect the throw? Good or bad? I used 4625 wax with this. I've had other FO's throw a lot stronger in this wax so I'm at a loss as to why she thought it wasn't strong. Maybe the air did have something to do with it.
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