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What's in your POT this weekend?

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Just completed some Winter Wonderland and now have a mix that I'm going to try out between a bayberry and a spice. Can't decide if I want to slip some apple in there or some vanilla or just leave it alone.

Did get some Cinnamon Balsam done to go with other things. Thinking I'll toss in some more spice scents, but want to get to the black walnut vanilla, apple walnut crisp and bay laurel (think that is) along with getting some balsam citrus done. Oh yes, I did get cranberry citrus done too. Am going to need to get some pictures shot I think. I do like how some of these look. Others are eh.

Now just to get those done between two football games, some lime basil and mandarin perfume bars and bath bombs. Geesh. I think I need some help lol.

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I think (I THINK ::fingers crossed:: ) my pots are all going back on the shelf. If I've judged things half-assed right I've got enough stock poured to get through the holiday shows. But still not done because tomorrow will be a full day of packaging soap.

Edited by FarmerJill
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I had to pour Moonlight Path today - special request by hostess of a party tomorrow - and damn, thought I had my Holiday line up done but wouldn't you know Peak put a sample of Home for the Holidays in my order today!! I'll HAVE to put it in wax Sunday... :P

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I'm all packed for my weekend craft shows. I have 3 going on this weekend so my candles and soap are already made, packaged, boxed, and loaded in the car.

I'm doing 2 shows; one on Saturday and the other on Sunday. A friend of mine is doing one for me this Saturday too.

Then next week I start all over again cause I have 3 next weekend too! I have to look at my calender to see where I am supposed to be each week. LOL

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Today I made a bunch of varieties of brulees, my own mix of mistletoe and berries, pumpkin souffle, cinnamon, snickerdoodle, hazelnut coffee, caffe latte, cranberry marmalade, chocolate caramel, and creamy chai latte. I have to make some lotion bars and sachets tomorrow and then its packaging, labeling, pricing, boxing, etc.

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