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Do any of you sell only wax melts at craft shows?

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I was set-up at a small craft show and there was this couple down from me and all they sold were wax melts and burners and stayed pretty busy. Just curious if anyone on this board sells only melts and burners. If so, do you find that you sell enough to make a profit that it is worth your time? I pour in the square mason jars and at that craft show I mentioned I needed to sell one more jar to even make my booth rent. I live in a large city and at most shows there are at least 10 candle booths. I think next year I will try selling only melts and see how that goes.

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Well, I didnt do it on purpose but my biggest show ended up being tarts and warmers one year!! I took like 300 candles and ended up selling 10 candles and over 1000 tarts and sets....I was so busy putting gift sets together that My husband (ex now) had to run the booth!!


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I haven't done any shows, but I have seen booths with only tarts. Before I started making my own, I liked to buy tarts because they were a inexpensive way to get a bunch of different scents. I also had bought candles that didn't have a good HT after getting them home and lighting them. You feel jipped. But with the tarts, for a buck or so you could give the vendor a try.

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If your area buys tarts, it makes sense. Percentage wise, I make more selling tarts than candles, and I don't have to deal with wicks and jars, and tarts are easier to make. I never thought of a show with only tarts, but it might be worth a try. It would be nice to not have to deal with the weight of boxes of candles.


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My first candle booth was strickly tarts and votives with incense and bottled oils.

Tarts out sold votives and if you make and sell candles I think it's a good idea to keep a line of wax melts because they are popular especially with the electric warmers.

Not only that but the reason I made tarts in the first place was so I could use up all my wax when I was doing pillars and votives. I was storing the left over scented wax in paper cups and it just got to be too much so I had the idea of pouring them into tarts and forgo the paper cups altogether. At a manufacturing cost of about 20 cents a tart that you could easily sell at $0.75 to $1.00 a piece it just made good business sense.

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I've sold tarts at craft shows and they did sell fairly well including the tart burners.

But another thing you have to keep in mind is that sometimes the venders that are busy at craft shows may be so because they have done the show before and customers know them and may be repeat customers.

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I just make melts - no candles. I just started in July and have sold over 8000! Most of my business is wholesale. I also do rosehip blends. I don't even sell the warmers!

what are rosehip blends?

Gosh, 8000, looks like I have to reconsider selling these again. I gave up on them a few years ago cuz people around here didn't seem to get how to use them. I found myself explaining over and over what they were. And even then there wasn't much interest. Maybe things have changed now.

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what are rosehip blends?

Rosehips mixed with cinnamon sticks, jackie berries and other goodies with wax cutouts in them. They're scented to match my tarts.

OK, to make sure I understand what you're saying, is this just potpourri that customers would set out in baskets or whatever containers? Or do they actually put these items in the top of a tart warmer with a tealight underneath?

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Do you wrap your tarts or sell them in a bag. Ot single. I did the clam shells. I sold a few, but a lot more candles. I would love to sell tarts but would like to know the best way to sell them, that sells.

We have our melts in the cardboard display boxes with clear cello bags next to them. People just pick and choose what they want. Around the holidays, we purchase the decorated cello bags and some people use them as gift bags.

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That's what I'm gonna start back up with possibly this year. Shows just haven't been worth it for a while and show organizers were letting too many manufactures into the craft shows to make money.

Around there the less expensive the better for what people can buy and if the stuff smells good, has long lasting scent people will buy those for a few cents then paying several dollars for a candle especially since they can get several different smells for the money.

Plus they are just so easy to make can do several hundred in a day and nearly impossible to mess up when running around trying to do everything else that needs to get done.

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Ok, if I don't have to wrap them, I will try it too. I love tarts myself. Before I made candles, I bought the ones at Wicks and Sticks that you pick out of the glass boxes. The small ones. 9.00 a bag, and I used them up fast. But I loved them. I can see a whole booth with every scent in the book. It would make a nice looking booth. Like a candy store. Cute little sacks. No wick, no jars, yeah!!!!!!!! And added stuff in them, makes them even better. Never thought about that. Now if I can get my supplier to drop their wax price, that would be great. :yay: I am ready to make something different. I am getting burned out on candles. I love them, but I feel like I have a factory, instead of being creative, like the old times.

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