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Giving Out Formulas

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Do you guys ever get bugged by people wanting to know how to make certain products? I'm getting so tired of this. I usually tell them well I have samples available if you want to try it and they will always say well is it a secret? I mean come on I made this stuff to sell not to give out the recipe. Sorry I'm venting a bit LOL.

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Been there done that, especially with my blend they want to know what type of wax it is. I always say duh soy and paraffin. They get all pissy thinking I was going to tell them my exact recipe and exactly which waxes I'm using. I didn't spend 2 yrs. and a couple thousand to just give my formula away for free. I'm sure there are others that have the same formula but I'm not about to tell everybody.

Venting helps believe me or you'll end up spasing out on them.

Mindy :)

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On the other side of the coin, when I had first started making candles and didn't know squat about wax other than some of the differences between soy and paraffin. I was at the farmers market and a man was selling some really awesome looking food candles ( very expensive ones. ) I certainly had no aspirations to even trying to duplicate any of his stuff for me much less to sell. As I was admiring a blueberry cheescake I very innocently asked what kind of wax it was. He went into a mini rant about not giving out his formula. All I wanted to know really was if it was paraffin or soy and the man had no idea that I had ever made so much as tealight but he lost a sale that day. Sometimes when people ask how you make something it's because they are in awe not because they really want to "know" your formula.

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The "only" thing I'll tell people if they ask is that my candles are made from soy wax and that's it. I've never given out info to strangers. I politely tell them that it has taken me years to develop my formula and my product info. and suppliers are private! Then just give them a smile:p :P If they're unhappy with that, that's their problem!!


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Why not just give them the wrong info...ever tested something that was not good? well give them that...

Because some people are a bit more ethical than that. There is no reason to do something this underhanded. It is better to just be as politely honest as you can and walk away with a clean conscience. Dirty deeds never go unpunished. Its called Karma.

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Years ago, when I was still making candles from my Yaley kit :D , and before I used the internet for info, I innocently and naively asked the local candlemaker at the downtown market about sink holes. Proprietary information had never crossed my mind. She gave me a dirty look and mumbled something incoherent. I thought she was rude. As I got more serious about candlemaking I learned why she didn't want to tell me. I think an appropriate answer to people's questions would be: "I've spent thousands of hours and dollars to develop my products, so I'm not ready to give away what I've worked so hard for." Or, you could just say you researched it on the internet. Period, end of story. Don't feel bad. Most people don't realize that they are being offensive. I know it's annoying, but take it as a compliment instead that they want to copy your stuff! :smiley2:

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I still haven't gotten used to people asking me about my products. It is so annoying I want to scream. I just find it extremely rude, but I don't think people care. The last question asked was from another candle and bathnbody person. I just told them I don't disclose that kind of information.

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My answer to this question is "Get on the internet and do your OWN research!" I agree! I think it's very rude of some person to come to me when they want shortcuts in their research and testing! Everyone always wants to copy!:angry2: It's why I change so many names on my scents!:laugh2:


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I have had this happen for my B&B company many many times and even by a person that I "thought" was a friend. She was asking me about ingredients on my lotion and I casually gave basics but not quantities. She then asked me for 4 bottles of unscented which I thought was weird. I didn't send her the bottles but then was alerted that she had launched a B&B line of her own by some friends (waves to Tammy). This was AFTER I had sent her about 20 products as samples.

I have spent 20 years in perfecting my expertise and building my line and it has been alot of work and alot of money and all I can say "burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me".

It really is frustrating but I think that intentions need to be understood as well.

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I have given out my formula to one person, only because it was a business decision. I have been asked several times on formulas or how to make products, and such. If you dont the person from beans....stay away from it. Be polite obviously, but it is your recipe! Ingredient lists are one thing, but the exact formula....unless you want them to sell your exact product, I would stay away!

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I get them in person and through email. The ones in person I tell them I use a paraffin and leave it at that. If they push it I suggest they go to Hobby Lobby and do some playing around. All said nice and light hearted, never had one push further. Emails are hard.. they can't 'hear' my tone and get upset when I explain they are over stepping bounds with their question.. they get nasty and say I'm rude. Whatever.. still not going to give out company info, even for them to just make a personal candle or two. I spent hundreds just to make a candle or two for myself.. they can do the same. It's nothing personal.. just business.

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I was at a craft fair a few weekends ago and went into a candle booth. I asked what they used for their candles. They said wax (with a smirk). I asked them whether it was paraffin or soy. They use paraffin. Never wanted more info than that and was somewhat put off by their attitude, like I didn't know a candle was made out of wax. When I do start making candles (my progress has been interrupted by my mother's death and financial reasons), mine will be soy or soy blend and we won't be "competitors" in that sense. So maybe someone just wants to initially know if you are selling soy or paraffin. :)

Mindy, not specifically answering your post, but I couldn't figure out how to do the quick reply thing.

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I do tell people it's EASY to make a candle. Just wax, scent, wick color & container, look at the dollar stores & Wal-Mart.

Then I also tell them it's very hard to make a QUALITY candle like mine. I have spent thousands of $$'s & hours to come up with a formula that is better that the major brands on the market. Then I show them my side by side comparrison of my candles verses the major name brands.

I'm going to make a mini infomercial of this and burn it to DVD and play it in my store on a flat screen tv. That way I don't have to repeat this info to each and every customer, personally.

I say show them why your product is better than the rest, then when they try your product then their hooked.

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I had a guy once tell me, "Anyone can make a candle! Just put a wick in a jar and melt some wax!"

Ummm...thanks for just insulting me by implying a CHIMP could do what I do. :laugh2: LOL

This was me. Then I did my research. It took me 3 months to even buy a kit to begin with. I had to do a lot of reading. The more I read, the more I wanted to read. Then I got my first kit. Made 3 container candles with that. I was hooked.

The first ones were really easy and turned out good. I learned fast that I have to be patient when making candles. Otherwise they don't always turn out. I have melted and melted candles down. I usually use these myself or give them to my step daughter.

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As for lotions and soaps and stuff: I don't have a problem explaining the ingredients and what they do, but I'm not going to give out percentages or any exact details. I spend a lot of time reading about oils and skin and I've learned a lot. I also spend a lot of time working out combinations and trying to figure what I what a product to do. I spend too much money and time and effort to give away any "answers."

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I do tell people it's EASY to make a candle. Just wax, scent, wick color & container, look at the dollar stores & Wal-Mart.

Then I also tell them it's very hard to make a QUALITY candle like mine. I have spent thousands of $$'s & hours to come up with a formula that is better that the major brands on the market. Then I show them my side by side comparrison of my candles verses the major name brands.

Candle Man, I love your insight and your answers to posts! This is another goodie!

As for asking and someone replying "wax", I'd probably say the same thing, but I'd be saying it in a joke tone. My hubby asks me what I want for supper all the time and I say "food". What kind of food? "Edible."

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