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Clamshell made vanilla scent morph into a plastic-y smell......

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Anyone else experience this? I got them from Millcreek, and the scent was Vanilla Rum, made them about 3 months ago. All the other scents are fine, but this one smells like plastic. We opened up all of them, and sure enough, they all have morphed. I melted one and it smelled like a skunk, it was disgusting. Now I wondering if all of the scents could morph like this? Not sure of the shelf life.

Any info on this would be appreciated.

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I experienced the exact same thing and decided to get rid of the clamshells. I do not have the time to pour to order and the stock I had turned quite a few scents to either a plastic smell or took the scent out all together. Wasn't worth it to me...

BTW, I purchased my clamshells from Millcreek, as well.

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I experienced the exact same thing and decided to get rid of the clamshells. I do not have the time to pour to order and the stock I had turned quite a few scents to either a plastic smell or took the scent out all together. Wasn't worth it to me...

BTW, I purchased my clamshells from Millcreek, as well.

That is not good news, lol. I am going to look into the portion cups again..do you notice this with them? I see you have them in your lineup. I couldn't find any locally that were made out of polypro, which brand do you use?

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Must be the clamshells. I have some that are more than a year old and still smell great. No plastic smell what so ever.

What brand do you use? I have some from Bittercreek, too. I may end up tossing the millcreek brand if they are going to all turn eventually. Sucks! :undecided

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This is a bummer. :undecided I have not finalized any clamshells yet, but I have been trying them out and testing some. I have not noticed a plastic smell yet. I got mine from Aroma Haven. Now I do not know if I should take a chance. Maybe I should use another method.

Sheila, where do you get your clamshells?

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I get mine from KY Candle Supply and have not had any problems yet, with the exception of the coffee FO but it could have been the FO. I do have clamshells that have sat for 3 months and they still smell like they did the day I poured them.


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I have had some that were made 2 years ago and smell stronger than ever. No plastic smell whatsoever.

What brand are yours, please? I am very interested in finding a different source! I just had to chuck quite a few of mine. Some were fine, and they were from BCN. Must be made of different materials. I prefer the look of Millcreeks, they are thicker and seem to hold up better, but with the current situation I am not going to be using this brand anymore.

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I've only used Millcreek's clamshells and haven't noticed any plastic smell at all. I even asked my friends who buy them from me (I know they will be honest) and they said they haven't noticed it either.

Like I said I didn't notice it in all scents. It was with some vanilla scents, yet others were fine---go figure. It was very random. Just not sure what the deal is. Obviously there is a chemical reaction with certain FO's....

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Like I said I didn't notice it in all scents. It was with some vanilla scents, yet others were fine---go figure. It was very random. Just not sure what the deal is. Obviously there is a chemical reaction with certain FO's....

Yeah that could very well be. I am going to pour a vanilla scent tonight, can't think of which one without running downstairs, but I will see if it does it with that one. So far vanilla I have poured has been for tins. That sucks though that it's so random :undecided

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What brand do you use? I have some from Bittercreek, too. I may end up tossing the millcreek brand if they are going to all turn eventually. Sucks! :undecided

Sorry, I looked and couldn't find the info. I got them from a co-op here quite some time ago.

I made up a bunch and have them segregated into scent types stored in the plastic drawers and I toss them in gift baskets as needed or give to friends and occasionally pop them into my tart warmer at home so I know they still smell good.

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Mine are from MC. I just hauled out Vanilla Mint, Frosted Carrot Cake and Banana Nut Bread. All were poured in August and all still smell fantastic. Maybe it was your brand of vanilla?

Well I pored four different Vanilla based scents several months ago and they're all EXCELLENT! No problem and my clamshells are from MC too. I've poured nearly 1,000 of these with no problem yet. Many are a year or old and still smell great!;)


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Well I pored four different Vanilla based scents several months ago and they're all EXCELLENT! No problem and my clamshells are from MC too. I've poured nearly 1,000 of these with no problem yet. Many are a year or old and still smell great!;)


I wish I could say the same. I just found a couple more scents (all vanilla based) that changed, Vanilla Bean Noel, Sugar Cookie and Christmas Cookie all smell like skunk, too. Yet Southern Vanilla from KY, Ultimate Vanilla from JS, and Mexican Vanilla from JBN are fine.....so strange.

Thanks to those that mentioned they are experiencing this too. It appears that we are having issues with the same clamshells. It seems to be few and far between, but when you pour thousands of these babies, you don't want to throw them out. I just lost over $1,000 from the few scents I have found that have gone bad. I honestly didn't even consider this being an issue when I decided to carry these in our line, and they are so popular with our stores. I shudder to think of what I will be encountering if they have any old stock that has turned. I am very hesitant to use a different brand now, the ol' pocket book can't afford to toss away good supplies if this continues to be an issue.:undecided

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I would suspect whatever the base oil is in the fragrance more than the clamshell. I could be wrong, as I often am.

Most of the fragrances I use have a soy oil base. I know that many oils will attack plastics over time. Perhaps the FO has such a component.

I got my clamshells in a co-op a while back.


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I would suspect whatever the base oil is in the fragrance more than the clamshell. I could be wrong, as I often am.

Most of the fragrances I use have a soy oil base. I know that many oils will attack plastics over time. Perhaps the FO has such a component.

I got my clamshells in a co-op a while back.


I am sure that is part of it, but if that is the case, how can you know which ones it will happen to? It is just too random, so I am going to discontinue them from my line at this point.

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I found a couple of clamshells in my stock a few days ago that are at least a year old- Hydrangea, Mulled Cider and Sugar cookie. I poured those same scents into new clamshells two days ago and the only one that didn't morph into a skunky smell is the hydrangea. The old ones are completely fine. I'm thinking something with their clamshells has had to have changed-none of those scents are morphing into anything funky in the plastic portion cups either.

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  • 7 months later...

I hate to pull up this old thread but I figure it's better than starting another one.

I've had the exact same experience with both the clamshells from BCN and WSP. It's really disappointing :confused: Amish Harvest was the worst fo for me -STRONG nasty skunk smell. My condiment cup tarts are fine (no plastic skunk smell at all) but I'm really hoping to use clamshells - the finished product just seems to be easier to store with the clamshells. The cups don't stay stack very well - you kind of have to just throw them into a basket or some other container.

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What brand do you use? I have some from Bittercreek, too. I may end up tossing the millcreek brand if they are going to all turn eventually. Sucks! :undecided

Two weeks ago, I poured clamshells of French Vanilla and sent them out to testers and they RAVED about GREAT they smelled! They totally sold out at the show I was at last week too! Someone even returned to buy out all of the French Vanilla but I didn't have anymore!

I have clamshells with Vanilla based F/O from two years ago and none of them turned either! Amish Harvest has a vanilla base!

I get my clamshells from Millcreek too and have going on three years. Heck, I just placed and order for 1200 of them.


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