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My first soap cake!!


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10lbs of soap later!!! I couldn't wait to cut it!!! :shocked2: I'm happy with it..... the layers were supposed to be swirled but the fragrance (Ralph Lauren Romance Aztec) accelerated and the base set up before I could get a swirl....but it's not too bad for a first try. I was smart enough not to put fragrance in the frosting :) It was a learning experience and I know what I will do differently the next time for sure.






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Your roses are very good and the cake is beautifully done. I have to make roses out of mp with a van yulay silicone mold. How will you change the execution on the next cake and did you use a non-discoloring fo? Is that a gm soap? I have oodles of questions. Well done.


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Thanks everyone!! I was very anxious to cut it. As I was carrying it from the bedroom to the kitchen, I kept having images of dropping it flashing before my eyes. That would have been about right for me to put that much time in on something and then drop it. Haha. Thankfully that didn't happen.

Anyway, to answer some of your questions. The little round balls on top are just sugar pearls. I would not add the pink sugar crystals again and cover it because they melted. Thankfully I didn't use much of them. When making the two layers for the inside section, I would color them a different color than the frosting for sure. I would make sure the fragrance didn't accelerate. I have used RL Romance from Aztec before, but only the cheaper version and thought the more expensive one would work the same but I was wrong. Of course, I used coconut milk in this recipe too so that was different than my other recipe. But i used it in the frosting too and it was perfect. Scenting just the inside layers worked well. There is plenty of scent coming from the slices. I was worried it would be weak but its not. Try to make sure the cake layers are flat as possible. I had to build up the frosting on the top to make it level. Also you will use more frosting between the layers than you think to prevent air pockets. Get a lazy Susan!! I don't have one, so I kept having to turn it around. Decorate it where you plan on letting it cure. No way I would have moved it after I finished it!! It was fun and I have interest in making some smaller ones. 10lbs is alot!! I had some one ask how much for a whole cake and I don't think they were expecting the 150.00 I told them. Lol.

I would really like to pipe some real looking roses next time. I'm going to see if I can get some made up.

Edited by KrazeKelly
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That is gorgeous! i've been wanting to try my hand at soap but I know I could never do something like that! Simply amazing!

How did you learn to do that? I'm guessing somewhere there have to be tutorials? But I know some people just have natural talent and obviously you do!

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Hi, thanks!! I've been piping soap for a while but usually only cupcakes. So I know the consistency the soap needs to be to hold its shape. It wasn't really that hard. I've done a few single layer "pies" but saw some double layer cakes on YouTube and wanted to give it a shot. It's a lot like making a real double layer cake. The waiting for the soap to thicken takes the longest. I think I've watched every soaping video on YouTube. Haha!!

Thanks again everyone!

That is gorgeous! i've been wanting to try my hand at soap but I know I could never do something like that! Simply amazing!

How did you learn to do that? I'm guessing somewhere there have to be tutorials? But I know some people just have natural talent and obviously you do!

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