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Everything posted by jackbenimble

  1. Really neat segment on how cut & curl candles are made. I always wanted to know how it was done. If you haven't seen this before check it out. It's not very long. http://youtu.be/oQfeCrU-7LA
  2. Another update Also wanted to add that she has confirmed this on her website as well at: http://www.petuniafarms.com/
  3. Saw this in a group on FB. Just wanted to give everyone an update. As of today the trademark was filed to be surrendered. Here is the link and look under Prosecution History. http://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=85708801&caseType=SERIAL_NO&searchType=statusSearch
  4. I signed last night. Saw where Bonnie of Good Earth Spa posted a video on YT about it.
  5. Thank you!! Yes I was concerned about that also. I had them shrink wrapped but I punch holes with a hole punch so people can smell smell the scent. Where the holes were was a bit of moisture but none anywhere else. No one commented on it. Except for that the soaps held up well.
  6. Thank you so much!! Glad you enjoy them. Yes the displays do fold up. They are made for soap but my candles fit on them also. I purchased them from a guy name Wudls on Etsy. They come unfinished so you can paint them if you wish or leave natural. So far they are very versital and help to bring my product closer to the customer.
  7. Thank you! The jars I use are apothecary jars. Our space was 10x10. It's one of the shows that we get a bigger space. Some other shows only give you 9x9. Not my favorite but they are good shows so I still do them.
  8. Thank you guys! That means a lot coming from some other talented soap and candle makers. I love the new displays too! My next one is about a month away and indoors but still hoping for good weather.
  9. So I just realized I haven't shared my latest craft show yet. This time it was in the middle of a rain storm. So fun! NOT! the good news is Sunday was an awesome day and made quite a bit of money to make up for Saturday. Yay! I did learn a few things for "next time" it rains this bad. Hopefully it won't. Also good luck to anyone that is having a show this weekend. I hope the weather is good for you. So enjoy the good and the craziness of this video. :-)
  10. So I'm doing a craft show this weekend and it's expected to rain on Sat. 80% chance. Ugh. This isn't my first show but I've been lucky to have dry weather for the ones I have done. It's an outside show and our second time at this one. We have a tent and all the necessary things one needs to have but what are some items I need for the day when rain is expected? Advice?
  11. Just a bit of advice. I'm no where a seasoned show seller but have done a few. I have a two sided pegboard spinner for my melts and it gives a nice professional feel to your booth. Im able to still engage my customers and most people take the melts right off and smell them. If I feel like they're hesitant I just let them know they are welcome to touch, open, and smell anything they'd like. HTH. Good luck!
  12. I've read that 1-2% of attendees will actually buy your product. So roughly 50-100 people could purchase candles from your booth. I would take plenty. Not only can you keep your booth looking full but you just never know if folks will be buying or not. I am wary of festivals with rides because most of the attendees are parents with kids and by the time they get to you they've spent their money on tickets for rides. This is just my experience. I'm wasn't trying to be a downer. I hope you sell lots. Good luck!!
  13. I recieved a postcard in the mail yesterday from a candle supplier I had never heard of before. They are called http://www.theflamingcandle.com/ Have any of you ever heard of them or used their products? They sell my wax and I am close by so I could pick it up and save on shipping. Question- if I use for example I use one brand of soy wax and another company carries that same wax, would I have to completely start all over with testing or no? PS- I understand that one must constantly test their product to keep it high quality. But in general isn't it the same wax because it's all purchased from a main wax distributer?
  14. Love your jars! May I ask where you got them?
  15. I thought it smelled like a fart. Love RE Coffee House!!
  16. Butternut Pumpkin from LS is amazing! I tried it out on a recommendation from Scented.
  17. I don't think she is actually making any of the things she sells- Especially her candles but I agree she should not be selling lies. I posted awhile back about what I could say to customers at shows when they asked me "what makes a soy candle better". I received many great responses and did try and use them on my later shows last season. I don't know if they worked because I felt like I turned some people off because it wasn't what they thought I was going to say. I've got to come up with a good selling point but still be truthful about my product. Hmm...
  18. Have you ever tried Butternut Pumpkin from LS? It's a great sweet pumpkin scent. Very minimal spice to it. Tested really strong in soy wax. Although I'm not sure that customers would respond to the name so I may change it. If you order from them get a sample next time.
  19. I hope you guys get to see this before YouTube possibly flags it. QVC had Valerie on selling her Xmas stuff(which I love!) but she sells soy wax candles as do I. She makes a statement telling the viewers all the pros of buying and burning soy wax candles. I took the video with my iPhone and wanted to see what you guys think. I actually know what most will say but again we have a public figure speading the myth of why soy is better. This is what I get asked all the time at my shows and I really have a difficult time giving good reasons that are truthful. Anyway here's the video I took.
  20. I'm about to order some molds and micas for my MP soap and wanted to know if there are any FO that I just need to get. I already have a few FO I just have to have. I'm not ordering for a few more days so please feel free to list your faves. Thanks guys!!! :-)
  21. Elements- Downpour is a great clean water scent but with a floral note. It sells well for me at shows.
  22. SoapAlooza is having a prebuy on several FO but I was looking the Rosemilk FO. Has anyone used this in soy tarts? Thanks!
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