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Everything posted by jackbenimble

  1. So do you think since I have a spicer ZB that I could add a Creme brûlée or sugar corn pudding to make it more of a creamy ZB?
  2. I'm testing testing Aztecs ZB. They sy it's the creamy kind. I can't tell. I use KY ZB and it smells similar to that. IMO.
  3. Hey BTA- glad to see you roaming around again! I've definitely have missed you :-) Here in the Atlanta area fruiter fall scents sell for me. Bakery is hit and miss. Hth!
  4. Yes SC Margarita is good! Anyone specifically using peaks key lime for a margarita scent? Thanks!
  5. I have this scent and it really smells like a margarita to me. I have sweetcakes margarita too and it is amazing but doesn't do that well in candles. I know other suppliers have margarita FO but I'm trying not to go all over the place to find certain ones. So anyone else smelled this FO and thought it could pass for a margarita? Thanks!!
  6. This FO dupe was just added to Natures Garden inventory. Just in case anyone is still looking for this scent.
  7. I just for this scent too!! I am never blown away by any scent but this was AAAMMMAAAZZZIINNGG!!!! I am definately going to be testing this scent!!!
  8. I just smelled Aztec's sweet winterberry and your right in that is does smell different. More berry for sure.
  9. Could I rename MW Winter Festival and call it Winterberry? It has a wonderful sweet berry top note to it. I also thought it might sell better with this name too. Always thinking ahead to next season I guess. Lol!
  10. That is true but I had a moment of weakness when I saw that that the LEaves dupe might work in 464. Maybe I just haven't given them a chance yet. Plus they are close to me so it would be a great supplier if they work in my wax.
  11. This is my order I made last night. I hope I picked some good ones. I manly pick ones that I can't find anywhere else or ones I'm still trying to find "the best" or something original and unusual. zucchinibread- I'm hopping this ZB is a creamy version. I have RE now and it may be a spicer version Vanilla Bean Noel (BBW Type)- Blood Orange and Goji Berries Cactus & Sea Salt Christmas Cheer Cheesecake Cherry Lemonade (Yankee Type) Coconut Butter Coconut Bay Cotton Candy Holiday Gingham Leaves (Slatkin/BBW Type) Sweet Potato & Brown Sugar Sweet Winterberry
  12. Thanks April! I just placed a small order.
  13. Thanks guys! Suzy- I like that counter top display from the link you sent. Really nice looking! Thanks
  14. I found this soap display and I think it could be used for candles too. I really would like to get several of these and paint them black for my shows this fall. You could even paint the sign part with the chalk board paint so you could write prices or whatever. What do,you guys think? Do you like it? I'm trying to bring my display a bit closer to the eye of my customers so this looks like something that could work plus it foldable as well. Love to hear your thoughts. Link is to a shop on etsy. http://www.etsy.com/listing/62382983/craft-show-display-soap-with-sign-board?ref=sr_gallery_6&ga_search_query=wooden+soap+display&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=US&ga_ref=auto3&ga_search_type=all&ga_facet=wooden+soap+display
  15. So weird I saw your post. I am going to just mix my own.
  16. HT in my bedroom was medium. This was a second day burn too. I'm wondering if it needs to cure more. I'm going to continue with the testing and see how it goes.
  17. Gosh this candle has been giving me headaches today. It's been going all day. Just trying to get it evened out. I may need bigger wicks but I'm afraid later on in the burn it would get too hot. Maybe back off the FO to 1/2oz. This photo is to a secret Pinterest board. What do you think? http://pinterest.com/pin/28217935137992274/
  18. I haven't yet. I'd rather use PayPal. Btw- she does have great service. I have no issues with that. I just wish I could order and go without having to give her a call and ask what her Paypal address is so I can send my payment. That's all.
  19. Does anyone having issues ordering from BW? When I go to confirm my order it never takes me to PayPal. So then the owner thinks I'm going to send her my payment I. The mail. I told her the last time on the phone but she seemed to not think it was an issue.
  20. Has anyone used this FO in 464 or 415 soy?
  21. This FO looks awesome! I want it so bad but not for $30 a LB
  22. Yes I am liking the MP very much. I'm just getting no HT. I am going to test burn it a couple more times before I try less FO. I just any let it go just yet. Lol!
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