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Everything posted by jackbenimble

  1. Not Ravensnest- I meant Pure fragrance.
  2. I have talked to someone from Raven's Nest before on the phone and he wouldn't even allow me to pick up at his home, which I kinda understand I guess. At one time they did have Merlin's forest on their catalog and I go to their booth/ shop at the GA Renn Fest every year. I guess now that this company has picked up MW FO this all is not really an issue. I would be interested in if anyone has tried their FO in soy. They seem to have good prices and a nice selection of oils too.
  3. I wish I was a Merlin's forest fan. I have about 8 ounce I think that I'll never use.
  4. Which ones were her own blends? Would anyone be will to make up a quick list?
  5. I just placed a medium order with her last night with a few scents that I use. Fortunately I didn't use too many scents from her that I couldn't replace. I wish I didn't have to because I do love her oils but it is what it is I guess. Depending on what FO were up for a coop would depend if I joined but hopefully there will be a few this year.
  6. Has anyone used coconut milk from CandleWic in soy?
  7. I use Avery online label maker. It's not the most elaborate program but it makes nice labels and they look pretty.
  8. **UPDATE** I just recently tested the chocolate chip brownies FO in tarts and in soy and it is super duper strong!! Unfortunately during the christmas holidays (2013) it was on clearance for $10lb and I got 2. Not sure if she stil has it but I'd get some of you can. Great mixer for other scents too!!
  9. So I am looking for a good AFBread and saw that these two suppliers have that scent. Any opinions of one vs the other?
  10. Pumpkin Honey Chai- made soy melt with this scent. It was med strong for me. It's an okay scent IMO. Pink Sugar- great in soap and candles!
  11. Thanks! I hadn't even thought of those.
  12. I have practically a whole lb of Fireplace FO from BCN and wonder if you have any ideas of some blends that would be good with it?
  13. Serendipity I so good strong coconut/cherry combo. I know it may not work for your purposes but just wanted to add my findings.
  14. This is an update/ continuation of my orginal posting. I have had several requests this past show season for a rosemary candle. So I have begun testing one in my 464 wax. I am using CS Rosemary FO. It's a bit sharp OOB but is better in wax. After a 2 week cure(I didn't get to it before now to test). It has a nice medium strong HT. I really wish that RE still carried their rosemary FO. It was really good. I still have a couple of oz but using it for soap instead. Is there any other company that has a really good Rosemary FO? The best option for me right now that I've found is CS. I don't want to use NG version if possible. I don't really buy much from them. WSP has one I think and I don't want to get from them either. Has anyone tried CS version? It's been out at least a year now. I know it had some bad reviews at first but now there are more decent reviews. How close to what you think Rosemary should smell like is it to your nose? Thanks for any feedback;-)
  15. Anyone happen to get the two new scents holiday festival and cookies for Santa?
  16. I've tested it in 100% soy. Cured for a month. This was a tart. Medium HT that lasted about 4hrs.
  17. I've used both holiday sparkle and winter woods. HS is a balsam scent with some citrus notes. So far a good seller for me. Winter woods- very crisp sharp FO. Not for everyone but it did give me a good HT. I'm only selling it only website this season. No craft shows. HTH
  18. I've gotten a very nice HT from a few oils I've tested from JS. Only one was super strong though.
  19. They were on the website last night and I got them. Yay!
  20. I just placed any order recently but was looking at some of the newer fragrances and was wondering if anyone has used them yet? If so say what medium you used but mainly looking for use in soy. I'll list some ones I found interesting below. Thanks! Cookie Cottage Pumpkin Honey Chai Winter Orange Spice Autumn Walk Cherry Fizz Green Apple Aruba Coconut Cannot think of any others that are recently new. Let me know about others if I left any out- which I probably did ;-)
  21. My personal opinion- I think you would see a big difference at doing juried shows only. Are there any shows that have a booth fee that is around $100? I'm not saying that the more expensive the booth fee the better you will do but what experience I have that's worked for me. Even my worst show that I don't do anymore I made 6x my booth fee. If you had to choose go with the outdoor show. You may get repeat business and you have done well there in the past. I HTH you. Good luck! Let's us know what happens :-)
  22. I'm so very sorry to hear about your recent show. That is what I have found in those types of shows is that the patrons usually spend their money on rides/games and not vendors. So I just did a show this past weekend at a private school. Big sized show I would say. Booth fee was $250 for the nice carpeted inside spot, which I payed for. We did very, very well and sales were up 30% from last year. This show is nothing but handmade crafts and they even charge a small admission fee and it's always packed.
  23. So far for me sales have been good. I've only done one show so far this fall and my candles out-sold my clams and had many returning customers from the last year repurchasing. My next show is this weekend so I'll update you after this next one. One thing I typically have experienced is that you have to go to shows where people have money. Also festivals that don't specifically focus on handmade crafts I tend to not do well at. JMO and it may just be in my area that is is the case. Hope sales get better for you! Good luck :-)
  24. I use soy and could not get a strong throw in candles at all. So sad too cause this is an amazing scent.
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