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Everything posted by iansmommaya

  1. Right now (and this may change in an hour) geranium is my favorite E.O.. I love it so!
  2. I use it like Talltayl suggests. I blend it with hmmm... ten other essential oils, orange, vanilla, a bunch of citrus, etc. and it is a super low rate in the blend, but it does add a really nice note, I also don't water discount (I've tried water discounting with that blend and it does heat more then others' do.) and I move fast.
  3. There is fresh root or dried root essential oils. Fresh, to me is greener, dried is earthier.
  4. I like in an exceptionally cold area most of the year with super high humidity.
  5. I wish you luck. The only time I tried rebatching... well, it's been sitting on a shelf for three years. I think it may be hard by now. I am sending it to my dad and a friend of his for helping with the GREAT TRUCK REANIMATION OF 2015. Someday.
  6. I should do it. But... There really isn't a reason I don't. Right now I make about 80-100 pounds of soap on soap making day. I think it would make soap making day easily and shorter. I realllllly should just do it. I wonder if a heating pad would heat up the oils like a bucket wrap does?
  7. I might be able to help. Described as "Dracula would fall in love with this fragrance oil by Natures Garden! Fresh citrus notes of lime and orange sparkle with effervescent highlights as they lead to a luscious blend of berry and cherry in this playful scent. Leafy green accents add intensity as a base of vanilla creates sweet tones for the fragrance." Yeah. I can't think of anything. I think of names first, then scent and color.
  8. I live in the opposite world of JC, I live in Minneapolis and I sell vegan soap. (I do make a couple of goatsmilk or honey soaps but they are well labeled.) The only people who would do tallow or lard soap are the paleo people. Also a large part of my business is the high class natural crowd. I do get asked about GMO's and such. The fat is mostly supplied by cargill (or a different cargill type company), I could with some great deal of effort, get organic and or small farmer fat. I am aware that not everything can be perfect and that I probably use GMO or cargill (as an example) products, but I do try not too. THIS IS NOT ABOUT WHAT ANYONE ELSE DOES, THIS IS ABOUT WHAT I WISH TO DO.
  9. That is gorgeous! I love the scent combo.
  10. With out glitter but I would do glittery ones if there was glitter already in or on the soap. I would do not glittery if the soap didn't have glitter in ya already, ya know? But they are all beautiful!
  11. Um. Working on a fuel system for a 1976 ford? I might MIGHT make a tincture but then I have to haul it up north again. I know! I can work on displays in my dads shop! YAY! I have a couple of bottles with me, so I know what sizes everything is. He has wood and every tool known to mankind. That is what I'll do that is soap related.
  12. It really does look fantastic. Your ideas about displays and such are similar to my fantasy FUTURE shop. For that (I shouldn't call it fantasy, I should call it FUTURE shop) on pinterest. Someday darlings, Someday.
  13. Welcome! I live in Minnesota, too!
  14. They are both beautiful! That green is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.
  15. God, I hope so. The carb. is giving us trouble. I think I got the title thing figured out and were getting the E brake lines today. And I can redo the wiring when I get home. *knock wood* Thank you for the wishes. I love this truck. Reallllly really really love. Really love.
  16. Trying to get home. I am 2300 miles from home working on a truck. I am hoping I can leave on Monday or Tuesday and be back next weekend. PLEASE GODDESS OF IRON AND FIRE.
  17. I like the filmore red lid. Maybe we should stop describing it as the cheap lid and start describing it as the economically advantages lid.
  18. You can grind the salt, do a small batch at a time or you may burn out your grinde, I have used a coffee grinder (clean it by grinder dry, raw, uncooked, rice in it before hand) and do hmmmmmm... half a lid at a time.
  19. I formulate my cocoanut oil spa bars much the same as others' have said. 100% coconut, high superfat, high salt. I love a good spa bar. Yummmy! 7 pawz, glad you found a formula that works!
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