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Everything posted by iansmommaya

  1. K. well. If it works I am making this tonight and if not tomorrow. I am still down although it'll be a Jan 3rd or Jan 4th challenge. lol
  2. I've ordered from them, not fragrance oils but other things, and everything went well.
  3. I saw that on instagram the other day. Fantastic inspiration!
  4. I like 1, 3, and 5. I think 3 would sell well in the west at tourists places (at least in "my" parts of Texas. I think the 5th one is classy and tasteful. <3
  5. I use the 2x4 inch most. I mean, I use a lot of them.
  6. I don't have much to add. You all have said it all.
  7. I didn't get the enfleurage thing doine either, JC. I amhaving trouble finding the right, or any, window with frame here.
  8. I am going to try for enfleurage, again, today. I have choice flowers here right now including primrose and cactus flowers, wild thyme and if I can find some figs flowers.
  9. Not so much with soap as with perfume and lotions. With soap it is more subtle then a fully scented batch.
  10. Basically flowers are gently placed in a layer of solid at room temp. fat is spread on a glass sheet (I have found coconut oil works well) then a layer of flowers like jasmine or roses are layered next, the oil absorbs the scent of the flowers over about a 24 hour period. It's been around since the bronze age. I am thinking I might do it today.
  11. I would do a toothepick trial, dip the ends of a toothepick in the E.O. (the way people describe to do it with a qtip) and then a different toothepick in other E.O.'s. One toothepick per part so if you are going to do a 1 part ylan with three parts lavender, do one toothepick ylang and three toothepicks lavender. This website has blend suggestions on it, https://www.mountainroseherbs.com/products/ylang-ylang-essential-oil/profile
  12. Scented you should get some jasmine. It is DEVINE.
  13. Those are loverly! What is there weight? Thanks for sharing.
  14. Sort of citrus and woods. It's also called may chnag
  15. The fir I got from a woman of uncommon scent but her website is down right now.
  16. Yes! See how you knew! However the truck is now at a mechanic. A 'real' mechanic and is getting done! So I am excited about that. I think after three weeks you deserve a day off. 3 weeks w/o one is a lonnnnnng time.
  17. There is a balsam E.O., I really like it mine is very foresty. I love fir esp. silver fir in a forest blend.
  18. I bet you know what I am going to say.
  19. Doooood. Is all of them an acceptable answer? Rose rose geranium black pepper eucalyptus tea tree copaiba all the lavenders Hmmmmm..... Like I said, all of them.
  20. See. Now I am reallllly thinking about doing the paid version. I really like the free version and the paid version must be great. Hmmmmmmm...
  21. I use the free version and really like it. I wonder what amazing things can be done with the paid version?
  22. Those are beautiful! They are polymer clay correct?
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