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Everything posted by iansmommaya

  1. I need some pretty basic essential oils, and I would love some not so basic. Is anyone doing a coop soon? Anyone know of one?
  2. Mine has a cord. I can't help. Don't they have tester of them as Target and such? What I really would like is one of those super crazy powerful ones (but then again, maybe not.)
  3. I believe they mean. 6 dollars for 5 sample bottles (so five fragrances, i ounce each) then if you want 6+ more fragrances they are 5 dollars each.
  4. Thanks everyone! Today was just grunt work. Remove clean, grey and black water pipes (that were emptied long ago, thank you universe.) remove wall, clean more, clean some more and finally do some move cleaning. I think a couple more days of todays kind of work and then the fun begins the shelving and decor. I am really hoping that my sons dad is still willing to help me with the shelf building. XOXO
  5. First one is pre cleaning, second one is post cleaning. I feel so good. ❤️
  6. Pics from today! I cleaned all day today and will be cleaning all day tomorrow, I guess it's a good thing I make soap.
  7. Believe me I don't think that ANYONE ANYWHERE on a soap/candle/etc. forum will get away from knowing I am in their town.
  8. I'm a big ol dork, believe me. But I'm good with that, lol.
  9. Thanks you all! I've seriously wanted some *thing* like this since I was 4 years old. I just had to be patient. <3
  10. I bought her last year but had to wait until I could get the time and money to go get her. After a 2500 mile drive she is home. And I am working away on turning her into a mobile apothecary and soap boutique.
  11. I highly HIGHLY dislike it when the organizer/operator/facilitator of a market allows solid MLM sales people (one or two who have misrepresented themselves frequently or sometimes get through.) Huh, that is so strange! No soap or candle people? How sad! 90* is a hard temp to be working in. I'm not doing any sales because I am working on MY NEW AIRSTREAM! and turning it into a mobile boutique!
  12. I've done the same thing. I figure tons of the men I know love glitter, so.... I love the gold one, and the pink one! OMG!
  13. I have a Tumblr account (blog) but it's mostly plants and herbalism and more stuff about plants with the occasional picture of soap. <3 http://mayamadeapothecary.tumblr.com/
  14. Can someone link to the explanation to this? I think I may want to sign up. <3
  15. They are both really loverly! Thank you for sharing.
  16. I have a hard time with DLS time changes, too. It felt like I just could not wake up all day. but I did get soaping done and that felt goooooooood.
  17. I made mine, too! 100% olive oil I made it on the fourth of January. I am so excited to try it out, next year. lol
  18. Those are loverly! Thanks for sharing.
  19. Rose. Rose essential oil. and um, my Dad's workshop.
  20. Thank you! Thanks for your time and expertise in the video making.
  21. The gift basket as a fundraiser thing. I haven't found that I've gotten repeat benefit from it but I give them too a dog rescue in my area and as an auction item for a friend with health issues or a similar situation. So I'm not giving them for business reasons anyway. brochures haven't brought me anything BUT postcards with my future shows or stores have been good. As have business cards. Sample soaps in a store just meant people came in, got the free sample and left. Now I hand them directly to someone who has purchased something and that does seem to bring repeat business, or atleast repeat soap buying.
  22. I like card number 3. The reasoning is that card number one is so much black ink I think it would get lost in a wallet or purse. Card number two I cannot recall what it looks like and I like card number three. So there ya go.
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