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Everything posted by iansmommaya

  1. I don't make candles I like the slightly off white ones, I think I perceive them as undyed although that may not actually be true. I do buy dyed ones, too. I guess I'm not really helping. lol.
  2. See that wayyyyyy up there that says new posts? Me either. I would make that button way bigger. I would also embolden the search function. I like @Sarah S suggestions.
  3. Would you mind sending me a link to your site? Thank you so much!
  4. Before the spring thing happens could I get a sniffie of a couple of them?
  5. OH LORT. I am so glad my brand can, did, continues to evolve. I can't even explain to you HOW BAD the first labels were. I am not kidding, they were pixelated. Y'all, they were so bad!
  6. Greetings! My family live in far west Texas, near the Big Bend National Park. I am in Minnesota.
  7. Candybee, that was/is my season, too. Several shows that I thought nothings coming of this I did really well. I *might* doa sale on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday depending on how I feel. I AM SO TIRED.
  8. They are over 18 so I feel that. Unless someone dropped a child in a basket on my porch...
  9. For me it isn't just saving the time invested in the six hours of the show it's self. It is time invested in prep, in my own advertising, in getting up early and getting there, in set up and break down time, in what I could have been doing instead. It is also the energy I put into prepping for a show, the products I make for that show, the wear and tear on my vehicle, my self, my assistant, the people my friends and customers who I ask to come, it is also the emotional burn out from doing a bad show, and how it is preceived by the general public if a show isn't successful. and everything else. For me, paying a lot of money for show does not mean it will be successful. I don't know anyone for whom that is true.
  10. Not always true. I've made good money at a show with 250 people. Why would we want to booth fees to be higher? That basement spot you got was.. Ugh. Not good. Could you not move upstairs and outside with the other vendors? It sucks you had a bad show.
  11. I do. I have used soy milk, cow milk, goat milk, yoghurt of all kinds (not fruit, plain.) It's all worked so far. Knock wood.
  12. Soap has to have (correct) weight on them. Mine are 4/20.00 and 7 ounces each or different a different kind of soap, same price 3 ounces each.
  13. Hi nice to meet you! Where I get supplies depends on what I need and how much. The by state listing above should me really helpful.
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