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Everything posted by iansmommaya

  1. A capentur friend made them for me, here is his shop https://www.custommade.com/by/johntasto/ I also have table/bed riser on the feet of the table and at first I thought you were talking about them. Thank you for the compliment!
  2. I thought of that after I put it down. Thank you so much though you are totally right. At today's FM I put the rug where I sit. to cover the backtop some, instead of where the customer is.
  3. This was at the Farmers Market this evening.
  4. I got a question once that actually was stupid. ONCE. It was why I don't make tinctures (a consumable herbal medicine) with isopropyl alcohol that I filtered to remove "the bad" stuff. Your questions will be *just fine*.
  5. You could smell the fragrance on my home on the sidewalk. I barely can.
  6. Indoor at a neighborhood art show, it covers a big area here and artists show in their homes or local businesses. I've changed several things, like I use table risers now and I have coordinating shelves for everything instead of vintage wine boxes and baskets and such. The blue bottles are hydrosols, body sprays. Thanks for asking.
  7. These are old and I've changed some, a lot, of stuff since they were taken. I'm changing things again. And I learned a Sunshine TON. for instance, the one with the red as the background? that space is 2.5 feet but the person next to me kept moving their stuff over so by the end I have ohhhhhhh 2 feet. I won't do a show like that again.
  8. I'll see if I can find photos of my set ups.
  9. I'm going to make brunch and then sit right down and gush and share. BRB.
  10. How much did he strain it? What color is it now? Is the wax light or dark? Is it cappings?
  11. Last two remind me of little match girl, that should say.
  12. This one. I like this first one the best. Second one is too pale? faded? I don't know. Not striking enough. Last one makes me think of little match girl (which BTW would be a great candle name!) but does not make me think of pink fairy dust.
  13. Yep, they are gorgeous! Yep, do all the writing in pink. UFF, really nice labels.
  14. With Amazonite and Rose Quartz.
  15. I was going to suggest Mountain Mint, too. Mountains of mint. Mountainous Mints/
  16. the west Texas desert, near the border is as dry as it gets. 0% humidity year round. No water, no rain yearly.
  17. YOU CAN MAKE SEALING WAX!? And thank you! Thank you so much!
  18. Sucks breath. That is gorgeous and I love the name!
  19. Nice colors! I always love a lavender and chamomile!
  20. I don't have a regular line. I have regular stores and customers. Like today, I'm making patchouli resin and orange EO spa bars with gold mica and orange mica. I'll hopefully sell those out in a couple of days. When I make more batches today they will have orange EO and say... black copal resin and black mica or peppermint and thyme with white mica and copal resin.
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