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Everything posted by iansmommaya

  1. I love these! I know Etsy (used to) be the be all and end all for smalls like us. But I don't think that true anymore, if it ever was. I think that each of us does our own thing and that is grand.
  2. OH Thank you! I changed it to darker for the winter and for spring I'll do a lighter background. Thank you so much for the suggestion, I'll try it out. <3
  3. I have no idea. I can link photos I like or websites I like the photos in, but I have no idea. I do know I NEEEEEEEEED to redo the photos on my website and I like the ones with the green trees in the background better then the ones with the stark white background... Here is my website https://www.mayamadesoap.com/shop A site with which I like the product photography. http://www.fawnlilybotanica.com/ Auntie Clara is a photographer so her photos of her products are gorgeous of course. https://auntieclaras.com/gallery/
  4. OH MY GAWD. My basement flooded once with uh, raw sewage. I swear I thought, well, I thought all kinds of things. This weekend I am flying down to get my mom from Texas!!!!! I fly down, and drive her and her little suitcase back up. YYYYYAYYYYY
  5. I was looking at the lights and stand, too. I take ALL my product photos outside because inside lighting sucks for me. Anyone have recommendations?
  6. ME! 100% this is what I do. I just ordered mine too. Thank you *so* much @TallTayl!
  7. Who am I to say another person is incorrect in the way her work operates? *Very nicely saying that I think that isn't how it really goes...
  8. Sugared Peaches sounds like a 1970's Super Group get laid song.
  9. I really want her to do cold process soap, or OH! Bath Bombs! Pinterest "recipes" Oh My Gawd!
  10. I am ten seconds in and not only is it hilarious but completely could be done with herbalism and or soapmaking!
  11. I'm making elderberry syrups, liquid soap, bar soap and bath bombs, I am so, amazingly far behind. I'll be working all weekend. I got a SAD light from a friend, I still have to pick it up but I'm really excited to try it. I also just got asked to teach classes on traditional Scottish herbalism and healing so I'll be thinking about that.
  12. This. 100% this. I mean I think the some governmental organization is the devil personified that doesn't mean they can't mess up my Sunshine completely if I break the laws, so I don't.
  13. Also, Trap, your friend can just F right off.
  14. It never occurred to me to pour wax down the drain.
  15. I have a terrible time with decisions like that, too! Your order sounds goooooooood.
  16. Woot! I use enamel trays to but my oils on.
  17. I changed up my business model recently, fine, I'm in the middle of changing things. Part of the reason that I am struggling with labels is that I have say 35 aromatherapy roll ons, I'm testing which ones work best and are most popular, lowering it to 15. So I can afford to buy labels at onlinelabels and get the oil proof IE more oil and water resistant then regular ones from Avery which I have been using for YEARS.
  18. Can you ask for money from the members to support the forum? I would kick down.
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