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Everything posted by ErronB

  1. The strongest HT I've had is from CBL-129, that stuff is a beast, but needs a repour and is in a hard slab like 4625.
  2. Do you know who's blend the parasoy is? is it the CJ one Flaming Candle and others use?
  3. I'm curious why you would go through all that extra cost of materials and bother instead of using a high melt point wax?
  4. Honestly it's a complete shot in the dark because it depends on all the other factors like how much fragrance you're using, what type of fragrance it is, if you're using dye, etc. But like bfroberts said, a CD8 is a good start, I'd guess it would be somewhere around there. 12-22 in a 8oz tin is way over the top. I won't comment on HTP because I haven't tested the 'new' variants yet.
  5. I would try CD / HTP, or maybe even LX. It's a very forgiving parasoy as far as wicking goes. I think I've only ever used Eco in 2 candles I've made out of god knows how many, doesn't work out for me.
  6. 464 is garbage these days I used it for years before it went to hell a few years ago, it's nothing to do with CandleScience that's all Golden Brands fault. I've had several cases of 6006 from them lately and they've all been fine, it doesn't wick like the older stuff where Eco worked pretty good and the glass adhesion is a bit iffy, but it still has very good hot throw and it's totally acceptable to use.
  7. I like the wick stickers, the Pro ones on a roll from Candle Science or I'll sometimes get them from The Flaming Candle. I always make sure I test a couple from each lot first though because a couple of times I've received some that won't stick worth a crap. I know they would probably stick better if I cleaned the surface in each container before sticking them down but I don't have the time for that. If I'm gonna pour a wax super hot like coconut or palm at 200f then I'll just use red RTV as that wick tab will never be going anywhere after being stuck down, but you gotta make sure your wicks are tightly clamped in the tabs first because if they pull out after you've stuck them down then you're SOL.
  8. Where do you even get helix wicks from? I've never seen them at any supplier I've used in USA.
  9. I can't tell you how many times I've heard things like that in the past, or how I'm overthinking everything and wasting time and money on supplies. My wife think I'm a few fries short of a Happy Meal, but in reality I'm retaining valuable information lol.
  10. This was me for over a year, every night, until I finally realized there was nothing that could be done consistently without trimming.
  11. It can get really depressing because there is never going to be an end to it. The consistency of both wicks and wax these days is so terrible that if you did find the unicorn combination for that specific candle then the chances are slim it would work with the next lot of wax you get. Then back to square one! I just do the best I can with whatever I've got at the time and don't obsess over it too much otherwise I'd never get anything done.
  12. Realistically, you should assume that nobody is going to trim the wick. Does that mean your candle that has to be trimmed is a bad candle? Not at all, if it can survive burns for hours without turning the container into volcanic temps and black smoking then there's nothing wrong with it. A lot of people stop right there and that's good enough for them, but if you're really OCD and shooting for a straight clean burn untrimmed and nothing else will do then there suddenly becomes a lot more gremlins thrown into the mix. Wicking down is a good first step, but there are many other things that come along with going down the untrimmed rabbit hole, and because everyone's opinion differs as to what the best end result is, there is no straight answer to just give you.
  13. Seems like it, I'm not surprised though because it is the 'hot thing' at the moment as far as luxury expensive waxes go and it's really hard to find, gotta chase that $$$.
  14. I was under the impression that CandleWic were just reselling the wax, but after the things I've heard about it lately it sounds like they really are making their own version of it these days. Did it come in 10lb slabs or the 5lb cakes?
  15. And that's the smart thing to do, melts are just warming the oils which is totally fine, but 'burning' them in a candle is not the same. You have to make sure that the oils you're using are okay to burn in a candle because some of them can be toxic. I wouldn't know where to tell you a good vendor is because I don't see the point in using them, fragrance oils for candles are so much better.
  16. I don't have any from CandleWic, mine is from Calwax. I've not noticed any differences apart from the usual from batch to batch. Slight wick size change, bit iffy with hot throw with some fragrances, still smooth tops. I'd try pouring hotter and see if it helps at all.
  17. ErronB


    It pours good, not hard to wick, hot throw is average. Needs a high fragrance load to wick with sensible sizes. Melt point isn’t that great for shipping. Very expensive. I liked the Ceda Serica better (coconut apricot). There are so many waxes out there and it’s a very personal preference, so it’s always worth trying new ones out yourself to see what you think.
  18. They are from The Wooden Wick co, the same every other supplier here get's them from now. They hold the patent for them here in USA so nobody else can sell their own. That's why all the good ones disappeared and we are stuck with their junk. It's easy to tell they are from the Wooden Wick Co because of the booster strip in the middle, I never saw anyone else do that.
  19. They're the same as any other fragrance oil supplier to me, lots of duds but sometimes you find some gold. I do think they're on the lower end of the quality scale, though. I don't get a massive hot throw from their oils unless it's a scent that is very potent (like some of the dupes).
  20. I had that problem with Problend one time, I told The Flaming Candle about it and sent pics and they refunded me. I'm not saying they'll do the same, but it's worth telling them because after dealing with them for years I've never had a problem unsolved with those guys, you never know, they're very helpful and act like they actually care. I'm assuming that's where you got it seeing as it's their brand
  21. ^^^This. I don't think I've ever wasted as much time on anything in my lifetime as I did with wooden wicks. Soy wax is definitely the easiest to use with wooden wicks, but they are never consistent so if you're looking to spend time perfecting it you're wasting your time. If you're making them just for something fun then they are definitely interesting to play with. I'd just go for the sampler pack they have so you can try them all out and see what you think.
  22. Essential oils are not a good idea for candles, you'll end up using a ton to 'maybe' get an acceptable hot throw which is very expensive and some of them are toxic when burned in a candle. Stick to fragrance oils intended for candles
  23. CandleScience were fast in refunding me for the amount of damaged ones after seeing pictures, and included the shipping cost so if I wanted to buy more I'd not be out of anything (very cool). Aztec were a little bit slow responding, but they sent me replacements which I thought was weird I thought they just gave you a credit instead. Not that that is a bad thing usually, but I know in the replacements I'm gonna have more defective ones and it will end up just going round in circles again. I'm hoping this 'Arkansas Glass' place is just a temporary solution for the shortage. I'd never seen jelly jars from this place until late last year.
  24. For a small jar, I just leave it in a small room and close the door for an hour or so then see if I can smell it when I walk back in. For a multi-wick candle I better be able to at least smell it in any size room, ideally from multiple rooms away (in a regular house, not a mansion, lol) If I want a really strong throw I just use a wax melt, i prefer the way the scents smell compared to a flame. Sometimes I like the smell of Target's candles, but whenever I burn them the hot throw is pathetic. But people still buy them all the time, baffles me.
  25. Just don't get too attached with the CBL waxes if you try them out, if they send you a messed up batch they won't help you... even if it's blatantly their fault. Seeing as they make the wax themselves it's not like a regular supplier where they are just the middle-man, they should take responsibility for it. Happened to me with a load of the 130, never again. I do still use the 129 for melts occasionally, that stuff has an absolutely killer hot throw, but it's all paraffin so it's not a huge surprise.
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