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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. Neat, I like the idea of making firestarters and melts/tarts. Are melts and tarts the same thing? I imagine you could get really creative with making those things. I have probably at least 200 test candles in containers that I want to do something with other than just melting down and throwing in the trash. I'd like to turn them into sellable items of some sort and recoup some of my expenses. I hate waste and I hate wasting money. โ™ป๏ธ ๐Ÿ’ฐ
  2. Hi @Daisymay66. When you said you got rid of some of your fragrance oils, did you throw them out or use them in candles and sell them? Just curious.
  3. There's just something so neat and satisfying about DIY crafts or projects utilizing recycled items. LOL. Love it, so fun.
  4. My question is, do you spread the salt out thin and flat or do you have it in a small, thick heap on the wax melter?
  5. I love baking soda and more baking soda. LOL. It's my go to for absorbing odor and moisture. Also, if you put a lot of strong smelling candles in the suitcase, the suitcase may absorb the odor of the candles. I filled a large plastic cooler with candles that had lids and now the cooler smells like the candles.
  6. Here's my thoughts on that. I have seen that before or read about that and to me it's a waste of time to say that. And it seems real weird to me. LOL. I seriously doubt, in most cases, that a customer will wait to burn their candle. You're giving them something to complain about, either because they have to wait or because they burned it right away and the scent throw is actually or perceived to be weak.
  7. Hi @JoanneK and welcome. I like beeswax candles but I have never made any. I have used a little beeswax as a mixer before. There's a lot of good information here and a lot of friendly people.
  8. Sorry I can't help. I'm not familiar with any of those scents.
  9. Yep, you pretty much nailed it. I'm kinda thinking about giving up on making candles, life's too short. Waxes have been so unpredictable and I'm getting so tired of testing, I'm having night sweats and nightmares. LOL. To make things worse, I thought it was all just me, alone in the twilight zone. I didn't realize, until just recently, that the candle wax industry was having issues and messing with the waxes until I heard you all talking about it on here. Obviously, I've not been hanging with the right crowd until now. LOL
  10. Hi ShelleyF. I noticed you're in TN. I'm from a small town outside of Knoxville, not too far from the Smokey Mountains. I love itย there in the spring and fall.ย ๐Ÿย ๐Ÿ‚ย ๐ŸŒปย ๐Ÿƒ Just wanted to say "hi".ย :hello:

    1. ShelleyF


      Hi Laura. I'm an hour from Nashville. I am from New Orleans and miss the food lol but it is so much quieter here.

  11. Good luck to everyone doing the craft shows/farmers markets, hope each one of you have record sells. ๐Ÿ‚ ๐ŸŽช ๐Ÿ’ฐ ๐Ÿ I can't wait till I have a sellable product and can start selling online and at craft shows/farmers markets.
  12. Oh, geez, that doesn't sound right. I've never had my eyes burn. Maybe you're having allergic reactions to something or there's also some other fumes in your house. I'd look into that in a hurry if I was you and stop burning candles until you figure it out.
  13. Here's some more information Heinz Jansen Technical Braidings Candle Wicks Formerly known as CD and CDN wicks respectively, the Stabilo and Stabilo KST wicks are coreless, non-directional, flat braided wicks with a special paper filament woven around them. http://wicksunlimited.com/wicks/heinz-candle-wicks/
  14. FYI Here's the other post regarding these wicks.
  15. Yes, LOL, at first glance I see what you mean. @TallTayl is right. They should have worded it something like Minimum order amount is $19.04 or > in order to qualify for free local pick up. Wonder why the .04 cents???
  16. I think it was late 2015 when I started playing around with candle waxes and container candles, particularly soy. It was actually my husband that got me going with the hobby. He said since I love candles so much, and buy them all the time, I should make my own. He started buying supplies for me and I was hooked. ๐ŸŽฃ
  17. Stuff, stuff and more stuff. Don't cha just love Stuff! LOL. I couldn't resist this @Scented.
  18. Great, thanks so much for the info. Those banners look very nice.
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