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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. Wow, flipping wet candles over, i'm impressed. That scares the crap out of me. I'm sure it does take some practice, I'll leave that to the pros. LOL 😕
  2. Hi @Trappeur, I know, right? Another reason I stopped using it. It was a beautiful wax. I live in South Florida and shipping from CA is crazy on heavy things like wax and glassware. Currently, I'm a hobby candle maker but would like to create a candle empire one day. LOL 💰. I really admire all of you that are selling your creations and involved in the small business world. It seems fun and exciting and I want to be there one day too.
  3. Exactly. It's none of their business to know your business.
  4. Ok, good, I can breath easier about the little rabbits now, LOL. Yes, the pan test should be fun and very interesting. I'm a closet nerd/geek. 😀
  5. You are correct, an actual 100%, all natural Coconut wax candle is not a good thing, IMO. I have tired it in the past and the candles were way too soft unless they have to cure for a very long time. You really need to add additives, hardeners or other waxes to it to make it worth anything. I use to buy the pure coconut wax from Swans Candles in WA and they suggest adding a hardener too. http://www.swanscandles.com/store/All-Natural-Coconut-Container-Wax.htm
  6. All this stuff is good to know, thanks @pughaus. And I'm glad to know that the soot/black smoke issue with the coconut waxes isn't just me. I thought I was maybe making a big deal out of nothing.
  7. Oh great, I should love it then because I love citrus scents.
  8. Yes, thanks, I certainly do need to do a pan test. I've been meaning to but just got lazy. Now that I have some different waxes coming in it will be a good time. Need to get me some pans. Oh dear, don't like the rabbit testing. Were rabbits killed or just poked? I'm surprised they fessed up to testing on animals. That's really unfortunate for the rabbits and for you since you are giving the wax such a high review.
  9. LOL, oh my gosh, I can't stop laughing! I must be tired and need to go to bed. I keep seeing the words Really BIG Glassware! Gigantic! and I picture those big obnoxious things and imagine people looking at them with excitement & utter amazement! LMAO!.... 😂
  10. LMAO! I can picture it. And @scrubzz, I love your cute monkey pic. I love monkeys & dogs. 😝
  11. Yes, I ❤️ the Dollar Tree, I buy a lot of test jars there. They can have some really nice ones at times.
  12. @Quentin, those sound so fun & ridiculous. That's a neat idea to use them as attention getters. Go for it! 😜
  13. I agree. Plus on the other side of the matter, the rough tops just proves that your candle does have soy in it or at least a considerable amount. I think it's a good thing, it sets it apart. But nothing wrong with the smooth, satiny tops either.
  14. I'm beginning to think that one pour or single pour waxes are just wishful thinking, but could just be me. Maybe someone with lots of experience will add something. The few waxes I have used, I have always gotten some type of dip in the center of my candles, usually not bad. Seems like no matter what I do or temps I use. I hear ya, would be nice to eliminate those extra steps.
  15. Hi @Quentin. Darn, I know I have seen them before and I thought I bookmarked them but I didn't. I even did a few searches and this is all I found. https://www.candlemakingsupplies.net/glass-container-jars---lids/pvc-metal-lids-for-glass-candles/cate_105/p___P0906069.html https://www.lonestarcandlesupply.com/plastic-cover-large-square.html https://aaacandlesupply.com/collections/containers/products/large-cube-metal-lid
  16. Oh yeah, I forgot to ask the guy at General Wax about the MSDS for the Ultra Wax. Oh well. No, I didn't see in depth info about the wax on their site either. I don't have any concern or problem with paraffin, I'll use it if needed. From a marketing perspective, I'd like to be able to offer something more unusual like a coconut wax blend of some sort. Thanks, yes, after the wax arrives I'll make more candles with Ultra and some hardeners. I'm excited. 😊
  17. Hi @Jenni Wix. I did call them earlier today and here's the scoop. I asked what all is in it besides the Coconut and Soy waxes but was told it is a proprietary mix and they don't give that out. I'm real curious to see if you get a different answer. I told him my issue and he said to harden them up try the Vybar 260 or the Micro Wax. He didn't say which Micro wax and when I looked on their site I saw 2 different ones. At least I know what direction to go in. Yes, if I remember correctly, the few candles I have made so far have burned nicely but I need to go back and revisit my notes. Those candles were made in Dec. 2017 and the candle tops are still soft and spongy so obviously a long cure time is not the answer to the soft candle issue. LOL. I'm waiting for my new batch of wax to arrive and then I'll be testing again. Can give more details then. I also tested their Ultra Wicks made for that wax but I didn't care for them at all. I may give them another shot just to be sure. Have you used the Ultra wax or just thinking about it?
  18. Hi @JeremyM. Just wanted to add to @TallTayl advice. I have used small amounts of Universal Soy Wax Additive in my coconut soy blend candles and it worked great. You only need to use small amounts like no more than 2% or something like that if I remember correctly. If you use too much then you run into wicking problems. It increases candle hardness and improves scent throw. I buy mine at The Candle Makers Store https://thecandlemakersstore.com/candle-making/candle-making-additives/universal-soy-wax-additive.html. There is also an additive called a Hardener https://thecandlemakersstore.com/candle-making/candle-making-additives/c-15-hardener-1-pound-bag.html but I don't have experience with that and it does say it's for paraffin but it may work with soy. Good luck.
  19. Hi @Crafty1_AJ. Just checked out your Etsy shop, looks very nice. Congrats!
  20. Good idea, I was just going to mention putting stock in coolers with some cold packs or something. Cool, nice to hear from someone that has experience with this, thanks for sharing.
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